[>] == app-admin/ansible ((~)2.9.1^t -> (~)2.9.2^t) [1]: Model-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework
[>] == app-admin/diamond (4.0.515 -> (~)4.0.515.20170311^t) [1]: Python daemon that collects and publishes system metrics
[U] == app-admin/eselect (1.4.15@11/13/2019; 1.4.15 -> (~)1.4.16): Gentoo’s multi-purpose configuration and management tool
[>] == app-admin/github-backup-utils ((~)2.18.0 -> (~)2.19.1^t) [1]: Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise
[>] == app-admin/helm ((~)3.0.0^t -> (~)3.0.1^st) [1]: Kubernetes Package Manager
[>] == app-admin/kube-bench ((~)0.1.0^t -> (~)0.2.2^t) [1]: Kubernetes Bench for Security runs the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark
[>] == app-admin/mcelog ((~)166^t -> (~)167^t): A tool to log and decode Machine Check Exceptions
[>] == app-admin/mongo-tools ((~)4.2.1 -> (~)4.2.2) [1]: A high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database
[>] == app-admin/prelude-manager ((~)4.1.1 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: Bus communication for all Prelude modules
[>] == app-admin/spectre-meltdown-checker ((~)0.42 -> 0.43) [1]: Spectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux
[>] == app-admin/sysklogd ((~)2.0.1^t -> (~)2.0.3^t) [1]: Standard log daemons
[U] == app-admin/syslog-ng (3.24.1@12/05/2019; (~)3.24.1^t -> (~)3.25.1^t): syslog replacement with advanced filtering features
[>] == app-admin/sysstat ((~)12.2.0-r1 -> (~)12.3.1) [1]: System performance tools for Linux
[>] == app-admin/terraform ((~)0.12.16^t -> (~)0.12.17^t) [1]: A tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely
[>] == app-arch/bloscpack ((~)0.11.0 -> (~)0.16.0^t) [1]: Command line interface for Blosc compression
[>] == app-arch/file-roller ((~)3.32.2-r1 -> (~)3.32.3) [1]: Archive manager for GNOME
[>] == app-arch/gnome-autoar (0.2.3 -> (~)0.2.4) [1]: Automatic archives creating and extracting library
[>] == app-arch/ncompress ( -> (~) [1]: Classic compress & uncompress programs for .Z (LZW) files
[>] == app-arch/rar (5.7.1_p20190427^md -> 5.8.0_p20191205^md) [1]: RAR compressor/uncompressor
[>] == app-arch/unrar ((~)5.8.4(0/5) -> 5.8.5(0/5)) [1]: Uncompress rar files
[>] == app-backup/backup-manager (0.7.14 -> (~)0.7.14-r1) [1]: Backup Manager is a command line backup tool for GNU/Linux
[>] == app-backup/snapper ((~)0.8.4 -> (~)0.8.5) [1]: Command-line program for btrfs and lvm snapshot management
[>] == app-benchmarks/geekbench (2.4.3(2)^md 3.4.2(3)^md 4.4.1(4)^md (~)5.0.3(5)^md -> 2.4.3(2)^md 3.4.2(3)^md 4.4.1(4)^md (~)5.1.0(5)^md) [1]: A Cross-Platform Benchmark for Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS and Windows
[>] == app-benchmarks/ioping ((~)1.0 -> (~)1.1) [1]: Simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool
[>] == app-benchmarks/stress-ng ((~)0.10.07 -> (~)0.10.14) [1]: Stress test for a computer system with various selectable ways
[U] == app-crypt/acme (0.40.1@11/13/2019; (~)0.40.1^t -> (~)1.0.0^t) [1]: An implementation of the ACME protocol
[U] == app-crypt/certbot (0.40.1@11/13/2019; (~)0.40.1^t -> (~)1.0.0-r1^t) [1]: Let’s encrypt client to automate deployment of X.509 certificates
[>] == app-crypt/certbot-apache ((~)0.40.1^t -> (~)1.0.0^t) [1]: Apache plugin for certbot (Let’s Encrypt Client)
[>] == app-crypt/certbot-nginx ((~)0.40.1 -> (~)1.0.0) [1]: Nginx plugin for certbot (Let’s Encrypt Client)
[U] == app-crypt/gnupg (2.2.17[1]@08/22/2019; 2.2.17 -> (~)2.2.19): The GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL OpenPGP implementation
[>] == app-crypt/mit-krb5 (1.17-r1^t -> (~)1.17.1^t) [1]: MIT Kerberos V
[>] == app-crypt/nitrocli (0.2.4^t -> (~)0.3.0^t) [1]: A command line application for interacting with Nitrokey devices
[U] == app-crypt/rhash (1.3.8@08/22/2019; (~)1.3.8 -> (~)1.3.9) [1]: Console utility and library for computing and verifying file hash sums
[>] == app-crypt/signing-party ((~)2.10 -> (~)2.10-r1) [1]: A collection of several tools related to OpenPGP
[>] == app-crypt/tpm2-abrmd ((~)2.1.1 -> (~)2.1.1-r1^t) [1]: TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager
[>] == app-crypt/tpm2-tss ((~)2.2.3(0/0) -> (~)2.2.3-r1(0/0)^t) [1]: TCG Trusted Platform Module 2.0 Software Stack
[>] == app-crypt/trousers (0.3.14-r1 -> (~)0.3.14-r2) [1]: An open-source TCG Software Stack (TSS) v1.1 implementation
[>] == app-crypt/veracrypt ((~)1.24_p1^md -> (~)1.24_p2^md) [1]: Disk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt
[>] == app-doc/doxygen ((~)1.8.16^t -> 1.8.16-r1^t): Documentation system for most programming languages
[>] == app-doc/eclass-manpages (20190908 -> 20191222) [1]: Collection of Gentoo eclass manpages
[>] == app-doc/gimp-help (2.8.2(2) -> (~)2.10.0(2)) [1]: GNU Image Manipulation Program help files
[>] == app-doc/kicad-doc ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools manuals
[>] == app-editors/beaver ((~)0.4.1 -> (~)0.4.1-r1) [1]: Beaver is an Early AdVanced EditoR
[>] == app-editors/elvis ((~)2.2.0-r7 -> (~)2.2.0-r8) [1]: A vi/ex clone
[>] == app-editors/gedit ((~)3.32.2 -> (~)3.32.2-r1) [1]: A text editor for the GNOME desktop
[>] == app-editors/gedit-plugins ((~)3.32.2 -> (~)3.32.2-r1) [1]: Official plugins for gedit
[>] == app-editors/gummi ((~)0.8.0_rc2 -> (~)0.8.0) [1]: Simple LaTeX editor for GTK+ users
[>] == app-editors/gvim ((~)8.1.1846^t -> (~)8.2.0055^t) [1]: GUI version of the Vim text editor
[U] == app-editors/nano (4.5@11/13/2019; (~)4.5 -> (~)4.7): GNU GPL’d Pico clone with more functionality
[>] == app-editors/neovim ((~)0.4.2 -> 0.4.3) [1]: Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility.
[>] == app-editors/vim ((~)8.1.1846 -> (~)8.2.0055) [1]: Vim, an improved vi-style text editor
[>] == app-editors/vim-core ((~)8.1.1846 -> (~)8.2.0055) [1]: vim and gvim shared files
[>] == app-emacs/auctex (12.1-r1 -> (~)12.2) [1]: Extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in Emacs
[>] == app-emacs/csv-mode (1.9 -> (~)1.10) [1]: A major mode for editing comma-separated value files
[>] == app-emacs/ebuild-mode (1.47 -> (~)1.49) [1]: Emacs modes for editing ebuilds and other Gentoo specific files
[>] == app-emacs/emms ((~)5.2 -> (~)5.3) [1]: The Emacs Multimedia System
[>] == app-emacs/eselect-mode (1.4.15 -> (~)1.4.16) [1]: Emacs major mode for editing eselect files
[>] == app-emacs/helm ((~)3.2 -> (~)3.6.0) [1]: Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
[>] == app-emacs/htmlize (1.54 -> (~)1.55) [1]: HTML-ize font-lock buffers in Emacs
[>] == app-emacs/nxml-gentoo-schemas ((~)20180611 -> (~)20191227) [1]: Extension for nxml-mode with Gentoo-specific schemas
[>] == app-emacs/org-mode (9.2.6^t -> (~)9.3^t) [1]: An Emacs mode for notes and project planning
[>] == app-emacs/php-mode (1.19.1 -> (~)1.22.1) [1]: GNU Emacs major mode for editing PHP code
[>] == app-emacs/ruby-mode ((~)2.6.3 -> (~)2.7.0) [1]: Emacs major mode for editing Ruby code
[>] == app-emacs/rust-mode ((~)0.3.0_p20190125 -> (~)0.4.0) [1]: A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code
[>] == app-emacs/scim-bridge-el ((~)0.8.2 -> (~)0.8.2-r1) [1]: a SCIM-Bridge client for Emacs
[>] == app-emacs/treepy (0.1.1 -> (~)0.1.1-r1) [1]: Generic tree traversing tools for Emacs Lisp
[>] == app-emacs/websocket ((~)1.10 -> (~)1.12) [1]: A websocket implementation in elisp
[>] == app-emulation/bochs ((~)2.6.9 -> (~)2.6.10) [1]: LGPL-ed pc emulator
[>] == app-emulation/buildah ((~)1.11.5-r1^t -> (~)1.12.0^t) [1]: A tool that facilitates building OCI images
[>] == app-emulation/containers-storage ((~)1.15.0^t -> (~)1.15.2^t) [1]: containers/storage library
[>] == app-emulation/diskimage-builder ((~)2.29.1 -> 2.32.0) [1]: Golden Disk Image builder.
[>] == app-emulation/docker-compose ((~)1.25.0^t -> (~)1.25.0-r1^t) [1]: Multi-container orchestration for Docker
[>] == app-emulation/dynamips ((~)0.2.18 -> (~)0.2.21) [1]: Cisco 7200/3600 Simulator
[>] == app-emulation/firecracker ((~)0.18.0^t -> (~)0.19.1^t) [1]: Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing
[>] == app-emulation/free42 ((~)2.5.11 -> (~)2.5.12) [1]: An HP-42S Calculator Simulator
[>] == app-emulation/genymotion-bin ((~)3.0.2^fd -> (~)3.0.3^fd) [1]: Complete set of tools that provide a virtual environment for Android
[>] == app-emulation/img ((~)0.5.7^t -> (~)0.5.7-r1^s) [1]: Standalone daemon-less unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI container image builder
[>] == app-emulation/libco (19 -> 20): libco is a cross-platform, permissively licensed implementation of cooperative-multithreading
[>] == app-emulation/libpod ((~)1.6.3-r2^t -> (~)1.6.4^t) [1]: Library and podman tool for running OCI-based containers in Pods
[>] == app-emulation/nemu ((~)2.2.0 -> (~)2.2.1) [1]: ncurses interface for QEMU
[>] == app-emulation/open-vm-tools ((~)10.3.10 -> (~)11.0.1-r1) [1]: Opensourced tools for VMware guests
[>] == app-emulation/qemu ((~)4.1.0 -> (~)4.2.0^t) [1]: QEMU + Kernel-based Virtual Machine userland tools
[>] == app-emulation/slirp4netns ((~)0.4.1^t -> (~)0.4.2^t) [1]: User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces
[>] == app-emulation/virt-what ((~)1.19 -> (~)1.20) [1]: Detects if the current machine is running in a virtual machine
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox ((~)6.0.14 -> (~)6.1.0) [1]: Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise and home use
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-additions ((~)6.0.14^m -> (~)6.1.0^m) [1]: CD image containing guest additions for VirtualBox
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-bin ((~)^md -> (~)^md) [1]: Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise and home use
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle ((~)^msd -> (~)^msd) [1]: PUEL extensions for VirtualBox
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions ((~)6.0.14 -> (~)6.1.0) [1]: VirtualBox kernel modules and user-space tools for Gentoo guests
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-modules ((~)6.0.14 -> (~)6.1.0) [1]: Kernel Modules for Virtualbox
[><] == app-emulation/wine-staging ((~)4.17(4.17)^t (~)4.18(4.18)^t (~)4.19(4.19)^t (~)4.20(4.20)^t -> (~)4.18(4.18)^t (~)4.19(4.19)^t (~)4.20(4.20)^t (~)4.21(4.21)^t) [1]: Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Wine-Staging patchset
[><] == app-emulation/wine-vanilla (4.0(4.0)^t 4.0.1(4.0.1)^t 4.0.2(4.0.2)^t (~)4.0.3(4.0.3)^t (~)4.17(4.17)^t (~)4.18(4.18)^t (~)4.19(4.19)^t (~)4.20(4.20)^t -> 4.0(4.0)^t 4.0.1(4.0.1)^t 4.0.2(4.0.2)^t (~)4.0.3(4.0.3)^t (~)4.18(4.18)^t (~)4.19(4.19)^t (~)4.20(4.20)^t (~)4.21(4.21)^t) [1]: Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, without external patchsets
[>] == app-emulation/xen ((~)4.12.1-r2^st -> (~)4.12.1-r4^st) [1]: The Xen virtual machine monitor
[>] == app-forensics/honggfuzz ((~)1.9 -> (~)2.0) [1]: A general purpose fuzzer with feedback support
[>] == app-forensics/magicrescue (1.1.9 -> 1.1.10) [1]: Find deleted files in block devices
[>] == app-forensics/radamsa ((~)0.5-r1^t -> (~)0.6^t) [1]: A general purpose fuzzer
[>] == app-i18n/librime ((~)1.5.3(0/1)^t -> 1.5.3-r1(0/1)^t) [1]: RIME (Rime Input Method Engine) core library
[>] == app-i18n/man-pages-de (2.12 -> (~)2.12-r1) [1]: A somewhat comprehensive collection of Linux german man page translations
[>] == app-i18n/man-pages-pl (0.7 -> (~)0.7-r1) [1]: A collection of Polish translations of Linux manual pages
[>] == app-i18n/skk-jisyo (201805 -> (~)201905) [1]: Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
[>] == app-metrics/mongodb_exporter ((~)0.6.2^s -> (~)0.6.2-r1^s) [1]: Prometheus exporter for MongoDB
[>] == app-misc/cargo-license ((~)0.2.0 -> (~)0.3.0) [1]: Cargo subcommand to see license of dependencies
[>] == app-misc/cstream (3.1.1 -> 3.1.1-r1) [1]: general-purpose stream-handling tool like UNIX dd
[>] == app-misc/datovka ((~)4.13.1 -> (~)4.14.1) [1]: GUI to access the Czech data box e-government system
[>] == app-misc/gcalcli ((~)4.0.0_alpha3-r1 -> (~)4.2.0) [1]: Google Calendar Command Line Interface
[>] == app-misc/golly (3.2 -> (~)3.3) [1]: simulator for Conway’s Game of Life and other cellular automata
[>] == app-misc/mosquitto (1.6.7 -> (~)1.6.8^t) [1]: An Open Source MQTT v3 Broker
[>] == app-misc/nnn ((~)2.7 -> (~)2.8.1) [1]: The missing terminal file browser for X
[>] == app-misc/prog-express ((~)3.8.3 -> (~)3.8.5) [1]: A modern and intuitive control software for the Batronix USB programming devices
[>] == app-misc/qlcplus ((~)4.11.1 -> (~)4.12.2^t) [1]: A software to control DMX or analog lighting systems
[>] == app-misc/rbutil ((~)1.4.0 -> (~)1.4.1) [1]: Rockbox open source firmware manager for music players
[>] == app-misc/rioutil (1.5.0-r2 -> (~)1.5.4) [1]: A utility for accessing various Rio media players
[>] == app-misc/rpick ((~)0.4.0 -> (~)0.5.0) [1]: Helps you pick items from a list by various algorithms
[>] == app-misc/skim ((~)0.6.8 -> (~)0.6.9) [1]: Command-line fuzzy finder
[>] == app-misc/solaar ((~)1.0.1 -> (~)1.0.1-r1) [1]: A Linux device manager for Logitech’s Unifying Receiver peripherals
[>] == app-misc/tmate ((~)2.3.1 -> (~)2.4.0) [1]: Instant terminal sharing
[U] == app-misc/tmux (3.0@12/04/2019; (~)3.0 -> (~)3.0a): Terminal multiplexer
[>] == app-misc/tmux-xpanes ((~)4.1.0^t -> 4.1.1^t) [1]: tmux-based terminal divider
[>] == app-misc/tmuxp ((~)1.5.3^t -> (~)1.5.4^t) [1]: tmux session manager. built on libtmux
[>] == app-misc/yq ((~)2.9.2^t -> (~)2.9.2-r1^t) [1]: Command-line YAML processor – jq wrapper for YAML documents
[>] == app-office/calligraplan ((~)3.2.0(5)^t -> (~)3.2.2(5)^t) [1]: Project management application
[>] == app-office/impressive ((~)0.12.0 -> (~)0.13.0_beta1) [1]: Stylish way of giving presentations with Python
[>] == app-office/libreoffice ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: A full office productivity suite
[>] == app-office/libreoffice-bin (^st -> (~)^st) [1]: A full office productivity suite. Binary package
[<] == app-office/libreoffice-l10n ((~)^s -> (~)^s) [1]: Translations for the Libreoffice suite
[>] == app-office/skrooge (2.20.0(5)^t -> (~)2.21.1(5)^t) [1]: Personal finances manager, aiming at being simple and intuitive
[>] == app-pda/jpilot (1.8.2 -> 1.8.2-r1) [1]: Desktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot
[>] == app-portage/elogv (0.7.8-r1 -> (~)0.7.8-r2) [1]: Curses based utility to parse the contents of elogs created by Portage
[U] == app-portage/portage-utils (0.81@11/14/2019; (~)0.81 -> (~)0.83): Small and fast Portage helper tools written in C
[>] == app-portage/repoman ((~)2.3.19 -> (~)2.3.20): Repoman is a Quality Assurance tool for Gentoo ebuilds
[>] == app-shells/bash-completion (2.9-r1^t -> (~)2.10^t) [1]: Programmable Completion for bash
[>] == app-shells/mcfly ((~)0.3.4 -> (~)0.3.6) [1]: Context-aware bash history search replacement (crtl-r)
[>] == app-shells/mksh ((~)57-r1 -> (~)57-r2^t) [1]: MirBSD Korn Shell
[>] == app-shells/zsh ((~)5.7.1 -> (~)5.7.1-r1): UNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell
[>] == app-text/calibre ((~)4.4.0 -> (~)4.7.0) [1]: Ebook management application
[>] == app-text/catdoc (0.95 -> (~)0.95-r1) [1]: Converter for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and RTF files to text
[>] == app-text/cpdf ((~)2.3^md -> (~)2.3.1^md) [1]: A command line tool for manipulating PDF files
[>] == app-text/gnome-doc-utils (0.20.10-r1 -> (~)0.20.10-r2) [1]: A collection of documentation utilities for the Gnome project
[>] == app-text/llpp (30^s -> (~)30_p20190316^s) [1]: Graphical PDF viewer which aims to superficially resemble less(1)
[>] == app-text/pdf2djvu ((~)0.9.12 -> (~)0.9.15^t) [1]: A tool to create DjVu files from PDF files
[>] == app-text/pdftk (3.0.0 -> (~)3.0.8) [1]: gcj-free version of pdftk written in Java
[>] == app-text/poppler ((~)0.82.0(0/92)^t -> (~)0.84.0(0/94)^t) [1]: PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base
[>] == app-text/qpdfview ((~)0.4.18_pre4 -> (~)0.4.18) [1]: A tabbed document viewer
[>] == app-text/sigil ((~)0.9.18 -> (~)1.0.0) [1]: Multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor for ePub format
[>] == app-text/simple-fb2-reader ((~)1.1.2 -> (~)1.1.3) [1]: A simple gtk3 reader for fb2 ebooks
[>] == app-text/texlive-core (2019-r4 -> (~)2019-r5) [1]: A complete TeX distribution
[>] == app-text/txt2tags (2.6-r1 -> (~)3.3) [1]: Generate marked up documents (HTML, etc.)from a plain text file with markup
[>] == app-text/u2ps ((~)0.8.4 -> (~)1.1) [1]: A text to PostScript converter like a2ps, but supports UTF-8
[>] == app-text/xapian-omega ((~)1.4.13 -> (~)1.4.14) [1]: An application built on Xapian, consisting of indexers and a CGI search frontend
[>] == app-text/yodl ((~)4.02.01 -> (~)4.02.02) [1]: Your Own Document Language: a pre-document language and tools to process it
[>] == app-vim/airline ((~)0.10 -> (~)0.11) [1]: vim plugin: lean & mean statusline for vim that’s light as air
[>] == app-vim/splice (1.1.0 -> (~)1.1.0-r1) [1]: vim plugin: resolve conflicts during three-way merges
[>] == app-vim/vimtex ((~)20180324 -> (~)20180324-r1) [1]: vim plugin: a modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files
[<] == app-vim/youcompleteme ((~)20130910 -> *20180820l *99999999-r4l) [1]: vim plugin: a code-completion engine for Vim
[>] == app-xemacs/ebuild-mode (1.47 -> (~)1.49) [1]: Emacs modes for editing ebuilds and other Gentoo specific files
[>] == dev-cpp/cpp-hocon (0.1.4-r1 -> (~)0.2.1(0/0.2.1)) [1]: Provides C++ support for the HOCON configuration file format
[>] == dev-db/barman ((~)2.4 -> (~)2.10) [1]: Administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers
[>] == dev-db/mariadb-connector-c ((~)3.1.5(0/3)^t -> (~)3.1.6(0/3)^t) [1]: C client library for MariaDB/MySQL
[>] == dev-db/mongodb ((~)4.2.1 -> (~)4.2.2^t) [1]: A high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database
[>] == dev-db/pgadmin4 ((~)4.15^t -> (~)4.16^t) [1]: GUI administration and development platform for PostgreSQL
[>] == dev-db/pgcli ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.2.0^t) [1]: CLI for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
[><] == dev-db/phpmyadmin (4.9.1(4.9.1) -> 4.9.2(4.9.2)) [1]: Web-based administration for MySQL database in PHP
[>] == dev-db/qt5-sqlcipher ((~)1.0.1_p20191025 -> (~)1.0.1_p20191025-r1) [1]: Qt SQL driver plugin for SQLCipher
[U] == dev-db/redis (5.0.5@08/22/2019; (~)5.0.5 -> 5.0.7^t) [1]: A persistent caching system, key-value and data structures database
[>] == dev-db/rqlite ((~)4.5.0^s -> (~)4.6.0^s) [1]: Replicated SQLite using the Raft consensus protocol
[>] == dev-embedded/platformio ((~)4.0.3 -> (~)4.1.0) [1]: An open source ecosystem for IoT development
[>] == dev-embedded/u-boot-tools ((~)2019.01 -> (~)2019.10) [1]: utilities for working with Das U-Boot
[>] == dev-erlang/mqtree ((~)1.0.4 -> (~)1.0.5) [1]: Index tree for MQTT topic filters
[>] == dev-erlang/pkix ((~)1.0.3 -> (~)1.0.4) [1]: PKIX certificates management library for Erlang
[>] == dev-go/coveraggregator ((~)0_pre20170216^s -> (~)0_pre20170216-r1^t) [1]: Cover profile aggregator for golang
[>] == dev-go/golint ((~)0_pre20180702(0/0_pre20180702)^s -> (~)0_pre20191125^s) [1]: a linter for Go
[>] == dev-haskell/aeson-pretty (0.8.2(0/0.8.2) -> (~)0.8.8(0/0.8.8)) [1]: JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool
[>] == dev-haskell/aeson-qq ((~)0.8.1(0/0.8.1) -> (~)0.8.3(0/0.8.3)^t) [1]: JSON quasiquoter for Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/alex ((~)3.2.1^t -> (~)3.2.4^t) [1]: Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/alut ((~) -> (~) [1]: A binding for the OpenAL Utility Toolkit
[>] == dev-haskell/ansi-wl-pprint ( -> (~) [1]: The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output
[>] == dev-haskell/appar (0.1.4(0/0.1.4) -> (~)0.1.8(0/0.1.8)) [1]: A simple applicative parser
[>] == dev-haskell/arrows ((~) -> (~) [1]: Arrow classes and transformers
[>] == dev-haskell/asn1-encoding ((~)0.9.4(0/0.9.4) -> (~)0.9.6(0/0.9.6)^t) [1]: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
[>] == dev-haskell/asn1-types ((~)0.3.2(0/0.3.2) -> (~)0.3.3(0/0.3.3)) [1]: ASN.1 types
[>] == dev-haskell/atomic-primops ((~) -> (~)0.8.3(0/0.8.3)) [1]: A safe approach to CAS and other atomic ops in Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/attoparsec ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
[>] == dev-haskell/auto-update ((~)0.1.4(0/0.1.4) -> (~)0.1.6(0/0.1.6)^t) [1]: Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions
[>] == dev-haskell/base-unicode-symbols ( -> (~) [1]: Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
[>] == dev-haskell/base64-bytestring ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
[>] == dev-haskell/boolean ((~)0.2.3(0/0.2.3) -> (~)0.2.4(0/0.2.4)) [1]: Generalized booleans and numbers
[>] == dev-haskell/boxes ((~)0.1.4(0/0.1.4) -> (~)0.1.5(0/0.1.5)^t) [1]: 2D text pretty-printing library
[>] == dev-haskell/bytes ((~)0.15.2(0/0.15.2) -> (~)0.15.5(0/0.15.5)^t) [1]: Sharing code for serialization between binary and cereal
[>] == dev-haskell/bytestring-builder ((~) -> (~) [1]: The new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC
[>] == dev-haskell/bytestring-handle ( -> (~)^t) [1]: ByteString-backed Handles
[>] == dev-haskell/cabal-doctest (1(0/1) -> (~)1.0.8(0/1.0.8)) [1]: A Setup.hs helper for doctests running
[>] == dev-haskell/cairo ( -> (~) [1]: Binding to the Cairo library
[>] == dev-haskell/case-insensitive ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Case insensitive string comparison
[>] == dev-haskell/chell ( -> (~) [1]: A simple and intuitive library for automated testing
[>] == dev-haskell/clientsession ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
[>] == dev-haskell/cmdargs ((~)0.10.14(0/0.10.14) -> (~)0.10.20(0/0.10.20)) [1]: Command line argument processing
[>] == dev-haskell/code-page (0.1.1(0/0.1.1) -> (~)0.1.3(0/0.1.3)^t) [1]: Windows code page library for Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/colour (2.3.3-r1(0/2.3.3) -> (~)2.3.5(0/2.3.5)^t) [1]: A model for human colour/color perception
[>] == dev-haskell/comonad (5(0/5) -> (~)5.0.5(0/5.0.5)^t) [1]: Haskell 98 compatible comonads
[>] == dev-haskell/concurrent-extra ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Extra concurrency primitives
[>] == dev-haskell/cookie ((~) -> (~)0.4.4(0/0.4.4)^t) [1]: HTTP cookie parsing and rendering
[>] == dev-haskell/cpphs ((~)1.20.2(0/1.20.2) -> (~)1.20.8(0/1.20.8)) [1]: A liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor
[>] == dev-haskell/css-text ( -> (~)^t) [1]: CSS parser and renderer
[>] == dev-haskell/data-accessor ((~) -> (~)0.2.3(0/0.2.3)) [1]: Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records
[>] == dev-haskell/dav ((~)1.3.1(0/1.3.1) -> (~)1.3.3(0/1.3.3)) [1]: RFC 4918 WebDAV support
[>] == dev-haskell/djinn-lib ((~) -> (~) [1]: Generate Haskell code from a type. Library extracted from djinn package
[>] == dev-haskell/doctemplates ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Pandoc-style document templates
[>] == dev-haskell/edisonapi ((~)1.3.1(0/1.3.1) -> (~)1.3.1-r1(0/1.3.1)) [1]: A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (API)
[>] == dev-haskell/edisoncore ((~) -> (~) [1]: A library of efficent, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations)
[>] == dev-haskell/ekg-core ((~) -> (~) [1]: Tracking of system metrics
[>] == dev-haskell/ekg-json ((~) -> (~) [1]: JSON encoding of ekg metrics
[>] == dev-haskell/enclosed-exceptions ((~)1.0.2(0/1.0.2) -> (~)1.0.3(0/1.0.3)^t) [1]: Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation
[>] == dev-haskell/encoding ((~)0.8.1(0/0.8.1) -> (~)0.8.2(0/0.8.2)^t) [1]: A library for various character encodings
[>] == dev-haskell/executable-path (0.0.3-r1(0/0.0.3) -> (~) [1]: Finding out the full path of the executable
[>] == dev-haskell/fclabels ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: First class accessor labels implemented as lenses
[>] == dev-haskell/fgl-arbitrary ( -> (~)^t) [1]: QuickCheck support for fgl
[>] == dev-haskell/file-embed ((~)0.0.10(0/0.0.10) -> (~)0.0.11(0/0.0.11)^t) [1]: Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly
[>] == dev-haskell/file-location ((~)0.4.9-r1(0/0.4.9)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: common functions that show file location information
[>] == dev-haskell/filelock ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Portable interface to file locking (flock / LockFileEx)
[>] == dev-haskell/filestore ((~)0.6.2(0/0.6.2)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Interface for versioning file stores
[>] == dev-haskell/fingertree ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
[>] == dev-haskell/fmlist ((~)0.9(0/0.9) -> (~)0.9.3(0/0.9.3)) [1]: FoldMap lists
[>] == dev-haskell/getopt-generics ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Create command line interfaces with ease
[>] == dev-haskell/gio ( -> (~) [1]: Binding to GIO
[>] == dev-haskell/glib ( -> (~) [1]: Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs
[>] == dev-haskell/gluraw ((~) -> (~) [1]: A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
[>] == dev-haskell/glut ((~) -> (~) [1]: A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
[>] == dev-haskell/gnuidn ((~)0.2.2(0/0.2.2) -> (~)0.2.2-r1(0/0.2.2)^t) [1]: Bindings for GNU IDN
[>] == dev-haskell/gtk (0.14.6(2/0.14.6) -> (~)0.14.10-r2(2/0.14.10)) [1]: Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library
[>] == dev-haskell/gtk2hs-buildtools ( -> (~) [1]: Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries
[>] == dev-haskell/gtk3 (0.14.6(0/0.14.6) -> (~)0.14.9-r2(0/0.14.9)) [1]: Binding to the Gtk+ 3 graphical user interface library
[>] == dev-haskell/happstack-server ((~) -> (~)7.5.3(0/7.5.3)^t) [1]: Web related tools and services
[>] == dev-haskell/happy (1.19.5 -> (~)1.19.12^t) [1]: Happy is a parser generator for Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/harp ((~)0.4.2(0/0.4.2) -> (~) [1]: HaRP allows pattern-matching with regular expressions
[>] == dev-haskell/hashable ( -> (~)^t) [1]: A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
[>] == dev-haskell/hashable-time (0.2(0/0.2) -> (~) [1]: Hashable instances for Data.Time
[>] == dev-haskell/haskell-lexer ((~)1.0.1(0/1.0.1) -> (~)1.0.2(0/1.0.2)) [1]: A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer
[>] == dev-haskell/haskell-src ( -> (~) [1]: Support for manipulating Haskell source code
[>] == dev-haskell/hcodecs ((~)0.5(0/0.5)^t -> (~)0.5.1(0/0.5.1)^t) [1]: A library to read, write and manipulate MIDI, WAVE, and SoundFont2 files
[>] == dev-haskell/hdbc ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Haskell Database Connectivity
[>] == dev-haskell/hdbc-postgresql ((~) -> (~) [1]: PostgreSQL driver for HDBC
[>] == dev-haskell/highlighting-kate ((~)0.6.3(0/0.6.3) -> (~)0.6.4(0/0.6.4)^t) [1]: Syntax highlighting
[>] == dev-haskell/hjsmin ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier
[>] == dev-haskell/hourglass (0.2.9(0/0.2.9) -> (~)0.2.12(0/0.2.12)^t) [1]: simple performant time related library
[>] == dev-haskell/hscolour ((~)1.24(0/1.24) -> (~)1.24.4(0/1.24.4)) [1]: Colourise Haskell code
[>] == dev-haskell/hsopenssl (0.11.4(0/0.11.4)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Partial OpenSSL binding for Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/hstringtemplate ((~)0.8.5(0/0.8.5) -> (~)0.8.7(0/0.8.7)) [1]: StringTemplate implementation in Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/htf ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: The Haskell Test Framework
[>] == dev-haskell/http (4000.3.5(0/4000.3.5) -> (~)4000.3.14(0/4000.3.14)^t) [1]: A library for client-side HTTP
[>] == dev-haskell/http-date ( -> (~)0.0.8(0/0.0.8)^t) [1]: HTTP Date parser/formatter
[>] == dev-haskell/hxt ((~) -> (~) [1]: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/icalendar ((~) -> (~) [1]: iCalendar data types, parser, and printer
[>] == dev-haskell/ifelse ((~)0.85 -> (~)0.85-r1(0/0.85)) [1]: Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow
[>] == dev-haskell/js-jquery ((~)3.2.1(0/3.2.1)^t -> (~)3.3.1(0/3.3.1)^t) [1]: Obtain minified jQuery code
[>] == dev-haskell/json (0.9.1(0/0.9.1) -> (~)0.9.3(0/0.9.3)) [1]: Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON
[>] == dev-haskell/language-ecmascript ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: JavaScript parser and pretty-printer library
[>] == dev-haskell/language-javascript ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Parser for JavaScript
[>] == dev-haskell/lifted-base ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: lifted IO operations from the base library
[>] == dev-haskell/logict ( -> (~)^t) [1]: A backtracking logic-programming monad
[>] == dev-haskell/logict-state ((~) -> (~) [1]: Library for logic programming based on haskell package logict
[>] == dev-haskell/microlens ((~) -> (~) [1]: A tiny lens library with no dependencies
[>] == dev-haskell/mime-types ((~) -> (~) [1]: Basic mime-type handling types and functions
[>] == dev-haskell/mockery ((~)0.3.3(0/0.3.3) -> (~)0.3.5(0/0.3.5)^t) [1]: Support functions for automated testing
[>] == dev-haskell/monad-control ( -> (~) [1]: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
[>] == dev-haskell/monad-par ((~) -> (~)0.3.5(0/0.3.5)^t) [1]: A library for parallel programming based on a monad
[>] == dev-haskell/monadplus ((~)1.4.2(0/1.4.2) -> (~)1.4.2-r1(0/1.4.2)) [1]: Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus
[>] == dev-haskell/mtl-compat ( -> (~)0.2.2(0/0.2.2)) [1]: Backported Control.Monad.Except module from mtl
[>] == dev-haskell/mutable-containers ((~)0.3.3(0/0.3.3) -> (~)0.3.4(0/0.3.4)^t) [1]: Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers
[>] == dev-haskell/nanospec (0.2.1(0/0.2.1)^t -> (~)0.2.2(0/0.2.2)^t) [1]: A lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec’s API
[>] == dev-haskell/newtype (0.2 -> (~) [1]: A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
[>] == dev-haskell/openal ((~) -> (~) [1]: A binding to the OpenAL cross-platform 3D audio API
[>] == dev-haskell/opengl ((~) -> (~) [1]: A binding for the OpenGL graphics system
[>] == dev-haskell/openssl-streams ( -> (~)^t) [1]: OpenSSL network support for io-streams
[>] == dev-haskell/pango ( -> (~) [1]: Binding to the Pango text rendering engine
[>] == dev-haskell/pcre-light ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Portable regex library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions
[>] == dev-haskell/pgp-wordlist ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Translate between binary data and a human-readable collection of words
[>] == dev-haskell/pid1 ((~) -> (~) [1]: Do signal handling and orphan reaping for Unix PID1 init processes
[>] == dev-haskell/pointed ((~)5-r1(0/5) -> (~)5.0.1-r1(0/5.0.1)) [1]: Pointed and copointed data
[>] == dev-haskell/quickcheck-unicode ( -> (~) [1]: Generator and shrink functions for testing Unicode-related software
[>] == dev-haskell/recaptcha ((~) -> (~) [1]: Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications
[>] == dev-haskell/reducers ((~)3.12.1-r1(0/3.12.1) -> (~)3.12.3(0/3.12.3)) [1]: Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework
[>] == dev-haskell/reflection (2.1.2(0/2.1.2) -> (~)2.1.4(0/2.1.4)) [1]: Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
[>] == dev-haskell/rfc5051 ( -> (~) [1]: Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051
[>] == dev-haskell/safe (0.3.9(0/0.3.9) -> (~)0.3.17(0/0.3.17)^t) [1]: Library of safe (exception free) functions
[>] == dev-haskell/safe-exceptions ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Safe, consistent, and easy exception handling
[>] == dev-haskell/securemem ((~)0.1.9(0/0.1.9) -> (~)0.1.10(0/0.1.10)) [1]: abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk
[>] == dev-haskell/sendfile ((~)0.7.9(0/0.7.9) -> (~) [1]: A portable sendfile library
[>] == dev-haskell/setlocale ((~) -> (~) [1]: Haskell bindings to setlocale
[>] == dev-haskell/sha (^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
[>] == dev-haskell/shakespeare ((~) -> (~)2.0.21(0/2.0.21)^t) [1]: A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
[>] == dev-haskell/silently ((~)1.2.5(0/1.2.5) -> (~)^t) [1]: Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles
[>] == dev-haskell/simple-reflect (0.3.2(0/0.3.2) -> (~)0.3.3(0/0.3.3)) [1]: Simple reflection of expressions containing variables
[>] == dev-haskell/simple-sendfile ((~)0.2.25(0/0.2.25) -> (~)0.2.28(0/0.2.28)^t) [1]: Cross platform library for the sendfile system call
[>] == dev-haskell/smallcheck (1.1.1(0/1.1.1) -> (~)1.1.5(0/1.1.5)) [1]: A property-based testing library
[>] == dev-haskell/split ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Combinator library for splitting lists
[>] == dev-haskell/statevar ( -> (~) [1]: State variables
[>] == dev-haskell/stringsearch ( -> (~) [1]: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
[>] == dev-haskell/syb-with-class ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class
[>] == dev-haskell/system-fileio ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions (deprecated)
[>] == dev-haskell/system-filepath ((~) -> (~)0.4.14(0/0.4.14)^t) [1]: High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations (deprecated)
[>] == dev-haskell/tagged (0.8.4(0/0.8.4) -> (~)0.8.6(0/0.8.6)) [1]: Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
[>] == dev-haskell/tar ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Reading, writing and manipulating tar files
[>] == dev-haskell/tasty-rerun ((~)1.1.6(0/1.1.6) -> (~)1.1.13-r1(0/1.1.13)) [1]: Run tests by filtering the tests depending on the result of previous runs
[>] == dev-haskell/tensor ( -> (~) [1]: Tensor data types
[>] == dev-haskell/test-framework (^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Framework for running and organising tests, with HUnit and QuickCheck support
[>] == dev-haskell/test-framework-hunit ((~) -> (~) [1]: HUnit support for the test-framework package
[>] == dev-haskell/test-framework-quickcheck2 ( -> (~) [1]: QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package
[>] == dev-haskell/th-expand-syns ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Expands type synonyms in Template Haskell ASTs
[>] == dev-haskell/th-reify-many (0.1.6(0/0.1.6) -> (~)0.1.9(0/0.1.9)^t) [1]: Recurseively reify template haskell datatype info
[>] == dev-haskell/th-utilities ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Collection of useful functions for use with Template Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/threads ( -> (~)^t) [1]: Fork threads and wait for their result
[>] == dev-haskell/time-locale-compat ((~) -> (~) [1]: Compatibility of TimeLocale between old-locale and time-1.5
[>] == dev-haskell/timezone-olson (0.1.7-r1(0/0.1.7) -> (~)0.1.9(0/0.1.9)) [1]: A pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files
[>] == dev-haskell/timezone-series ( -> (~)0.1.9(0/0.1.9)) [1]: Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time
[>] == dev-haskell/torrent ((~)10000.0.1(0/10000.0.1) -> (~)10000.1.1(0/10000.1.1)) [1]: BitTorrent file parser and generater
[>] == dev-haskell/unbounded-delays ( -> (~) [1]: Unbounded thread delays and timeouts
[>] == dev-haskell/unordered-containers ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Efficient hashing-based container types
[>] == dev-haskell/uulib (0.9.22(0/0.9.22) -> (~)0.9.24(0/0.9.24)) [1]: Haskell Utrecht Tools Library
[>] == dev-haskell/vault ((~) -> (~) [1]: a persistent store for values of arbitrary types
[>] == dev-haskell/vector-th-unbox ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell
[>] == dev-haskell/void (0.7.1(0/0.7.1) -> (~)0.7.3(0/0.7.3)) [1]: A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
[>] == dev-haskell/wl-pprint ((~)1.2(0/1.2) -> (~)1.2.1(0/1.2.1)) [1]: The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer
[>] == dev-haskell/word8 (0.1.2(0/0.1.2) -> (~)0.1.3(0/0.1.3)^t) [1]: Word8 library
[>] == dev-haskell/xmlgen ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Fast XML generation library
[>] == dev-haskell/xss-sanitize ((~) -> (~)0.3.6(0/0.3.6)^t) [1]: sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
[>] == dev-haskell/zip-archive ( -> (~)0.3.3(0/0.3.3)^t) [1]: Library for creating and modifying zip archives
[>] == dev-haskell/zlib ((~) -> (~)^t) [1]: Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
[>] == dev-java/icedtea ((~)3.13.0(8) -> (~)3.14.0(8)^t) [1]: A harness to build OpenJDK using Free Software build tools and dependencies
[>] == dev-java/protobuf-java ((~)3.9.2(0/20) -> (~)3.11.2(0/22)) [1]: Google’s Protocol Buffers – Java bindings
[>] == dev-lang/crystal ((~)0.31.1^t -> (~)0.32.1^t) [1]: The Crystal Programming Language
[>] == dev-lang/erlang ((~)22.1.8-r1 -> (~)22.2.1-r1(0/22.2.1)) [1]: Erlang programming language, runtime environment and libraries (OTP)
[>] == dev-lang/execline ((~) -> (~) A non-interactive scripting language
[U] == dev-lang/go (1.13.4(0/1.13.4)@11/13/2019; (~)1.13.4(0/1.13.4)^st -> (~)1.13.5(0/1.13.5)^st) [1]: A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language
[>] == dev-lang/jsonnet ((~)0.14.0 -> (~)0.14.0-r1^t) [1]: A data templating language for app and tool developers
[>] == dev-lang/julia ((~)1.2.0^t -> (~)1.3.0^t) [1]: High-performance programming language for technical computing
[>] == dev-lang/julia-bin ((~)1.2.0^s -> (~)1.3.0^s) [1]: High-performance programming language for technical computing
[>] == dev-lang/jwasm ((~)2.11a-r1 -> (~)2.13) [1]: MASM-compatible TASM-similar assembler (fork of Wasm)
[>] == dev-lang/micropython ((~)1.9.4 -> (~)1.11^t) [1]: Python implementation for microcontrollers
[>] == dev-lang/moarvm ((~)2019.07.1-r1^t -> (~)2019.11^t) [1]: A 6model-based VM for NQP and Rakudo Perl 6
[>] == dev-lang/mono ((~) -> (~) [1]: Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter
[>] == dev-lang/nim ((~)1.0.2^t -> (~)1.0.4^t) [1]: compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language
[>] == dev-lang/nqp ((~)2019.07.1 -> (~)2019.11^t) [1]: Not Quite Perl, a Perl 6 bootstrapping compiler
[>] == dev-lang/ocaml ((~)4.05.0-r1(0/4.05.0) -> (~)4.09.0(0/4.09.0)) [1]: Programming language supporting functional, imperative & object-oriented styles
[U] == dev-lang/php (7.3.12(7.3)@12/05/2019; (~)7.2.25(7.2)^t (~)7.3.12(7.3)^t -> 7.2.26(7.2)^t 7.3.13(7.3)^t) [1]: The PHP language runtime engine
[>] == dev-lang/rakudo ((~)2019.03 -> (~)2019.11^t) [1]: A compiler for the Perl 6 programming language
[>] == dev-lang/ruby (2.4.9(2.4) 2.5.7(2.5) (~)2.6.5(2.6) -> 2.4.9(2.4) 2.5.7(2.5) (~)2.6.5(2.6) (~)2.7.0(2.7)) [1]: An object-oriented scripting language
[>] == dev-lang/rust ((~)1.39.0(stable/1.39) -> (~)1.40.0-r1(stable/1.40)) [1]: Systems programming language from Mozilla
[>] == dev-lang/rust-bin ((~)1.39.0(stable) -> (~)1.40.0(stable)) [1]: Systems programming language from Mozilla
[>] == dev-lang/spark (2018-r1 -> (~)2019) [1]: Software development for high-reliability applications.
[>] == dev-lang/swi-prolog ((~)8.1.16^t -> (~)8.1.19^t) [1]: versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language
[U] == dev-libs/boost (1.71.0(0/1.71.0)@11/13/2019; 1.71.0(0/1.71.0)^t -> (~)1.72.0(0/1.72.0)^t): Boost Libraries for C++
[>] == dev-libs/console_bridge ((~)0.4.3(0/4) -> (~)0.4.4(0/4)) [1]: A ROS-independent package for logging into rosconsole/rosout
[>] == dev-libs/cudnn ((~)^f -> (~)^f) [1]: NVIDIA Accelerated Deep Learning on GPU library
[U] == dev-libs/cyrus-sasl (2.1.27-r2(2)@08/22/2019; 2.1.27-r2(2) -> 2.1.27-r3(2)) [1]: The Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
[>] == dev-libs/editline ((~)1.16.0 -> (~)1.16.1) [1]: line editing library for UNIX call compatible with the FSF readline
[>] == dev-libs/efl ((~)1.23.2^t -> 1.23.3^t) [1]: Enlightenment Foundation Libraries all-in-one package
[U] == dev-libs/elfutils (0.177[1]@08/22/2019; 0.177^t -> (~)0.178^t): Libraries/utilities to handle ELF objects (drop in replacement for libelf)
[>] == dev-libs/ell ((~)0.26 -> (~)0.27) [1]: Embedded Linux Library provides core, low-level functionality for system daemons
[U] == dev-libs/fribidi (1.0.7@11/13/2019; (~)1.0.7 -> 1.0.8) [1]: A free implementation of the unicode bidirectional algorithm
[>] == dev-libs/gmime (2.6.23-r1(2.6)^t (~)3.2.4(3.0)^t -> 2.6.23-r1(2.6)^t (~)3.2.5(3.0)^t) [1]: Utilities for creating and parsing messages using MIME
[>] == dev-libs/grantlee (5.1.0(5)^t -> (~)5.2.0(5)^t) [1]: C++ string template engine based on the Django template system
[>] == dev-libs/hsa-ext-rocr ((~)^sd -> (~)^sd) [1]: Proprietary image-support library for Radeon Open Compute
[>] == dev-libs/intel-neo ((~)19.38.14237 -> (~)19.48.14977) [1]: Intel Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL, for Gen8 (Broadwell) and beyond
[>] == dev-libs/jsoncpp ((~)1.9.2-r1(0/22)^t -> (~)1.9.2-r2(0/22)^t): C++ JSON reader and writer
[>] == dev-libs/leatherman ((~)1.9.0(0/1.9.0) -> (~)1.9.1(0/1.9.1)^t) [1]: A C++ toolkit
[>] == dev-libs/libbpf ((~)0.0.5(0/0.0.5) -> (~)0.0.6(0/0.0.6)) [1]: Stand-alone build of libbpf from the Linux kernel
[>] == dev-libs/libburn ((~)1.5.2 -> (~)1.5.2_p1) [1]: Open-source library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
[>] == dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia ((~)2.0.0-r1(0/2) -> (~)2.0.1(0/2)^t) [1]: an advanced CDDA reader with error correction
[>] == dev-libs/libcss ((~)0.8.0-r1(0/0.8.0) -> (~)0.9.0(0/0.9.0)^t) [1]: CSS parser and selection engine, written in C
[>] == dev-libs/libdbusmenu (16.04.0 -> 16.04.0-r1^t) [1]: Library to pass menu structure across DBus
[U] == dev-libs/libevent (2.1.9_beta(0/2.1-6)@11/13/2019; (~)2.1.9_beta(0/2.1-6) -> (~)2.1.11(0/2.1-7)^t): Library to execute a function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor
[U] == dev-libs/libffi (3.3(0/7)@12/04/2019; (~)3.3(0/7)^t -> (~)3.3-r1(0/7)^t): a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions
[>] == dev-libs/libfilezilla ((~)0.19.1(0/2)^t -> (~)0.19.3(0/3)^t) [1]: C++ library offering some basic functionality for platform-independent programs
[>] == dev-libs/libfmt ((~)6.0.0(0/6) -> (~)6.1.2(0/6)^t) [1]: Small, safe and fast formatting library
[><] == dev-libs/libgcrypt-compat ((~)1.5.6(0/11) -> (~)1.5.6(11)): Old version of libgcrypt needed by some binaries
[>] == dev-libs/libgit2 (0.28.3(0/28)^t -> 0.28.4(0/28)^t) [1]: A linkable library for Git
[>] == dev-libs/libgusb (0.2.11^t -> (~)0.3.1^t) [1]: GObject wrapper for libusb
[>] == dev-libs/libical (3.0.6(0/3) -> (~)3.0.7(0/3)^t): An implementation of basic iCAL protocols
[<] == dev-libs/libltdl (2.4.6[1]@08/21/2019; 1.3.5(1.3)^t 1.5.26(1.5)^t 2.4.6^t -> 2.4.6^t): A shared library tool for developers
[>] == dev-libs/libnsfb ((~)0.2.0-r1(0/0.2.0) -> (~)0.2.1(0/0.2.1)^t) [1]: framebuffer abstraction library, written in C
[>] == dev-libs/libprelude ((~)4.1.0 -> (~)5.1.1) [1]: Prelude-SIEM Framework Library
[>] == dev-libs/libpreludedb ((~)4.1.0-r1 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: Framework to easy access to the Prelude database
[>] == dev-libs/libpwquality ((~)1.4.1 -> (~)1.4.2) [1]: Library for password quality checking and generating random passwords
[>] == dev-libs/libqtxdg (3.3.1 -> (~)3.4.0^t) [1]: A Qt implementation of XDG standards
[>] == dev-libs/librdkafka ((~)1.2.2(0/1) -> (~)1.3.0(0/1)) [1]: Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
[<] == dev-libs/libsigc++ (1.2.7(1.2) (~)2.10.1(2) (~)2.99.12(3) -> 1.2.7(1.2) 2.10.1(2)^t): Typesafe callback system for standard C++
[U] == dev-libs/libtasn1 (4.15.0(0/6)@12/04/2019; (~)4.15.0(0/6)^t -> (~)4.15.0-r1(0/6)^t): ASN.1 library
[>] == dev-libs/libtomfloat ((~)0.02 -> (~)0.02-r1) [1]: library for floating point number manipulation
[>] == dev-libs/libtompoly (0.04 -> 0.04-r1) [1]: portable ISO C library for polynomial basis arithmetic
[U] == dev-libs/libuv (1.33.1(0/1)@11/13/2019; 1.33.1(0/1)^t -> (~)1.34.0(0/1)^t): Cross-platform asychronous I/O
[>] == dev-libs/libverto ((~)0.3.0 -> (~)0.3.1) [1]: Main event loop abstraction library
[>] == dev-libs/libvterm ((~)0.1.1 -> 0.1.2) [1]: An abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
[>] == dev-libs/libwapcaplet ((~)0.4.1-r1(0/0.4.1) -> (~)0.4.2(0/0.4.2)^t) [1]: string internment library, written in C
[>] == dev-libs/libxls (1.4.0-r1(0/1)^t -> (~)1.5.2-r1(0/1)^t) [1]: A library which can read Excel (xls) files
[U] == dev-libs/libxml2 (2.9.9-r1(2)@12/04/2019; 2.9.9-r1(2) -> 2.9.9-r2(2)^t): XML C parser and toolkit
[>] == dev-libs/libxmlb ((~)0.1.13 -> (~)0.1.14^t) [1]: Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
[>] == dev-libs/newt ((~)0.52.21 -> (~)0.52.21-r1^t) [1]: Redhat’s Newt windowing toolkit development files
[>] == dev-libs/nsgenbind ((~)0.6-r1(0/0.6) -> (~)0.7(0/0.7)) [1]: generate javascript to dom bindings from w3c webidl files
[>] == dev-libs/nspr ((~)4.23 -> (~)4.24) [1]: Netscape Portable Runtime
[>] == dev-libs/nss ((~)3.47.1^t -> (~)3.48-r1^t) [1]: Mozilla’s Network Security Services library that implements PKI support
[U] == dev-libs/oniguruma (6.9.3-r2(0/5)@11/13/2019; 6.9.3-r2(0/5) -> 6.9.4(0/5)) [1]: Regular expression library for different character encodings
[U] == dev-libs/openssl (1.1.1d-r2(0/1.1)@11/13/2019; 1.1.1d-r2(0/1.1)^d -> 1.1.1d-r3(0/1.1)^td): full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
[>] == dev-libs/openssl-compat (0.9.8z_p8-r1(0.9.8)^td 1.0.2t-r1(1.0.0)^td -> 0.9.8z_p8-r1(0.9.8)^td (~)1.0.2u(1.0.0)^td) [1]: full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
[U] == dev-libs/protobuf (3.9.2(0/20)@11/13/2019; (~)3.9.2(0/20)^t -> (~)3.11.2(0/22)^t) [1]: Google’s Protocol Buffers – Extensible mechanism for serializing structured data
[>] == dev-libs/re2 ((~)0.2019.09.01(0/gentoo-2019-01-01) -> (~)0.2019.12.01(0/gentoo-2019-01-01)) [1]: An efficient, principled regular expression library
[>] == dev-libs/rocm-comgr ((~)2.10.0(0/2.10) -> (~)3.0.0(0/3.0)) [1]: Radeon Open Compute Code Object Manager
[>] == dev-libs/rocm-device-libs ((~)2.10.0(0/2.10) -> (~)3.0.0(0/3.0)) [1]: Radeon Open Compute Device Libraries
[>] == dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime ((~)2.10.0(0/2.10) -> (~)3.0.0(0/3.0)) [1]: Radeon Open Compute OpenCL Compatible Runtime
[>] == dev-libs/rocr-runtime ((~)2.10.0(0/2.10) -> (~)3.0.0(0/3.0)) [1]: Radeon Open Compute Runtime
[>] == dev-libs/roct-thunk-interface ((~)2.10.0(0/2.10) -> (~)3.0.0(0/3.0)) [1]: Radeon Open Compute Thunk Interface
[>] == dev-libs/serdisplib (2.01-r1 -> (~)2.02) [1]: Library to drive several displays with built-in controllers or display modules
[>] == dev-libs/skalibs ((~) -> (~) General-purpose libraries from skarnet.org
[>] == dev-libs/totem-pl-parser (3.26.3(0/18) -> (~)3.26.4(0/18)^t) [1]: Playlist parsing library
[>] == dev-libs/xapian ((~)1.4.13(0/30) -> (~)1.4.14(0/30)) [1]: Xapian Probabilistic Information Retrieval library
[>] == dev-libs/xapian-bindings ((~)1.4.13 -> (~)1.4.14) [1]: SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian
[>] == dev-lisp/c2ffi ( -> (~) [1]: Clang-based FFI wrapper generator for Common Lisp
[>] == dev-lua/lua-openssl ((~)0.7.3 -> (~)0.7.7_p0-r1) [1]: OpenSSL binding for Lua
[>] == dev-ml/camlp4 ((~)4.05_p1(0/4.05_p1) -> (~)4.08_p1(0/4.08_p1)) [1]: System for writing extensible parsers for programming languages
[>] == dev-ml/camlpdf ((~)2.3(0/2.3) -> (~)2.3.1(0/2.3.1)) [1]: OCaml library for reading, writing, and modifying PDF files
[>] == dev-ml/extlib ((~)1.7.2(0/1.7.2) -> (~)1.7.6(0/1.7.6)) [1]: Standard library extensions for O’Caml
[>] == dev-ml/findlib ((~)1.7.3 -> (~)1.8.1) [1]: OCaml tool to find/use non-standard packages
[>] == dev-ml/llvm-ocaml ((~)9.0.0(0/9.0.0)^t -> (~)9.0.1(0/9.0.1)^t) [1]: OCaml bindings for LLVM
[>] == dev-ml/menhir (20181006(0/20181006) -> (~)20190924(0/20190924)) [1]: LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml language
[>] == dev-ml/ocamlbuild ((~)0.11.0(0/0.11.0) -> (~)0.14.0(0/0.14.0)^t) [1]: Generic build tool with built-in rules for building OCaml library and programs
[>] == dev-perl/Bio-DB-HTS ((~)3.01^t -> (~)3.10.0^t) [1]: Perl bindings for sci-libs/htslib
[>] == dev-perl/File-Next (1.160.0 -> (~)1.180.0^t) [1]: File::Next is an iterator-based module for finding files
[>] == dev-perl/MooseX-ConfigFromFile ((~)0.140.0 -> (~)0.140.0-r1^t) [1]: An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
[>] == dev-perl/Term-Shell ((~)0.110 -> (~)0.110.0^t) [1]: A simple command-line shell framework
[>] == dev-perl/Text-VimColor ((~)0.290.0 -> (~)0.290.0-r1^t) [1]: Syntax highlighting using vim
[>] == dev-perl/ZMQ-LibZMQ3 (1.19.0 -> 1.190.0^t) [1]: A libzmq 3.x wrapper for Perl
[>] == dev-php/File_Iterator ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.0.2-r1) [1]: FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on criteria
[>] == dev-php/PEAR-Archive_Tar ((~)1.4.8 -> (~)1.4.9) [1]: Tar file management class
[>] == dev-php/PEAR-Net_SMTP ((~)1.8.1 -> (~)1.9.0) [1]: A PHP implementation of the SMTP protocol
[>] == dev-php/PHPMailer ((~)6.1.2 -> (~)6.1.4) [1]: Full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
[>] == dev-php/PHP_CodeCoverage ((~)4.0.7-r1 -> (~)7.0.10-r1^t) [1]: Collection, processing, and rendering for PHP code coverage
[>] == dev-php/PHP_Timer (1.0.9 -> (~)2.1.2-r1) [1]: Utility class for timing
[>] == dev-php/PHP_TokenStream (1.4.11 -> (~)3.1.1^t) [1]: Wrapper around PHP’s tokenizer extension
[>] == dev-php/adodb (5.20.14 -> (~)5.20.15) [1]: Database abstraction layer for PHP
[>] == dev-php/doctrine-instantiator ((~)1.1.0 -> (~)1.3.0) [1]: Utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
[>] == dev-php/myclabs-deepcopy ((~)1.6.1 -> (~)1.9.4) [1]: Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
[>] == dev-php/pecl-mailparse ((~)3.0.3-r1(7) -> (~)3.0.4(7)) [1]: PHP extension for parsing and working with RFC822 and MIME compliant messages
[>] == dev-php/pecl-memcache ([M]3.0.8-r2^t M3.0.8-r3^t -> (~)^t) [1]: PHP extension for using memcached [>] == dev-php/pecl-memcached ((~)3.1.4(7)^t -> (~)3.1.5(7)^t) [1]: Interface PHP with memcached via libmemcached library [>] == dev-php/pecl-oauth ((~)2.0.3(7) -> (~)2.0.4(7)) [1]: OAuth is an authorization protocol built on top of HTTP [>] == dev-php/pecl-ssh2 (1.1.2(7) -> (~)1.2(7)) [1]: PHP bindings for the libssh2 library [>] == dev-php/pecl-taint ((~)2.0.5 -> (~)2.0.6) [1]: Extension used for detecting XSS code (tainted strings) [>] == dev-php/phpspec-prophecy ((~)1.8.0 -> (~)1.10.0) [1]: Highly opinionated mocking framework [>] == dev-php/phpunit ((~)5.7.15-r2 -> (~)8.5.0) [1]: A PHP Unit Testing framework [>] == dev-php/sebastian-comparator (1.2.4 -> (~)3.0.2) [1]: Compare PHP values for equality [>] == dev-php/sebastian-diff (1.4.1-r1 -> (~)3.0.2) [1]: PHP Diff implementation [>] == dev-php/sebastian-environment (2.0.0 -> (~)4.2.3) [1]: Helps writing PHP code that has runtime-specific execution paths [>] == dev-php/sebastian-exporter (2.0.0 -> (~)3.1.2) [1]: Export PHP variables for visualization [>] == dev-php/sebastian-global-state (1.1.1 -> (~)3.0.0) [1]: Snapshotting of global state [>] == dev-php/sebastian-object-enumerator (2.0.1 -> (~)3.0.3) [1]: Traverses array structures and object graphs to enumerate all referenced objects [>] == dev-php/sebastian-recursion-context (2.0.0 -> (~)3.0.0) [1]: Recursively process PHP variables [>] == dev-php/sebastian-resource-operations (1.0.0 -> (~)2.0.1) [1]: Provides a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources [>] == dev-php/swoole (4.2.13^t -> (~)4.4.12^t) [1]: Event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine [>] == dev-php/xdebug ((~)2.8.0 -> (~)2.9.0) [1]: A PHP debugging and profiling extension [>] == dev-php/xdebug-client ((~)2.8.0 -> (~)2.9.0) [1]: Xdebug client for the Common Debugger Protocol (DBGP) [>] == dev-python/PyGithub ((~)1.44.1^t -> (~)1.45^t) [3]: Python library to access the Github API v3 [>] == dev-python/PyQt5 ((~)5.13.2 -> (~)5.14.0) [1]: Python bindings for the Qt framework [>] == dev-python/PyQt5-sip ((~)4.19.19(0/12) -> (~)4.19.20(0/12)) [3]: Private sip module for PyQt5 [>] == dev-python/PyQtWebEngine ((~)5.13.2 -> (~)5.14.0) [3]: Python bindings for QtWebEngine [>] == dev-python/PySensors ((~)0.0.3 -> (~)0.0.4) [3]: Python bindings to libsensors (via ctypes) [>] == dev-python/PyUtilib ((~)5.6.5 -> (~)5.7.2) [3]: A collection of Python utilities [>] == dev-python/QtPy (1.4.2 -> (~)1.9.0) [3]: Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PySide [>] == dev-python/XenAPI ((~)1.2 -> (~)2.14) [3]: Xen API SDK, for communication with Citrix XenServer and Xen Cloud Platform [>] == dev-python/absl-py (0.7.1 -> (~)0.8.1) [3]: Abseil Python Common Libraries [>] == dev-python/argcomplete ((~)1.10.2^t -> (~)1.11.0^t) [3]: Bash tab completion for argparse [>] == dev-python/astor ((~)0.7.1 -> (~)0.8.1^t) [3]: Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs [>] == dev-python/atomicwrites ((~)1.2.1^t -> (~)1.3.0^t) [3]: Atomic file writes [>] == dev-python/audioread ((~)1.0.1-r1 -> (~)2.1.8-r1^t) [3]: Wrapper for audio file decoding using FFmpeg or GStreamer [U] == dev-python/automat (0.7.0@08/21/2019; (~)0.7.0 -> 0.8.0^t) [3]: Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go [>] == dev-python/awscli ((~)1.16.283^t -> (~)1.16.308^t) [3]: Universal Command Line Environment for AWS [>] == dev-python/bcrypt ((~)3.1.7-r1^t -> (~)3.1.7-r2^t) [3]: Modern password hashing for software and servers [>] == dev-python/bleach ((~)3.1.0 -> (~)3.1.0-r1^t) [3]: an easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool [>] == dev-python/botocore ((~)1.13.19^t -> (~)1.13.44^t) [3]: Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. [>] == dev-python/bottle ((~)0.12.16 -> (~)0.12.18^t) [3]: A fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications [>] == dev-python/catkin_pkg ((~)0.4.13 -> (~)0.4.15^t) [1]: Standalone Python library for the catkin package system [U] == dev-python/certifi (2019.9.11@11/17/2019; (~)2019.9.11 -> (~)2019.11.28) [3]: Python package for providing Mozilla’s CA Bundle [U] == dev-python/cffi (1.12.3(0/1.12.3)@12/04/2019; (~)1.12.3(0/1.12.3)^t -> 1.13.2(0/1.13.2)^t) [3]: Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code [>] == dev-python/characteristic ((~)14.3.0-r2 -> 14.3.0-r3^t) [3]: Python attributes without the boilerplate [>] == dev-python/clang-python ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: Python bindings for sys-devel/clang [>] == dev-python/cmd2 ((~)0.9.21^t -> (~)0.9.22^t) [3]: Extra features for standard library’s cmd module [>] == dev-python/colorclass ((~)2.2.0^t -> (~)2.2.0-r1^t) [3]: Colorful worry-free console applications for multiple platforms [U] == dev-python/configargparse (0.15.1@12/04/2019; (~)0.15.1^t -> (~)1.0^t) [3]: Drop-in replacement for argparse supporting config files and env variables [>] == dev-python/cookies (2.2.1 -> (~)2.2.1-r1^t) [3]: Friendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer [>] == dev-python/cssutils ((~)1.0.2-r1 -> (~)1.0.2-r2^t) [3]: A CSS Cascading Style Sheets library [>] == dev-python/dbus-python ((~)1.2.12^t -> (~)1.2.14^t) [3]: Python bindings for the D-Bus messagebus [>] == dev-python/ddt (1.1.1 -> (~)1.2.2^t) [3]: A library to multiply test cases [>] == dev-python/decorator ((~)4.4.0 -> (~)4.4.1) [3]: Simplifies the usage of decorators for the average programmer [>] == dev-python/diff-match-patch (20121119 -> (~)20181111^t) [3]: Diff, match and patch algorithms for plain text [>] == dev-python/duecredit ((~)0.6.4-r1 -> (~)0.7.0) [3]: Publications (and donations) tracer [>] == dev-python/eyeD3 (0.7.5(0.7) -> (~)0.8.11(0.7)) [3]: Module for manipulating ID3 (v1 + v2) tags in Python [<] == dev-python/fabric ((~)1.14.0-r1 (~)2.3.1(2)^t -> (~)2.3.1(2)^t) [3]: A simple pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment [>] == dev-python/fields ((~)5.0.0-r1 -> (~)5.0.0-r2^t) [3]: Container class boilerplate killer [>] == dev-python/flask-sqlalchemy ((~)2.4.1 -> (~)2.4.1-r1^t) [3]: SQLAlchemy support for Flask applications [>] == dev-python/fqdn ((~)1.1.1 -> (~)1.2.0^t) [3]: RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation for Python [>] == dev-python/freezegun ((~)0.3.12^t -> (~)0.3.12-r1^t) [3]: Let your Python tests travel through time [>] == dev-python/fuse-python ((~)0.3.1 -> (~)1.0.0) [3]: Python FUSE bindings [>] == dev-python/fuzzywuzzy ((~)0.12.0 -> (~)0.17.0^t) [3]: Fuzzy string matching in python [>] == dev-python/google-auth-oauthlib ((~)0.4.0 -> (~)0.4.1) [3]: Google Authentication Library [>] == dev-python/grpcio ((~)1.25.0 -> (~)1.26.0) [3]: High-performance RPC framework (python libraries) [>] == dev-python/grpcio-testing ((~)1.25.0 -> (~)1.26.0) [3]: Testing utilities for gRPC Python [>] == dev-python/grpcio-tools ((~)1.25.0 -> (~)1.26.0) [3]: Protobuf code generator for gRPC [>] == dev-python/hypothesis ((~)4.47.3^t -> (~)4.55.4^t) [3]: A library for property based testing [>] == dev-python/imageio ((~)2.1.1 -> (~)2.6.1) [3]: Python library for reading and writing image data [>] == dev-python/imagesize ((~)1.0.0 -> 1.1.0^t) [3]: Pure Python module for getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif files [>] == dev-python/importlib_metadata ((~)0.23-r1^t -> (~)1.3.0^t) [3]: Read metadata from Python packages [>] == dev-python/inflect ((~)3.0.2^t -> (~)4.0.0^t) [3]: Correctly inflect words and numbers [>] == dev-python/intervaltree ((~)2.1.0 -> (~)3.0.2^t) [3]: Editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3 [>] == dev-python/ipy (0.83 -> (~)1.00) [3]: Class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks [>] == dev-python/ipykernel ((~)5.1.0 -> (~)5.1.3^t) [3]: IPython Kernel for Jupyter [>] == dev-python/isort ((~)4.3.15 -> (~)4.3.21_p2^t) [3]: A python utility/library to sort imports [>] == dev-python/jaraco-stream ((~)2.0-r1 -> (~)3.0.0^t) [3]: Routines for handling streaming data [>] == dev-python/jaraco-text ((~)3.1 -> (~)3.2.0^t) [3]: Text utilities used by other projects by developer jaraco [>] == dev-python/jedi ((~)0.12.1 -> (~)0.15.1^t) [3]: Autocompletion library for Python [>] == dev-python/jeepney ((~)0.3.1 -> (~)0.4.1^t) [3]: Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper [>] == dev-python/jikanpy ((~)3.4.1 -> (~)3.4.2) [3]: Python wrapper for jikan.moe API. [>] == dev-python/jupyter_client ((~)5.2.4 -> (~)5.3.4^t) [3]: Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries [>] == dev-python/jupyter_core ((~)4.4.0-r1^t -> (~)4.6.1^t) [3]: Core common functionality of Jupyter projects [>] == dev-python/kafka-python ((~)1.3.3 -> (~)1.4.7^t) [3]: Kafka protocol support in Python [>] == dev-python/kaptan ((~)0.5.12 -> (~)0.5.12-r1^t) [3]: Configuration manager in your pocket [>] == dev-python/keyring (18.0.1 -> (~)19.3.0^t) [3]: Provides access to the system keyring service [>] == dev-python/lazy-object-proxy ((~)1.3.1 -> (~)1.4.3^t) [3]: A fast and thorough lazy object proxy [>] == dev-python/libtmux ((~)0.8.2^t -> (~)0.8.2-r1^t) [3]: python api for tmux [>] == dev-python/lit ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [3]: A stand-alone install of the LLVM suite testing tool [U] == dev-python/m2r (0.1.14@08/21/2019; (~)0.1.14 -> 0.2.1^t) [3]: Markdown to reStructuredText converter [>] == dev-python/mako ((~)1.0.7 -> (~)1.1.0^t) [3]: A Python templating language [>] == dev-python/mccabe (0.6.1 -> (~)0.6.1-r1^t) [3]: flake8 plugin: McCabe complexity checker [>] == dev-python/miniupnpc ((~)2.1.20190824 -> (~)2.1.20191224) [3]: Python bindings for UPnP client library [>] == dev-python/moviepy ((~)0.2.2 -> (~)1.0.1^t) [3]: Video editing with Python [U] == dev-python/msgpack (0.6.1@08/21/2019; 0.6.1 -> (~)0.6.2^t) [3]: MessagePack (de)serializer for Python [>] == dev-python/mypy ((~)0.740 -> (~)0.750^t) [3]: Optional static typing for Python [>] == dev-python/neovim-python-client ((~)0.3.2-r1 -> (~)0.4.0^t) [3]: Python client for Neovim [>] == dev-python/networkx (2.2 -> (~)2.4^t) [3]: Python tools to manipulate graphs and complex networks [>] == dev-python/owslib ((~)0.17.1^t -> (~)0.17.1-r1^t) [3]: Library for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium web service [>] == dev-python/paramiko ((~)2.6.0^t -> (~)2.7.1^t) [3]: SSH2 protocol library [>] == dev-python/parso ((~)0.5.1^t -> (~)0.5.2^t) [3]: a python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing [>] == dev-python/parver ((~)0.1.1^t -> (~)0.2.1) [3]: Parse and manipulate version numbers [>] == dev-python/passlib ((~)1.7.1-r2^t -> (~)1.7.2^t) [3]: Password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes [>] == dev-python/paste (3.0.7 -> (~)3.2.3^t) [3]: Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack [>] == dev-python/pastedeploy (2.0.1 -> (~)2.0.1-r1^t) [3]: Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers [>] == dev-python/pathlib2 (2.3.2^t -> (~)2.3.5^t) [3]: Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API [>] == dev-python/pathtools (0.1.2-r2 -> (~)0.1.2-r3) [3]: Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths [>] == dev-python/paver ((~)1.3.4 -> (~)1.3.4-r1^t) [3]: Python-based software project scripting tool along the lines of Make [>] == dev-python/pgspecial ((~)1.11.5^t -> (~)1.11.9^t) [3]: Python implementation of postgres meta commands [>] == dev-python/phonenumbers ((~)8.10.22^t -> (~)8.11.1^t) [3]: Python port of Google’s libphonenumber [>] == dev-python/pid (2.2.0 -> (~)2.2.5^t) [3]: Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking [>] == dev-python/pip ((~)19.3.1-r1^t -> (~)19.3.1-r2^t) [3]: Installs python packages — replacement for easy_install [>] == dev-python/pipenv ((~)9.0.0-r2^t -> (~)2018.11.26^t) [3]: Python Development Workflow for Humans [>] == dev-python/pkginfo ((~)1.4.2 -> (~)^t) [3]: Provides an API for querying the distutils metadata written in a PKG-INFO file [<] == dev-python/polygon (2.0.6(2) 3.0.7(3) -> 3.0.7(3)) [3]: Python package to handle polygonal shapes in 2D [>] == dev-python/precis-i18n (1.0.0 -> (~)1.0.1) [3]: Internationalized Usernames and Passwords [>] == dev-python/prompt_toolkit ((~)2.0.7 -> (~)2.0.10^t) [3]: Building powerful interactive command lines in Python [>] == dev-python/protobuf-python ((~)3.9.2(0/20) -> (~)3.11.2(0/22)) [1]: Google’s Protocol Buffers – Python bindings [>] == dev-python/ptpython (0.33-r1^t -> (~)2.0.6) [3]: Python REPL build on top of prompt_toolkit [>] == dev-python/pyFFTW ((~)0.10.4 -> (~)0.11.1) [3]: A pythonic python wrapper around FFTW [>] == dev-python/pyacoustid ((~)1.1.5 -> (~)1.1.7) [3]: Python bindings for Chromaprint and the AcoustID web service [>] == dev-python/pycares ((~)3.0.0_p20190709^t -> (~)3.1.0_p3^t) [3]: Python interface for c-ares [>] == dev-python/pycdio ((~)2.0.0^t -> (~)2.1.0) [3]: Python OO interface to libcdio (CD Input and Control library) [>] == dev-python/pychm ((~)0.8.5^t -> (~)0.8.6^t) [3]: Python bindings for the chmlib library [>] == dev-python/pychroot ((~)0.10.0^t -> (~)0.10.1^t) [3]: a python library and cli tool that simplify chroot handling [>] == dev-python/pyflakes ((~)2.0.0 -> 2.1.1^t) [3]: Passive checker for Python programs [>] == dev-python/pyftpdlib ((~)1.5.5 -> 1.5.5-r1^t) [3]: Python FTP server library [>] == dev-python/pygame ((~)1.9.6^t -> (~)1.9.6-r1^t) [3]: Python bindings for SDL multimedia library [>] == dev-python/pygit2 (0.28.2^t -> (~)1.0.1^t) [3]: Python bindings for libgit2 [U] == dev-python/pygments (2.4.2@12/04/2019; (~)2.4.2^t -> (~)2.5.2^t) [3]: Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python [>] == dev-python/pyicu ((~)2.3.1^t -> (~)2.4.2^t) [3]: Python bindings for dev-libs/icu [>] == dev-python/pylibmc ((~)1.6.1^t -> (~)1.6.1-r1^t) [3]: Libmemcached wrapper written as a Python extension [>] == dev-python/pymad (0.6-r1 -> (~)0.10) [3]: Python wrapper for libmad MP3 decoding in python [>] == dev-python/pypiserver ((~)1.3.1^t -> (~)1.3.1-r1^t) [3]: Minimal PyPI server [>] == dev-python/pyproj ( -> (~)2.4.2^t) [3]: Python interface to the PROJ library [>] == dev-python/pypy ((~)7.2.0(0/41-py27) -> (~)7.3.0(0/73)) [3]: A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language [>] == dev-python/pypy-bin ((~)7.2.0(0/41-py27) -> (~)7.3.0(0/73)) [3]: Backwards compatibility package to install binary ver of PyPy [>] == dev-python/pypy3 ((~)7.2.0-r1(0/72-py36) -> (~)7.3.0(0/pypy36-pp73)^t) [3]: A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (3.6) language [>] == dev-python/pypy3-bin ((~)7.2.0-r1(0/72-py36)^t -> (~)7.3.0(0/pypy36-pp73)) [3]: Backwards compatibility package to install binary ver of PyPy3 [>] == dev-python/pyquery (1.4.0 -> (~)1.4.1^t) [3]: A jQuery-like library for python [<] == dev-python/pyro (3.16-r1(3) 4.77(4)^t -> 4.77(4)^t) [3]: Distributed object middleware for Python (RPC) [>] == dev-python/pysvg ((~)0.2.2 -> (~)0.2.2_p3) [3]: Python SVG document creation library [>] == dev-python/pytest ((~)4.6.6^t -> (~)4.6.8^t) [3]: Simple powerful testing with Python [>] == dev-python/pytest-html ((~)1.16.0^t -> (~)1.22.1^t) [3]: Plugin for generating HTML reports for py.test results [>] == dev-python/pytest-metadata ((~)1.7.0 -> (~)1.8.0) [3]: A plugin for pytest that provides access to test session metadata [>] == dev-python/pytest-rerunfailures (7.0 -> (~)8.0^t) [3]: pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures [>] == dev-python/pytest-runner ((~)4.2^t -> (~)5.2^t) [3]: Adds support for tests during installation of setup.py files [>] == dev-python/pytest-xdist ((~)1.30.0^t -> (~)1.31.0^t) [3]: Distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes [>] == dev-python/python-debian ((~)0.1.32^t -> (~)0.1.36^t) [3]: Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats [>] == dev-python/python-distutils-extra ((~)2.42 -> (~)2.42-r1^t) [3]: Gettext support, themed icons and scrollkeeper-based documentation in distutils [U] == dev-python/python-gnupg (0.4.3@12/04/2019; 0.4.3 -> 0.4.5) [3]: A Python wrapper for GnuPG [>] == dev-python/python-markdown-math ((~)0.6 -> 0.6-r1^t) [3]: Math extension for Python-Markdown [>] == dev-python/python-mpd (0.5.5 -> (~)1.0.0^t) [3]: Python MPD client library [>] == dev-python/python-nbxmpp ((~)0.6.10 -> (~)0.6.10-r1) [3]: Python library to use Jabber/XMPP networks in a non-blocking way [>] == dev-python/python-prctl ((~)1.6.1 -> (~)1.7) [3]: Control process attributes through prctl [U] == dev-python/pyxattr (0.6.1-r1@12/04/2019; (~)0.6.1-r1^t -> (~)0.7.1^t) [3]: Python interface to xattr [>] == dev-python/qscintilla-python ((~)2.11.1-r1 -> (~)2.11.4) [3]: Python bindings for QScintilla [>] == dev-python/qtconsole ((~)4.3.1-r1 -> (~)4.6.0^t) [3]: Qt-based console for Jupyter with support for rich media output [>] == dev-python/readme_renderer ((~)24.0^t -> (~)24.0-r1^t) [3]: a library for rendering “readme” descriptions for Warehouse [>] == dev-python/recommonmark (0.5.0_pre20181012-r1^t -> (~)0.5.0^t) [3]: Python docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark [>] == dev-python/requests-oauthlib (0.7.0 -> (~)1.3.0^t) [3]: This project provides first-class OAuth library support for Requests [>] == dev-python/responses (0.9.0 -> (~)0.10.7^t) [3]: Utility for mocking out the Python Requests library [>] == dev-python/rosdistro ((~)0.7.4 -> (~)0.8.0^t) [3]: Tools to work with catkinized rosdistro files [>] == dev-python/rospkg ((~)1.1.10 -> (~)1.2.0^t) [3]: Standalone Python library for the ROS package system [>] == dev-python/rst-linker ((~)1.11 -> (~)2.0.0^t) [3]: Sphinx plugin to add links and timestamps to the changelog [>] == dev-python/ruamel-std-pathlib ((~)0.6.4 -> (~)0.6.4-r1^t) [3]: Ruamel enhancements to pathlib and pathlib2 [>] == dev-python/sabyenc ((~)3.3.5 -> (~)3.3.6^t) [3]: Module providing raw yEnc encoding/decoding for SABnzbd [>] == dev-python/secretstorage ((~)3.1.1 -> (~)3.1.1-r1^t) [3]: Python bindings to FreeDesktop.org Secret Service API. [U] == dev-python/setuptools (42.0.0@12/04/2019; (~)42.0.0^t -> (~)42.0.2^t) [3]: Collection of extensions to Distutils [>] == dev-python/sh ((~)1.12.9 -> (~)1.12.14) [3]: Python subprocess interface [>] == dev-python/simpleeval ((~)0.9.8 -> (~)0.9.10) [3]: A simple, safe single expression evaluator library [>] == dev-python/sip ((~)4.19.19(0/12) -> (~)4.19.20(0/12)) [3]: Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries [>] == dev-python/snakeoil ((~)0.8.3^t -> (~)0.8.5^t) [3]: misc common functionality and useful optimizations [>] == dev-python/socketpool ((~)0.5.3-r1 -> (~)0.5.3-r2^t) [3]: A simple Python socket pool [>] == dev-python/sortedcontainers (1.5.7 -> (~)2.1.0^t) [3]: Python library to sort collections and containers [>] == dev-python/sphinx-testing (1.0.1^t -> (~)1.0.1-r1^t) [3]: Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions [>] == dev-python/sphinxcontrib-blockdiag (1.5.5-r2^t -> (~)2.0.0^t) [3]: A sphinx extension for embedding block diagrams using blockdiag [<] == dev-python/spyder ((~)4.0.0_beta1-r1 -> (~)4.0.0_beta1) [3]: The Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment [>] == dev-python/sqlalchemy ((~)1.3.4 -> (~)1.3.11^t) [3]: Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper [>] == dev-python/subprocess32 (3.2.7 -> (~)3.5.4^t) [3]: A backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x [>] == dev-python/symengine ((~)0.3.0 -> (~)0.5.1^t) [3]: Python wrappers to the symengine C++ library [>] == dev-python/sympy ((~)1.3^t -> (~)1.5^t) [3]: Computer Algebra System in pure Python [>] == dev-python/tabulate ((~)0.8.3^t -> (~)0.8.6^t) [3]: Pretty-print tabular data [>] == dev-python/testpath (0.3.1 -> (~)0.4.4^t) [3]: Test utilities for code working with files and commands [>] == dev-python/tld ((~)0.9.7 -> (~)0.11.8) [3]: Extract the top level domain (TLD) from the URL given [>] == dev-python/tox ((~)3.13.2^t -> (~)3.14.3^t) [3]: virtualenv-based automation of test activities [>] == dev-python/tqdm ((~)4.33.0 -> (~)4.40.0^t) [3]: Add a progress meter to your loops in a second [>] == dev-python/trustme ((~)0.5.3^t -> (~)0.6.0^t) [3]: #1 quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester [>] == dev-python/twine ((~)3.0.0^t -> (~)3.1.1^t) [3]: Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI [U] == dev-python/twisted (18.7.0@12/04/2019; (~)18.7.0^t -> 19.10.0^t) [3]: An asynchronous networking framework written in Python [>] == dev-python/typed-ast ((~)1.4.0^t -> 1.4.0-r1^t) [3]: Python typed-ast backported [>] == dev-python/typing-extensions (3.7.4 -> (~) [3]: Type Hint extensions from Python 3.7 backported to 3.5/3.6 [>] == dev-python/ujson (1.35^t -> (~)1.35-r1^t) [3]: Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python [>] == dev-python/urdf_parser_py ((~)0.4.0 -> (~)0.4.1^t) [3]: URDF parser for Python [>] == dev-python/virtualenv ((~)16.7.7^t -> (~)16.7.9^t) [3]: Virtual Python Environment builder [>] == dev-python/wsgiproxy2 ((~)0.4.4-r1^t -> (~)0.4.6^t) [3]: HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps [>] == dev-python/xmltodict ((~)0.12.0 -> (~)0.12.0-r1^t) [3]: Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON [>] == dev-python/zope-deprecation (4.2.0 -> (~)4.4.0^t) [3]: Zope Deprecation Infrastructure [U] == dev-python/zope-event (4.3.0@11/17/2019; (~)4.3.0^t -> 4.4^t) [3]: Event publishing / dispatch, used by Zope Component Architecture [>] == dev-python/zope-exceptions ((~)4.1.0 -> (~)4.3^t) [3]: General purpose exceptions for Zope packages [>] == dev-python/zope-i18nmessageid ((~)4.1.0 -> (~)5.0.0^t) [3]: Zope i18nmessageid Architecture [U] == dev-python/zope-interface (4.6.0@11/17/2019; (~)4.6.0^t -> 4.7.1^t) [3]: Interfaces for Python [>] == dev-python/zope-schema ((~)4.5.0 -> (~)4.9.3^t) [3]: Zope schema Architecture [>] == dev-python/zope-testrunner ((~)4.7.0 -> (~)5.1^t) [3]: Zope testrunner script [>] == dev-python/zstandard ((~)0.12.0^t -> (~)0.13.0^t) [3]: Zstandard Bindings for Python [>] == dev-qt/assistant ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Tool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format [>] == dev-qt/designer ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: WYSIWYG tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces with QtWidgets [>] == dev-qt/linguist ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Graphical tool for translating Qt applications [>] == dev-qt/linguist-tools ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Tools for working with Qt translation data files [>] == dev-qt/pixeltool ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt screen magnifier [>] == dev-qt/qdbus ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Interface to Qt applications communicating over D-Bus [>] == dev-qt/qdbusviewer ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Graphical tool that lets you introspect D-Bus objects and messages [>] == dev-qt/qdoc ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt documentation generator [>] == dev-qt/qt-docs ((~)5.13.2_p201910220817(5) -> (~)5.14.0_p201912110715(5)) [1]: Qt5 documentation, for use with Qt Creator and other tools [>] == dev-qt/qt3d ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: 3D rendering module for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtbluetooth ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Bluetooth support library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtcharts ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Chart component library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtconcurrent ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Multi-threading concurrence support library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtcore ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Cross-platform application development framework [>] == dev-qt/qtdatavis3d ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: 3D data visualization library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtdbus ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt5 module for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol [>] == dev-qt/qtdeclarative ((~)5.13.2-r1(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: The QML and Quick modules for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtdiag ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Tool for reporting diagnostic information about Qt and its environment [>] == dev-qt/qtgamepad ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt module to support gamepad hardware [>] == dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Set of QML types for adding visual effects to user interfaces [>] == dev-qt/qtgui ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0-r1(5/5.14)^t) [1]: The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qthelp ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt5 module for integrating online documentation into applications [>] == dev-qt/qtimageformats ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Additional format plugins for the Qt image I/O system [>] == dev-qt/qtlocation ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Location (places, maps, navigation) library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtmultimedia ((~)5.13.2-r1(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Multimedia (audio, video, radio, camera) library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtnetwork ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Network abstraction library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtnetworkauth ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Network authorization library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtopengl ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: OpenGL support library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) [>] == dev-qt/qtpaths ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Command line client to QStandardPaths [>] == dev-qt/qtplugininfo ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt5 plugin metadata dumper [>] == dev-qt/qtpositioning ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Physical position determination library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtprintsupport ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Printing support library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtquickcontrols ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Set of Qt Quick controls to create complete user interfaces (deprecated) [>] == dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2 ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Set of next generation Qt Quick controls for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtscript ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Application scripting library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) [>] == dev-qt/qtscxml ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: State Chart XML (SCXML) support library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtsensors ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Hardware sensor access library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtserialbus ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt module to access CAN, ModBus, and other industrial serial buses and protocols [>] == dev-qt/qtserialport ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Serial port abstraction library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtspeech ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Text-to-speech library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtsql ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13.2)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14.0)^t) [1]: SQL abstraction library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtsvg ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: SVG rendering library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qttest ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Unit testing library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qttranslations ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Translation files for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtvirtualkeyboard ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Customizable input framework and virtual keyboard for Qt [>] == dev-qt/qtwayland ((~)5.13.2-r1(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Wayland platform plugin for Qt [>] == dev-qt/qtwebchannel ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Qt5 module for integrating C++ and QML applications with HTML/JavaScript clients [>] == dev-qt/qtwebengine ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Library for rendering dynamic web content in Qt5 C++ and QML applications [>] == dev-qt/qtwebsockets ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Implementation of the WebSocket protocol for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtwebview ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Module for displaying web content in a QML application using the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtwidgets ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Set of components for creating classic desktop-style UIs for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtx11extras ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Linux/X11-specific support library for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtxml ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: Implementation of SAX and DOM for the Qt5 framework [>] == dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns ((~)5.13.2(5/5.13)^t -> (~)5.14.0(5/5.14)^t) [1]: XPath, XQuery, XSLT, and XML Schema validation library for the Qt5 framework [><] == dev-ruby/actioncable ((~)5.1.7(5.1)^t (~)5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: Integrated WebSockets for Rails [>] == dev-ruby/actionmailbox ((~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Framework for designing email-service layers [><] == dev-ruby/actionmailer ((~)^t (~)5.1.7(5.1)^t (~)5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: Framework for designing email-service layers [><] == dev-ruby/actionpack ((~)^t 5.1.7(5.1)^t 5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t^t (~)^t) [1]: Eases web-request routing, handling, and response [>] == dev-ruby/actiontext ((~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Edit and display rich text in Rails applications [><] == dev-ruby/actionview ((~)^t 5.1.7(5.1)^t 5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t^t (~)^t) [1]: Simple, battle-tested conventions and helpers for building web pages [><] == dev-ruby/activejob ((~)^t (~)5.1.7(5.1)^t (~)5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: Job framework with pluggable queues [><] == dev-ruby/activemodel ((~)^t 5.1.7(5.1)^t 5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t^t (~)^t) [1]: Toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource [><] == dev-ruby/activerecord ((~)^t (~)5.1.7(5.1)^t (~)5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: Implements the ActiveRecord pattern (Fowler, PoEAA) for ORM [>] == dev-ruby/activestorage ((~)5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications [><] == dev-ruby/activesupport ((~)^t 5.1.7(5.1)^t 5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t^t (~)^t) [1]: Utility Classes and Extension to the Standard Library [<] == dev-ruby/arel ((~)6.0.4(6.0)^t (~)8.0.0(8.0)^t (~)9.0.0(9.0)^t -> (~)6.0.4(6.0)^t (~)9.0.0(9.0)^t) [1]: Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/arel-helpers ((~)2.10.0^t -> (~)2.11.0^t) [1]: Tools to help construct database queries [>] == dev-ruby/autoprefixer-rails ((~)7.2.6(7)^t (~)8.6.5(8)^t (~)9.7.1(9)^t -> (~)7.2.6(7)^t (~)8.6.5(8)^t (~)9.7.3(9)^t) [1]: Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website [>] == dev-ruby/bson ((~)4.6.0(4)^t -> (~)4.7.0(4)^t) [1]: A Ruby BSON implementation for MongoDB. (Includes binary C-based extension.) [>] == dev-ruby/builder (3.2.3(3.2)^t -> (~)3.2.4(3.2)^t) [1]: A builder to facilitate programatic generation of XML markup [>] == dev-ruby/bundler (1.17.3^t -> (~)1.17.3-r1^t (~)2.1.2(2)^t) [1]: An easy way to vendor gem dependencies [>] == dev-ruby/capybara (2.18.0(2)^t (~)3.29.0(3)^t -> 2.18.0(2)^t (~)3.30.0(3)^t) [1]: Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications [>] == dev-ruby/css_parser ((~)1.7.0^t -> (~)1.7.1^t) [1]: Sass-based Stylesheet Framework [>] == dev-ruby/curses ((~)1.3.1(1)^t -> (~)1.3.2(1)^t) [1]: Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses [>] == dev-ruby/did_you_mean (1.1.2(2.4)^t 1.2.1(2.5)^t (~)1.3.1(2.6)^t -> 1.1.2(2.4)^t 1.2.1(2.5)^t (~)1.4.0(2.6)^t) [1]: ‘did you mean?’experience in Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/faker ((~)1.9.6-r1^t (~)2.7.0(2)^t -> (~)1.9.6-r1^t (~)2.8.1(2)^t) [1]: A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers [>] == dev-ruby/faraday ((~)0.15.4^t -> (~)0.17.1^t) [1]: HTTP/REST API client library with pluggable components [>] == dev-ruby/flog ((~)4.6.3^t -> (~)4.6.4^t) [1]: Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report [>] == dev-ruby/gettext_i18n_rails ((~)1.8.0^t -> (~)1.8.1^t) [1]: FastGettext / Rails integration [>] == dev-ruby/google-protobuf ((~)3.11.0(3)^t -> (~)3.11.2(3)^t) [1]: Protocol Buffers are Google’s data interchange format [>] == dev-ruby/httparty (0.17.1^t -> (~)0.17.3^t) [1]: Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy [>] == dev-ruby/image_processing ((~)1.9.3^t -> (~)1.10.0^t) [1]: High-level image processing helper methods with libvips and ImageMagick [>] == dev-ruby/json (1.8.6-r1^t 2.2.0(2)^t -> 1.8.6-r1^t (~)2.3.0(2)^t) [1]: A JSON implementation as a Ruby extension [>] == dev-ruby/listen (0.7.3-r2^t 1.3.1-r4(1)^t (~)3.2.0(3)^t -> 0.7.3-r2^t 1.3.1-r4(1)^t (~)3.2.1(3)^t) [1]: Listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes [>] == dev-ruby/memoist ((~)0.16.1^t -> (~)0.16.2^t) [1]: ActiveSupport::Memoizable with a few enhancements [>] == dev-ruby/mime-types (1.25.1^t 2.99.2(2)^t (~)3.3(3)^t -> 1.25.1^t 2.99.2(2)^t (~)3.3.1(3)^t) [1]: Provides a mailcap-like MIME Content-Type lookup for Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/mocha (0.14.0(0.14)^t (~)1.9.0(1.0)^t -> 0.14.0(0.14)^t (~)1.11.1(1.0)^t) [1]: Mocking and stubbing using a syntax like that of JMock and SchMock [>] == dev-ruby/mustache ((~)1.1.0^t -> (~)1.1.1^t) [1]: Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views [>] == dev-ruby/mysql2 ((~)0.4.10-r3(0.4)^t (~)0.5.2-r3(0.5)^t -> (~)0.4.10-r3(0.4)^t (~)0.5.3(0.5)^t) [1]: A modern, simple and very fast Mysql library for Ruby – binding to libmysql [>] == dev-ruby/ox ((~)2.11.0^t -> (~)2.12.0^t) [1]: A fast XML parser and Object marshaller [>] == dev-ruby/parser ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: A production-ready Ruby parser written in pure Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/public_suffix (3.1.1(3)^t (~)4.0.1(4)^t -> 3.1.1(3)^t (~)4.0.2(4)^t) [1]: Parse and decompose a domain name into top level domain, domain and subdomains [>] == dev-ruby/racc (1.4.14^t -> (~)1.4.16-r1^t) [1]: A LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/rack (1.6.11(1.6)^t (~)2.0.7(2.0)^t -> 1.6.12(1.6)^t 2.0.8(2.0)^t) [1]: A modular Ruby webserver interface [>] == dev-ruby/rack-attack ((~)5.4.2(5)^t (~)6.2.1(6)^t -> (~)5.4.2(5)^t (~)6.2.2(6)^t) [1]: A DSL for blocking & throttling abusive clients [><] == dev-ruby/rails ((~)^t (~)5.1.7(5.1)^t (~)5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: ruby on rails is a web-application and persistance framework [><] == dev-ruby/railties ((~)^t 5.1.7(5.1)^t 5.2.3(5.2)^t (~)6.0.1(6.0)^t -> (~)^t^t (~)^t) [1]: Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications [>] == dev-ruby/rake-compiler ((~)1.0.8^t -> (~)1.0.9^t) [1]: Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions [>] == dev-ruby/rb-inotify (0.10.0^t -> (~)0.10.1^t) [1]: A thorough inotify wrapper for Ruby using FFI [>] == dev-ruby/request_store ((~)1.0.5(1.0.5)^t (~)1.4.1^t -> (~)1.0.5(1.0.5)^t (~)1.5.0^t) [1]: Per-request global storage for Rack [>] == dev-ruby/rex-socket ((~)0.1.20^t -> (~)0.1.21^t) [1]: Ruby Exploitation (Rex) Socket Abstraction Library [>] == dev-ruby/rouge ((~)3.13.0(2)^t -> (~)3.14.0(2)^t) [1]: Yet-another-markdown-parser using a strict syntax definition in pure Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/rspec-core (2.99.2-r2(2)^t (~)3.9.0(3)^t -> 2.99.2-r2(2)^t (~)3.9.1(3)^t) [1]: A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/rspec-support ((~)3.9.0(3)^t -> (~)3.9.1(3)^t) [1]: A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/rubygems ((~)3.0.6 -> (~)3.1.2^t) [1]: Centralized Ruby extension management system [>] == dev-ruby/sassc-rails ((~)2.1.2(2)^t -> (~)2.1.2-r1(2)^t) [1]: Integrate SassC-Ruby with Rails [>] == dev-ruby/selenium-webdriver ((~)2.53.4-r1^t (~)3.142.6(3)^t -> (~)2.53.4-r1^t (~)3.142.7(3)^t) [1]: This gem provides Ruby bindings for WebDriver [>] == dev-ruby/sqlite3 ((~)1.4.1^t -> (~)1.4.2^t) [1]: An extension library to access a SQLite database from Ruby [>] == dev-ruby/tzinfo (1.2.5(1)^t (~)2.0.0(2)^t -> 1.2.5(1)^t (~)2.0.1(2)^t) [1]: Daylight-savings aware timezone library [>] == dev-ruby/vcard ((~)0.2.15^t -> (~)0.2.16^t) [1]: Ruby vcard support extracted from Vpim [>] == dev-ruby/zeitwerk ((~)1.4.3(1)^t (~)2.2.1(2)^t -> (~)1.4.3(1)^t (~)2.2.2(2)^t) [1]: Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby [>] == dev-scheme/guile-gcrypt ((~)0.1.0 -> (~)0.2.1) [1]: Guile bindings of libgcrypt [>] == dev-scheme/guile-json ((~)0.6.0 -> (~)3.3.0) [1]: JSON module for Guile [>] == dev-tcltk/tkdnd (2.8^t -> (~)2.9.2^t) [1]: Adds native drag & drop capabilities to tk toolkit [>] == dev-tcltk/tkimg ((~)1.4.7^t -> (~)1.4.9^t) [1]: Adds a lot of image formats to Tcl/Tk [>] == dev-tex/dot2tex (2.9.0 -> (~)2.11.3) [1]: A Graphviz to LaTeX converter [>] == dev-tex/dvi2tty (5.3.4 -> 5.3.4-r1) [1]: Preview dvi-files on text-only devices [>] == dev-util/android-tools (9.0.0_p3 -> 9.0.0_p3-r1) [1]: Android platform tools (adb, fastboot, and mkbootimg) [>] == dev-util/bazel ((~)1.2.0^st -> (~)1.2.1^st) [1]: Fast and correct automated build system [>] == dev-util/bcc ((~)0.11.0^t -> (~)0.12.0-r1^t) [1]: Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more [U] == dev-util/boost-build (1.71.0@12/04/2019; 1.71.0^t -> (~)1.72.0^t): A system for large project software construction, simple to use and powerful [>] == dev-util/cargo-tree ((~)0.26.0 -> (~)0.27.0) [1]: Cargo subcommand that visualizes crate dependency graph in a tree-like format [>] == dev-util/catalyst ((~)3.0.7 -> 3.0.8) [1]: Release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux [>] == dev-util/catfish (1.4.10 -> (~)1.4.11) [1]: A frontend for find, (s)locate, doodle, tracker, beagle, strigi and pinot [>] == dev-util/catkin ((~)0.7.17 -> (~)0.7.20^t) [1]: Cmake macros and associated python code used to build some parts of ROS [>] == dev-util/cbindgen (0.9.1 -> (~)0.11.1) [1]: A tool for generating C bindings to Rust code [>] == dev-util/clion ((~)2019.2.4^md -> (~)2019.3^md) [1]: A complete toolset for C and C++ development [U] == dev-util/cmake (3.15.5@11/14/2019; (~)3.15.5 -> (~)3.16.2-r1^t): Cross platform Make [>] == dev-util/coccinelle ((~)1.0.6^s -> (~)1.0.8^st) [1]: Program matching and transformation engine [>] == dev-util/creduce ((~)2.9.0_pre20190414-r1 -> (~)2.11.0_pre20191110) [1]: C-Reduce – a plugin-based C program reducer [>] == dev-util/debhelper ((~)12.7.1 -> (~)12.7.2^t) [1]: Collection of programs that can be used to automate common tasks in debian/rules [>] == dev-util/dialog ((~)1.3.20191110(0/15) -> (~)1.3.20191210(0/15)) [1]: tool to display dialog boxes from a shell [>] == dev-util/dwarves ((~)1.15 -> (~)1.16-r1) [1]: pahole (Poke-a-Hole) and other DWARF2 utilities [>] == dev-util/edb-debugger ((~)1.0.0-r2 -> (~)1.1.0) [1]: edb is a cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger, inspired by Ollydbg [>] == dev-util/gcovr ((~)4.1^t -> (~)4.2^t) [1]: A Python script for summarizing gcov data [>] == dev-util/goland ((~)2019.1.2^md -> (~)2019.3-r1^md) [1]: Golang IDE by JetBrains [>] == dev-util/google-perftools ((~)2.7(0/4) -> (~)2.7-r1(0/4)^t) [1]: Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools [>] == dev-util/gprof2dot ((~)2017.09.19 -> (~)2019.11.30) [1]: Converts profiling output to dot graphs [>] == dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache ((~)3.24.11 -> (~)3.24.13) [1]: GTK update icon cache [>] == dev-util/hxtools ((~)20180301 -> (~)20190428) [1]: A collection of tools and scripts [>] == dev-util/icmake ((~)9.02.08 -> (~)9.02.09) [1]: Hybrid between a make utility and a shell scripting language [>] == dev-util/idea-community ((~)2019.1.191.6183.87 -> (~)2019.3.193.5233.102) [1]: A complete toolset for web, mobile and enterprise development [>] == dev-util/intel-graphics-compiler ((~)1.0.11-r1 -> (~)1.0.2990) [1]: LLVM-based OpenCL compiler targetting Intel Gen graphics hardware [>] == dev-util/kdevelop ((~)5.4.4(5/54)^t -> (~)5.4.5(5/54)^t) [1]: Integrated Development Environment, supporting KF5/Qt, C/C++ and much more [>] == dev-util/kdevelop-php ((~)5.4.4(5)^t -> (~)5.4.5(5)^t) [1]: PHP plugin for KDevelop [>] == dev-util/kdevelop-python ((~)5.4.4(5)^t -> (~)5.4.5(5)^t) [1]: Python plugin for KDevelop [>] == dev-util/kup ((~)0.3.4-r1 -> (~)0.3.6) [1]: kernel.org uploader tool [>] == dev-util/lldb ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: The LLVM debugger [U] == dev-util/meson (0.52.0@11/13/2019; (~)0.52.0^t -> (~)0.52.1^t): Open source build system [>] == dev-util/netsurf-buildsystem ((~)1.7-r1 -> (~)1.8) [1]: Build system used for netsurf and its libs [>] == dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit ((~)10.1.243(0/10.1.243)^md -> (~)10.2.89(0/10.2.89)^md) [1]: NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (compiler and friends) [>] == dev-util/perf ((~)5.3.7 -> (~)5.4.6) [1]: Userland tools for Linux Performance Counters [>] == dev-util/pkgcheck ((~)0.7.0^t -> (~)0.7.3^t) [1]: pkgcore-based QA utility [>] == dev-util/pycharm-community ((~)2019.2.5^ms -> (~)2019.3.1^ms) [1]: Intelligent Python IDE with unique code assistance and analysis [>] == dev-util/pycharm-professional ((~)2019.2.5^ms -> (~)2019.3.1^ms) [1]: Intelligent Python IDE with unique code assistance and analysis [>] == dev-util/qbs ((~)1.13.1 -> (~)1.14.1^t) [1]: Modern build tool for software projects [U] == dev-util/re2c (1.2.1[1]@08/21/2019; (~)1.2.1 -> (~)1.3): tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions [>] == dev-util/rocm-cmake ((~)2.10.0^t -> (~)3.0.0^t) [1]: Radeon Open Compute CMake Modules [>] == dev-util/rocminfo ((~)2.10.0(0/2.10) -> (~)3.0.0(0/3.0)) [1]: ROCm Application for Reporting System Info [>] == dev-util/rr ((~)5.2.0-r1^t -> (~)5.3.0^t) [1]: Record and Replay Framework [>] == dev-util/sccache ((~)0.2.10 -> (~)0.2.12) [1]: ccache/distcc like tool with support for rust and cloud storage [>] == dev-util/scons (3.1.1^t -> (~)3.1.2^t) [1]: Extensible Python-based build utility [>] == dev-util/shelltestrunner (1.3.5-r1 -> (~)1.9^t) [1]: A tool for testing command-line programs [>] == dev-util/smem ((~)1.4 -> (~)1.5) [1]: A tool that can give numerous reports on memory usage on Linux systems [>] == dev-util/source-highlight ((~)3.1.8-r1 -> (~)3.1.9) [1]: Generate highlighted source code as an (x)html document [>] == dev-util/strace ((~)5.3 -> (~)5.4) [1]: A useful diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool [>] == dev-util/stripe-mock ((~)0.63.0^s -> (~)0.78.0^s) [1]: Mock HTTP server that responds like the real Stripe API [>] == dev-util/wstool ((~)0.1.17 -> (~)0.1.18^t) [1]: Commands to manage several local SCM repositories for ROS [>] == dev-vcs/cvs-fast-export ((~)1.48^t -> (~)1.49^t) [1]: fast-export history from a CVS repository or RCS collection [U] == dev-vcs/git (2.24.0@11/13/2019; (~)2.24.0^t -> 2.24.1^t): stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency [>] == dev-vcs/python-gitlab ((~)1.9.0 -> (~)1.13.0^t) [1]: Python command line interface to gitlab API [>] == dev-vcs/svn2cl (0.12 -> (~)0.14) [1]: Create a GNU-style ChangeLog from subversion’s svn log –xml output [>] == games-emulation/vbam ((~)2.1.0 -> (~)2.1.4) [1]: Game Boy, GBC, and GBA emulator forked from VisualBoyAdvance [>] == games-util/esteam ((~)0.20191118 -> (~)0.20191228) [1]: Scan Steam libraries to generate and emerge a Portage set [>] == games-util/pyfa ((~)2.14.1^md -> (~)2.15.1^md) [1]: Python Fitting Assistant – a ship fitting application for EVE Online [>] == gnome-base/dconf ((~)0.32.0-r1^t -> 0.32.0-r2^t) [1]: Simple low-level configuration system [>] == gnome-extra/evolution-data-server ((~)3.32.4(0/62-24)^t -> (~)3.32.5(0/62-24)^t) [1]: Evolution groupware backend [>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect ((~)28 -> 28-r1) [1]: KDE Connect implementation for Gnome Shell [>] == gnustep-apps/cenon (4.0.2-r1 -> (~)4.0.6) [1]: Cenon is a vector graphics tool for GNUstep, OpenStep and MacOSX [>] == gnustep-apps/sogo ((~)4.0.8 -> (~)4.1.1-r1) [1]: Groupware server built around OpenGroupware.org and the SOPE application server [>] == gnustep-base/gnustep-updater (0.3 -> (~)0.3-r1) [1]: Helper tool to upgrade Gentoo GNUstep installations [>] == gnustep-libs/sope ((~)4.0.8 -> (~)4.1.1) [1]: A set of frameworks forming a complete Web application server environment [>] == gui-libs/tepl (4.2.0(4)^t -> (~)4.2.1(4)^t) [1]: GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDE helper library [>] == kde-apps/akonadi ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Storage service for PIM data and libraries for PIM apps [>] == kde-apps/akonadi-calendar ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for akonadi calendar integration [>] == kde-apps/akonadi-contacts ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for akonadi contact integration [>] == kde-apps/akonadi-import-wizard ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Assistant to import PIM data from other applications into Akonadi [>] == kde-apps/akonadi-mime ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for akonadi mime types [>] == kde-apps/akonadi-notes ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for akonadi notes integration [>] == kde-apps/akonadi-search ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi [>] == kde-apps/akonadiconsole ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Application for debugging Akonadi Resources [>] == kde-apps/akregator ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: News feed aggregator [>] == kde-apps/analitza ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE library for mathematical features [>] == kde-apps/ark ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE Archiving tool [>] == kde-apps/artikulate ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Language learning application that helps improving pronunciation skills [>] == kde-apps/audiocd-kio ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kioslave for accessing audio CDs [>] == kde-apps/baloo-widgets ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Widget library for baloo [>] == kde-apps/blinken ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Memory enhancement game based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/bomber ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Single player arcade bombing game [>] == kde-apps/bovo ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Five-in-a-row Board Game [>] == kde-apps/calendarjanitor ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Tool to scan calendar data for buggy instances [>] == kde-apps/calendarsupport ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Calendar support library [>] == kde-apps/cantor ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Interface for doing mathematics and scientific computing [>] == kde-apps/cervisia ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: CVS frontend by KDE [>] == kde-apps/dolphin ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Plasma filemanager focusing on usability [>] == kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-bazaar ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0-r1(5)) [1]: Dolphin plugin for Bazaar integration [>] == kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-dropbox ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0-r1(5)) [1]: Dolphin plugin for Dropbox service integration [>] == kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-git ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0-r1(5)) [1]: Dolphin plugin for Git integration [>] == kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-mercurial ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0-r1(5)) [1]: Dolphin plugin for Mercurial integration [>] == kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-subversion ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0-r1(5)) [1]: Dolphin plugin for Subversion integration [>] == kde-apps/dragon ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Simple video player [>] == kde-apps/eventviews ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Calendar viewer for KDE PIM [>] == kde-apps/ffmpegthumbs ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: FFmpeg based thumbnail generator for video files [>] == kde-apps/filelight ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Visualise disk usage with interactive map of concentric, segmented rings [>] == kde-apps/granatier ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Bomberman game [>] == kde-apps/grantlee-editor ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Utilities and tools to manage themes in KDE PIM applications [>] == kde-apps/grantleetheme ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for Grantlee plugins [>] == kde-apps/gwenview ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Image viewer by KDE [>] == kde-apps/incidenceeditor ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Incidence editor for korganizer [>] == kde-apps/juk ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Jukebox and music manager by KDE [>] == kde-apps/k3b ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Full-featured burning and ripping application based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/kaccounts-integration ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Administer web accounts for the sites and services across the Plasma desktop [>] == kde-apps/kaccounts-providers ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE accounts providers [>] == kde-apps/kaddressbook ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Address book application based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/kajongg ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Classical Mah Jongg for four players [>] == kde-apps/kalarm ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Application to manage alarms and other timer based alerts for the desktop [>] == kde-apps/kalarmcal ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Client library to access and handling of KAlarm calendar data [>] == kde-apps/kalgebra ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: MathML-based 2D and 3D graph calculator by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kalzium ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Periodic table of the elements [>] == kde-apps/kamera ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Plasma integration for gphoto2 cameras [>] == kde-apps/kamoso ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Application to take pictures and videos from your webcam by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kanagram ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Game based on anagrams of words [>] == kde-apps/kapman ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Pac-Man clone by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kapptemplate ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Shell script to create the necessary framework to develop KDE applications [>] == kde-apps/kate ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Multi-document editor with network transparency, Plasma integration and more [>] == kde-apps/katomic ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Atomic Entertainment Game [>] == kde-apps/kbackup ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Program that lets you back up any directories or files [>] == kde-apps/kblackbox ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes [>] == kde-apps/kblocks ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Single-player Tetris-like KDE game [>] == kde-apps/kblog ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library providing client-side support for web application remote blogging APIs [>] == kde-apps/kbounce ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Bounce Ball Game [>] == kde-apps/kbreakout ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Breakout-like game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kbruch ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Educational application to learn calculating with fractions [>] == kde-apps/kcachegrind ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Frontend for Cachegrind by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kcalc ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE calculator [>] == kde-apps/kcalutils ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library providing utility functions for the handling of calendar data [>] == kde-apps/kcharselect ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE character selection utility [>] == kde-apps/kcolorchooser ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE color selector/editor [>] == kde-apps/kcron ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Task Scheduler [>] == kde-apps/kdav ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: DAV protocol implemention with KJobs [>] == kde-apps/kde-apps-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Meta package for the KDE Applications collection [>] == kde-apps/kde-dev-scripts ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Development Scripts [>] == kde-apps/kde-dev-utils ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Development Utilities [>] == kde-apps/kde-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Merge this to pull in all KDE Plasma and Applications packages [>] == kde-apps/kdeaccessibility-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdeaccessibility – merge this to pull in all kdeaccessiblity-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdeadmin-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE administration tools – merge this to pull in all kdeadmin-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdebase-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Transitional package to pull in plasma-meta plus basic applications [>] == kde-apps/kdebugsettings ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Application to enable/disable qCDebug [>] == kde-apps/kdecore-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdecore – merge this to pull in the most basic applications [>] == kde-apps/kdeedu-data ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Shared icons, artwork and data files for educational applications [>] == kde-apps/kdeedu-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE educational apps – merge this to pull in all kdeedu-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdegames-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdegames – merge this to pull in all kdegames-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdegraphics-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdegraphics – merge this to pull in all kdegraphics-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdegraphics-mobipocket ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Library to support mobipocket ebooks [>] == kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdemultimedia – merge this to pull in all kdemultimedia-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: SMB filesharing config module for systemsettings [>] == kde-apps/kdenetwork-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdenetwork – merge this to pull in all kdenetwork-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdenlive ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Non-linear video editing suite by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kdepim-addons ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Plugins for KDE Personal Information Management Suite [>] == kde-apps/kdepim-apps-libs ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Libraries for KDE PIM applications [>] == kde-apps/kdepim-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE PIM – merge this to pull in all kdepim-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdepim-runtime ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Runtime plugin collection to extend the functionality of KDE PIM [>] == kde-apps/kdesdk-kioslaves ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kioslaves from kdesdk package [>] == kde-apps/kdesdk-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE SDK – merge this to pull in all kdesdk-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdesdk-thumbnailers ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Thumbnail generator for PO files [>] == kde-apps/kdeutils-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: kdeutils – merge this to pull in all kdeutils-derived packages [>] == kde-apps/kdf ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE free disk space utility [>] == kde-apps/kdialog ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Can be used to show nice dialog boxes from shell scripts [>] == kde-apps/kdiamond ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Single player three-in-a-row game [>] == kde-apps/keditbookmarks ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Bookmarks editor based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/kfind ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: File finder utility based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/kfloppy ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Straightforward graphical means to format 3.5″ and 5.25″ floppy disks [>] == kde-apps/kfourinline ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE four-in-a-row game [>] == kde-apps/kgeography ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Geography learning tool [>] == kde-apps/kget ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Advanced download manager by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kgoldrunner ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Game of action and puzzle solving by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kgpg ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Frontend for GnuPG, a powerful encryption utility by KDE [>] == kde-apps/khangman ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Classical hangman game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/khelpcenter ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Application to read documentation for KDE Plasma, Applications, Utilities [>] == kde-apps/kidentitymanagement ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for managing identitites [>] == kde-apps/kig ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0-r1(5)^t) [1]: KDE Interactive Geometry tool [>] == kde-apps/kigo ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Go game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/killbots ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Kill the bots or they kill you! [>] == kde-apps/kimagemapeditor ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Generator of HTML image maps [>] == kde-apps/kimap ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for interacting with IMAP servers [>] == kde-apps/kio-extras ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KIO plugins present a filesystem-like view of arbitrary data [>] == kde-apps/kipi-plugins ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Plugins for the KDE Image Plugin Interface [>] == kde-apps/kiriki ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: An addictive and fun dice game [>] == kde-apps/kiten ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Japanese dictionary and reference [>] == kde-apps/kitinerary ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information [>] == kde-apps/kjumpingcube ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Tactical one or two player game [>] == kde-apps/kldap ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for interacting with LDAP servers [>] == kde-apps/kleopatra ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Certificate manager and GUI for OpenPGP and CMS cryptography [>] == kde-apps/klettres ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Alphabet learning application [>] == kde-apps/klickety ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: An adaptation of the Clickomania game [>] == kde-apps/klines ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: A little KDE game about balls and how to get rid of them [>] == kde-apps/kmag ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE screen magnifier [>] == kde-apps/kmahjongg ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: A tile matching game for one or two players [>] == kde-apps/kmail ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Email client, supporting POP3 and IMAP mailboxes. [>] == kde-apps/kmail-account-wizard ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Assistant for KMail accounts configuration [>] == kde-apps/kmailtransport ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Mail transport service [>] == kde-apps/kmbox ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for accessing MBox format mail storages [>] == kde-apps/kmime ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Libary for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles [>] == kde-apps/kmines ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Classic mine sweeper game [>] == kde-apps/kmix ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Volume control gui based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/kmousetool ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE program that clicks the mouse for you [>] == kde-apps/kmouth ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Text-to-speech synthesizer front end [>] == kde-apps/kmplot ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Mathematical function plotter [>] == kde-apps/knavalbattle ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Battleship clone by KDE [>] == kde-apps/knetwalk ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE version of the popular NetWalk game for system administrators [>] == kde-apps/knights ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Simple chess board based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/knotes ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Note taking application [>] == kde-apps/kolf ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Minigolf game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kollision ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Simple ball dodging game [>] == kde-apps/kolourpaint ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Paint Program by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kompare ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: A program to view the differences between files [>] == kde-apps/konqueror ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Web browser and file manager based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/konquest ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Galactic Strategy KDE Game [>] == kde-apps/konsole ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE’s terminal emulator [>] == kde-apps/konsolekalendar ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Command line interface to KDE calendars [>] == kde-apps/kontact ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Container application to unify several major PIM applications within one [>] == kde-apps/kontactinterface ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Library for embedding KParts in a Kontact component [>] == kde-apps/kopete ((~)19.08.3-r1(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Multi-protocol IM client based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/korganizer ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Organizational assistant, providing calendars and other similar functionality [>] == kde-apps/kpat ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE patience game [>] == kde-apps/kpimtextedit ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: A textedit with PIM-specific features [>] == kde-apps/kpkpass ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library to deal with Apple Wallet pass files [>] == kde-apps/kqtquickcharts ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Qt Quick plugin for beautiful and interactive charts [>] == kde-apps/krdc ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Remote desktop connection (RDP and VNC) client [>] == kde-apps/kreversi ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Board game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/krfb ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: VNC-compatible server to share Plasma desktops [>] == kde-apps/kross-interpreters ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Kross interpreter plugins for programming languages [>] == kde-apps/kruler ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Screen ruler for Plasma [>] == kde-apps/kshisen ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles [>] == kde-apps/ksirk ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Port of the board game risk [>] == kde-apps/ksmtp ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server [>] == kde-apps/ksnakeduel ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Tron game [>] == kde-apps/kspaceduel ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Space Game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/ksquares ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE clone of the game squares [>] == kde-apps/ksudoku ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Logic-based symbol placement puzzle by KDE [>] == kde-apps/ksystemlog ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: System log viewer by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kteatime ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE timer for making a fine cup of tea [>] == kde-apps/ktimer ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Little tool to execute programs after some time [>] == kde-apps/ktouch ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Program that helps to learn and practice touch typing [>] == kde-apps/ktp-accounts-kcm ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy account management kcm [>] == kde-apps/ktp-approver ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy notification handler [>] == kde-apps/ktp-auth-handler ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy authentication handler [>] == kde-apps/ktp-call-ui ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy audio/video conferencing UI [>] == kde-apps/ktp-common-internals ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE Telepathy common library [>] == kde-apps/ktp-contact-list ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy contact list [>] == kde-apps/ktp-contact-runner ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy krunner plugin [>] == kde-apps/ktp-desktop-applets ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy contact, presence and chat Plasma applets [>] == kde-apps/ktp-filetransfer-handler ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy file transfer handler [>] == kde-apps/ktp-kded-module ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy workspace integration [>] == kde-apps/ktp-send-file ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy file manager plugin to send files to contacts [>] == kde-apps/ktp-text-ui ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Telepathy text chat window [>] == kde-apps/ktuberling ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Potato game for kids by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kturtle ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Educational programming environment using the Logo programming language [>] == kde-apps/kubrick ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Game based on the “Rubik’s Cube” puzzle by KDE [>] == kde-apps/kwalletmanager ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Tool to manage the passwords on your system using KDE Wallet [>] == kde-apps/kwave ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Sound editor built on KDE Frameworks 5 that can edit many types of audio files [>] == kde-apps/kwordquiz ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Powerful flashcard and vocabulary learning program [>] == kde-apps/kwrite ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Simple text editor based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/libgravatar ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for gravatar integration [>] == kde-apps/libkcddb ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE library for CDDB [>] == kde-apps/libkcompactdisc ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Library for playing & ripping CDs [>] == kde-apps/libkdcraw ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Digital camera raw image library wrapper [>] == kde-apps/libkdegames ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Base library common to many KDE games [>] == kde-apps/libkdepim ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Common PIM libraries [>] == kde-apps/libkeduvocdocument ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for reading/writing KVTML [>] == kde-apps/libkexiv2 ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Wrapper around exiv2 library [>] == kde-apps/libkgapi ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for accessing Google calendar and contact resources [>] == kde-apps/libkgeomap ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Wrapper library for world map components as marble, openstreetmap and googlemap [>] == kde-apps/libkipi ((~)19.08.3(5/32) -> (~)19.12.0(5/32)) [1]: A library for image plugins accross KDE applications [>] == kde-apps/libkleo ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Library for encryption handling [>] == kde-apps/libkmahjongg ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Mahjongg library based on Qt/KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/libkomparediff2 ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE library to compare files and strings [>] == kde-apps/libksane ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: SANE Library interface based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/libksieve ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Common PIM libraries [>] == kde-apps/libktnef ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library for handling TNEF data [>] == kde-apps/lokalize ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE Applications 5 translation tool [>] == kde-apps/lskat ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Skat game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/mailcommon ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Common mail library [>] == kde-apps/mailimporter ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Library to import mail from various sources [>] == kde-apps/marble ((~)19.08.3-r1(5/19.08)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5/19.12)^t) [1]: Virtual Globe and World Atlas to learn more about Earth [>] == kde-apps/mbox-importer ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Import mbox email archives from various sources into Akonadi [>] == kde-apps/messagelib ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Libraries for messaging functions [>] == kde-apps/minuet ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Music Education software by KDE [>] == kde-apps/okular ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Universal document viewer based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-apps/palapeli ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Jigsaw puzzle game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/parley ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: A vocabulary trainer to help you memorize things [>] == kde-apps/picmi ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Nonogram logic game by KDE [>] == kde-apps/pim-data-exporter ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Assistant to backup and archive PIM data and configuration [>] == kde-apps/pim-sieve-editor ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Assistant for editing IMAP Sieve filters [>] == kde-apps/pimcommon ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Common PIM libraries [>] == kde-apps/plasma-telepathy-meta ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Plasma Telepathy client [>] == kde-apps/poxml ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KDE utility to translate DocBook XML files using gettext po files [>] == kde-apps/print-manager ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Manage print jobs and printers in Plasma [>] == kde-apps/rocs ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Interface to work with Graph Theory [>] == kde-apps/signon-kwallet-extension ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: KWallet extension for signond [>] == kde-apps/spectacle ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Screenshot capture utility [>] == kde-apps/step ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Interactive physics simulator [>] == kde-apps/svgpart ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Kpart for viewing SVGs [>] == kde-apps/sweeper ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Privacy settings widget to clean unwanted traces on the system [>] == kde-apps/thumbnailers ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Thumbnail generators for PDF/PS and RAW files [>] == kde-apps/umbrello ((~)19.08.3(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: KDE UML Modeller [>] == kde-apps/yakuake ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: Quake-style terminal emulator based on konsole [>] == kde-apps/zeroconf-ioslave ((~)19.08.3(5) -> (~)19.12.0(5)) [1]: DNSSD (DNS Service Discovery – part of Rendezvous) ioslave and kded module [>] == kde-frameworks/attica ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing access to Open Collaboration Services [>] == kde-frameworks/baloo ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for searching and managing metadata [>] == kde-frameworks/bluez-qt ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API [>] == kde-frameworks/breeze-icons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Breeze SVG icon theme [>] == kde-frameworks/breeze-icons-rcc ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Breeze SVG icon theme binary resource [>] == kde-frameworks/extra-cmake-modules ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Extra modules and scripts for CMake [>] == kde-frameworks/frameworkintegration ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces [>] == kde-frameworks/kactivities ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for working with KDE activities [>] == kde-frameworks/kactivities-stats ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for getting the usage statistics collected by the activities service [>] == kde-frameworks/kapidox ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework for building KDE API documentation in a standard format and style [>] == kde-frameworks/karchive ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats [>] == kde-frameworks/kauth ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework to let applications perform actions as a privileged user [>] == kde-frameworks/kbookmarks ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for managing bookmarks stored in XBEL format [>] == kde-frameworks/kcalendarcore ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0-r1(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Library for interfacing with calendars [>] == kde-frameworks/kcmutils ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework to work with KDE System Settings modules [>] == kde-frameworks/kcodecs ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for manipulating strings using various encodings [>] == kde-frameworks/kcompletion ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for common completion tasks such as filename or URL completion [>] == kde-frameworks/kconfig ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for reading and writing configuration [>] == kde-frameworks/kconfigwidgets ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing an assortment of configuration-related widgets [>] == kde-frameworks/kcontacts ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Address book API based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-frameworks/kcoreaddons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for solving common problems such as caching, randomisation, and more [>] == kde-frameworks/kcrash ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for intercepting and handling application crashes [>] == kde-frameworks/kdbusaddons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for registering services and applications per freedesktop standards [>] == kde-frameworks/kdeclarative ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework providing integration of QML and KDE work spaces [>] == kde-frameworks/kded ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Central daemon of KDE workspaces [>] == kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework easing the development transition from KDELibs 4 to KF 5 [>] == kde-frameworks/kdesignerplugin ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework providing plugins to use KDE frameworks widgets in QtDesigner [>] == kde-frameworks/kdesu ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework to handle super user actions [>] == kde-frameworks/kdewebkit ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework providing KDE integration of QtWebKit [>] == kde-frameworks/kdnssd ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for network service discovery using Zeroconf [>] == kde-frameworks/kdoctools ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Tools to generate documentation in various formats from DocBook files [>] == kde-frameworks/kemoticons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for converting text emoticons to graphical representations [>] == kde-frameworks/kfilemetadata ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Library for extracting file metadata [>] == kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework to handle global shortcuts [>] == kde-frameworks/kguiaddons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing assorted high-level user interface components [>] == kde-frameworks/kholidays ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Library to determine holidays and other special events for a geographical region [>] == kde-frameworks/khtml ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: KHTML web rendering engine [>] == kde-frameworks/ki18n ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework based on Gettext for internationalizing user interface text [>] == kde-frameworks/kiconthemes ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for icon theming and configuration [>] == kde-frameworks/kidletime ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework for detection and notification of device idle time [>] == kde-frameworks/kimageformats ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing additional format plugins for Qt’s image I/O system [>] == kde-frameworks/kinit ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Helper library to speed up start of applications on KDE work spaces [>] == kde-frameworks/kio ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing transparent file and data management [>] == kde-frameworks/kirigami ((~)5.64.1(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications [>] == kde-frameworks/kitemmodels ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing data models to help with tasks such as sorting and filtering [>] == kde-frameworks/kitemviews ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing additional widgets for item models [>] == kde-frameworks/kjobwidgets ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing assorted widgets for showing the progress of jobs [>] == kde-frameworks/kjs ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: ECMAScipt compatible parser and engine [>] == kde-frameworks/kjsembed ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework binding JavaScript objects to QObjects [>] == kde-frameworks/kmediaplayer ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing a common interface for KParts that can play media files [>] == kde-frameworks/knewstuff ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data [>] == kde-frameworks/knotifications ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework for notifying the user of an event [>] == kde-frameworks/knotifyconfig ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64) -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)) [1]: Framework for configuring desktop notifications [>] == kde-frameworks/kpackage ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework to install and load packages of non binary content [>] == kde-frameworks/kparts ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing elaborate user-interface components [>] == kde-frameworks/kpeople ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: KDE contact person abstraction library [>] == kde-frameworks/kplotting ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing easy data-plotting functions [>] == kde-frameworks/kpty ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for pseudo terminal devices and running child processes [>] == kde-frameworks/kross ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for embedding scripting into applications [>] == kde-frameworks/krunner ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for providing different actions given a string query [>] == kde-frameworks/kservice ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Advanced plugin and service introspection [>] == kde-frameworks/ktexteditor ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing a full text editor component [>] == kde-frameworks/ktextwidgets ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing an assortment of widgets for displaying and editing text [>] == kde-frameworks/kunitconversion ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for converting units [>] == kde-frameworks/kwallet ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing desktop-wide storage for passwords [>] == kde-frameworks/kwayland ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Qt-style client and server library wrapper for Wayland libraries [>] == kde-frameworks/kwidgetsaddons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: An assortment of high-level widgets for common tasks [>] == kde-frameworks/kwindowsystem ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing access to properties and features of the window manager [>] == kde-frameworks/kxmlgui ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions in an abstract way [>] == kde-frameworks/kxmlrpcclient ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework providing client-side support for the XML-RPC protocol [>] == kde-frameworks/modemmanager-qt ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: ModemManager bindings for Qt [>] == kde-frameworks/networkmanager-qt ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: NetworkManager bindings for Qt [>] == kde-frameworks/oxygen-icons ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Oxygen SVG icon theme [>] == kde-frameworks/plasma ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Plasma framework [>] == kde-frameworks/prison ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: QRCode and data matrix barcode library [>] == kde-frameworks/purpose ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Library for providing abstractions to get the developer’s purposes fulfilled [>] == kde-frameworks/qqc2-desktop-style ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Style for QtQuickControls 2 that uses QWidget’s QStyle for painting [>] == kde-frameworks/solid ((~)5.64.0-r1(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Provider for platform independent hardware discovery, abstraction and management [>] == kde-frameworks/sonnet ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for providing spell-checking through abstraction of popular backends [>] == kde-frameworks/syndication ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Library for parsing RSS and Atom feeds [>] == kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for syntax highlighting [>] == kde-frameworks/threadweaver ((~)5.64.0(5/5.64)^t -> (~)5.65.0(5/5.65)^t) [1]: Framework for managing threads using job and queue-based interfaces [>] == kde-misc/kdirstat (3.1.4(5) -> (~)3.2.0(5)) [1]: GUI equivalent to the du command based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-misc/kio-locate ((~)0.5.3-r2(5) -> (~)0.5.3-r3(5)) [1]: Locate KIO slave [>] == kde-misc/latte-dock ((~)0.9.4 -> (~)0.9.5) [1]: Elegant dock, based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-misc/plasma-pass (1.0.0(5) -> (~)1.1.0(5)) [1]: Plasma applet to access password from pass [>] == kde-misc/tellico ((~)3.2.2(5)^t -> (~)3.2.3(5)^t) [1]: Collection manager based on KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-misc/zanshin (0.5.0-r1(5) -> (~)0.5.71(5)^t) [1]: Getting things done application by KDE [>] == kde-plasma/bluedevil ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Bluetooth stack for KDE Plasma [>] == kde-plasma/breeze ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Breeze visual style for the Plasma desktop [>] == kde-plasma/breeze-grub ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Breeze theme for GRUB [>] == kde-plasma/breeze-gtk ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Official GTK+ port of Plasma’s Breeze widget style [>] == kde-plasma/breeze-plymouth ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Breeze theme for Plymouth [>] == kde-plasma/discover ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma resources management GUI [>] == kde-plasma/drkonqi ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Plasma crash handler, gives the user feedback if a program crashed [>] == kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: System service to manage user’s activities, track the usage patterns etc. [>] == kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system [>] == kde-plasma/kde-gtk-config ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma systemsettings kcm to set GTK application look&feel [>] == kde-plasma/kdecoration ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Plugin based library to create window decorations [>] == kde-plasma/kdeplasma-addons ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4-r1(5)) [1]: Extra Plasma applets and engines [>] == kde-plasma/kgamma ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Screen gamma values kcontrol module [>] == kde-plasma/khotkeys ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma workspace hotkey module [>] == kde-plasma/kinfocenter ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Utility providing information about the computer hardware [>] == kde-plasma/kmenuedit ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma menu editor [>] == kde-plasma/kscreen ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma screen management [>] == kde-plasma/kscreenlocker ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Library and components for secure lock screen architecture [>] == kde-plasma/ksshaskpass ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KDE implementation of ssh-askpass with Kwallet integration [>] == kde-plasma/ksysguard ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Network-enabled task manager and system monitor [>] == kde-plasma/kwallet-pam ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KWallet PAM module to not enter password again [>] == kde-plasma/kwayland-integration ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Provides integration plugins for various KDE frameworks for Wayland [>] == kde-plasma/kwin ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4-r1(5)^t) [1]: Flexible, composited Window Manager for windowing systems on Linux [>] == kde-plasma/kwrited ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma daemon listening for wall and write messages [>] == kde-plasma/libkscreen ((~)5.17.3(5/7)^t -> 5.17.4(5/7)^t) [1]: Plasma screen management library [>] == kde-plasma/libksysguard ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Task management and system monitoring library [>] == kde-plasma/libkworkspace ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Workspace library to interact with the Plasma session manager [>] == kde-plasma/milou ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo [>] == kde-plasma/oxygen ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Oxygen visual style for the Plasma desktop [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-browser-integration ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Integrate Chrome/Firefox better into Plasma through browser extensions [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-desktop ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4-r1(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma desktop [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-integration ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4-r1(5)^t) [1]: Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-meta ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Merge this to pull in all Plasma 5 packages [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-nm ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma applet for NetworkManager [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-pa ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-sdk ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> 5.17.4-r1(5)^t) [1]: Useful applications for Plasma development [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-thunderbolt ((~)5.17.3(5)^t -> (~)5.17.4(5)^t) [1]: Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-vault ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-workspace ((~)5.17.3-r1(5)^t -> 5.17.4-r1(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma workspace [>] == kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-wallpapers ((~)5.17.3-r1(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Wallpapers for the Plasma workspace [>] == kde-plasma/plymouth-kcm ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma control module for Plymouth [>] == kde-plasma/polkit-kde-agent ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: PolKit agent module for KDE Plasma [>] == kde-plasma/powerdevil ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Power management for KDE Plasma Shell [>] == kde-plasma/sddm-kcm ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma control module for SDDM [>] == kde-plasma/systemsettings ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Control Center to configure KDE Plasma desktop [>] == kde-plasma/user-manager ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Simple system settings module to manage the users of your system [>] == kde-plasma/xdg-desktop-portal-kde ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal that is using Qt/KDE Frameworks [>] == kde-plasma/xembed-sni-proxy ((~)5.17.3(5) -> 5.17.4(5)) [1]: Legacy xembed tray icons support for SNI-only system trays [>] == lxqt-base/lxqt-globalkeys (0.14.1 -> (~)0.14.3) [1]: Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration [>] == mail-client/aerc ((~)0.3.0^s -> (~)0.3.0-r1^s) [1]: Email client for your terminal [>] == mail-client/clawsker (1.1.0 -> (~)1.3.1) [1]: Applet to edit Claws Mail’s hidden preferences [>] == mail-client/evolution ((~)3.32.4(2.0) -> (~)3.32.5-r1(2.0)) [1]: Integrated mail, addressbook and calendaring functionality [>] == mail-client/geary ((~)3.32.0-r1 -> (~)3.34.2-r1^t) [1]: A lightweight, easy-to-use, feature-rich email client [>] == mail-client/mutt ((~)1.12.2-r2 -> (~)1.13.1) [1]: A small but very powerful text-based mail client [>] == mail-client/thunderbird (68.2.2^td -> 68.3.1^td) [1]: Thunderbird Mail Client [>] == mail-client/thunderbird-bin (68.2.2^ms -> 68.3.1^ms) [1]: Thunderbird Mail Client [>] == mail-filter/milter-regex (2.6 -> (~)2.7) [1]: A milter-based regular expression filter [U] == mail-filter/rspamd (1.8.3@11/14/2019; (~)1.8.3^m -> (~)2.2) [1]: Rapid spam filtering system [>] == mail-filter/spamassassin ((~)3.4.2-r6 -> (~)3.4.3^t) [1]: An extensible mail filter which can identify and tag spam [>] == mail-mta/exim ((~)4.92.3 -> (~) [1]: A highly configurable, drop-in replacement for sendmail [>] == mail-mta/msmtp ((~)1.8.6 -> (~)1.8.7) [1]: An SMTP client and SMTP plugin for mail user agents such as Mutt [>] == mail-mta/netqmail ((~)1.06-r11^t -> (~)1.06-r12^t) [1]: qmail — a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent [U] == mail-mta/postfix (3.4.7@11/13/2019; (~)3.4.7 -> (~)3.4.8): A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail [>] == mate-base/mate-applets ((~)1.22.1 -> (~)1.22.2) [1]: Applets for the MATE Desktop and Panel [>] == media-fonts/ibm-plex ((~)3.0.0 -> (~)4.0.2) [1]: The package of IBM’s typeface [>] == media-fonts/intlfonts (1.2.1 -> 1.2.1-r1) [1]: International X11 fixed fonts [>] == media-gfx/asymptote ((~)2.60^t -> (~)2.61^t) [1]: A vector graphics language that provides a framework for technical drawing [>] == media-gfx/darktable (2.6.2 -> (~)3.0.0) [1]: A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers [>] == media-gfx/digikam ((~)6.3.0-r1(5)^t -> (~)6.4.0(5)^t) [1]: Digital photo management application [>] == media-gfx/evoluspencil ((~)3.1.0 -> (~)3.1.0-r1) [1]: A simple GUI prototyping tool to create mockups [>] == media-gfx/feh (3.2.1^t -> (~)3.3^t) [1]: A fast, lightweight imageviewer using imlib2 [>] == media-gfx/gimp ((~)2.10.12(2) -> (~)2.10.14(2)^t) [1]: GNU Image Manipulation Program [>] == media-gfx/gscan2pdf ((~)2.6.1^t -> (~)2.6.2^t) [1]: Scan documents, perform OCR, produce PDFs and DjVus [>] == media-gfx/hugin (2019.0.0 -> (~)2019.2.0_rc3) [1]: GUI for the creation & processing of panoramic images [>] == media-gfx/imagemagick (^t ->^t) [1]: A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats [>] == media-gfx/imv ((~)2.1.3 -> (~)4.0.1^t) [1]: Minimal image viewer designed for tiling window manager users [>] == media-gfx/inkscape ((~)1.0_beta1^t -> (~)1.0_beta2^t) [1]: SVG based generic vector-drawing program [>] == media-gfx/iscan ((~)^t -> (~)3.61.0) [1]: EPSON Image Scan v3 for Linux [>] == media-gfx/krita (^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Free digital painting application. Digital Painting, Creative Freedom! [<] == media-gfx/plantuml (8046 -> (~)1.2019.13) [1]: Draw UML diagrams using a simple and human readable text description [>] == media-gfx/qimgv ((~)0.8.5 -> (~)0.8.8) [1]: A cross-platform image viewer with webm support. Written in qt5. [>] == media-gfx/wings ((~)2.1.7 -> (~)2.2.5) [1]: Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler [>] == media-libs/alsa-lib ((~) -> (~) [1]: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Library [>] == media-libs/alsa-ucm-conf ((~)1.2.1 -> (~) [1]: ALSA ucm configuration files [>] == media-libs/bcg729 (1.0.4 -> (~)4.3.0_alpha) [1]: encoder and decoder of the ITU G729 Annex A/B speech codec [>] == media-libs/dav1d ((~)0.5.1(0/3) -> (~)0.5.2(0/3)) [1]: dav1d is an AV1 Decoder 🙂 [>] == media-libs/exiftool ((~)11.76 -> (~)11.80) [1]: Read and write meta information in image, audio and video files [>] == media-libs/ganv ((~)1.4.2 -> (~)1.4.2-r1) [1]: A GTK+ widget for interactive graph-like environments [>] == media-libs/giflib ((~)5.2.1(0/7) -> (~)5.2.1-r1(0/7)) [1]: Library to handle, display and manipulate GIF images [>] == media-libs/gmmlib ((~)19.2.4 -> (~)19.3.4) [1]: Intel Graphics Memory Management Library [>] == media-libs/imlib2 ((~)1.6.0 -> (~)1.6.1) [1]: Version 2 of an advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm [>] == media-libs/libmetalink (0.1.3 -> 0.1.3-r1^t) [1]: Library for handling Metalink files [>] == media-libs/libnspsl ((~)0.1.3-r1(0/0.1.3) -> (~)0.1.5(0/0.1.5)) [1]: decoding library for BMP and ICO image file formats, written in C [>] == media-libs/libplacebo ((~)1.21.0-r1^t -> (~)1.29.0(0/29)^t) [1]: Reusable library for GPU-accelerated image processing primitives [<] == media-libs/libquvi (0.4.1-r2(0.4) 0.9.4-r1(0/8) -> 0.9.4-r1(0/8)) [1]: Library for parsing video download links [<] == media-libs/libquvi-scripts (0.4.21-r2(0.4)^t 0.9.20131130-r1^t -> 0.9.20131130-r1^t) [1]: Embedded lua scripts for libquvi [>] == media-libs/libvorbis (1.3.6 -> (~)1.3.6-r1^t) [1]: The Ogg Vorbis sound file format library [>] == media-libs/libvpx (1.7.0(0/5)^t -> 1.7.0-r1(0/5)^t) [1]: WebM VP8 and VP9 Codec SDK [>] == media-libs/lilv (0.24.4-r1 -> (~)0.24.6^t) [1]: Library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications [>] == media-libs/lsp-plugins (1.1.7-r1 -> (~)1.1.10) [1]: Linux Studio Plugins [>] == media-libs/mesa ((~)19.3.0_rc4^t -> (~)19.3.1^t) [1]: OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux [>] == media-libs/mutagen ((~)1.42.0 -> (~)1.43.0^t) [1]: Audio metadata tag reader and writer implemented in pure Python [>] == media-libs/openal (1.19.1 -> (~)1.20.0) [1]: A software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API [>] == media-libs/opencv ((~)3.4.1-r6(0/3.4.1) -> (~)4.1.2-r2(0/4.1.2)) [1]: A collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems [>] == media-libs/portmidi (217-r2 -> (~)217-r3) [1]: Library for real time MIDI input and output [>] == media-libs/rlottie ((~)0.0.1_pre20191101^t -> 0.0.1_pre20191214^t) [1]: A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animations [>] == media-libs/rtaudio ((~)5.0.0(0/6) -> (~)5.1.0(0/6)) [1]: A set of cross-platform C++ classes for realtime audio I/O [>] == media-libs/slv2 (0.6.6-r2 -> (~)0.6.6-r3) [1]: A library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications [>] == media-libs/sratom (0.6.0-r1 -> (~)0.6.4^t) [1]: Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF, particularly the Turtle syntax [>] == media-libs/suil ((~)0.10.0 -> (~)0.10.6) [1]: Lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs [>] == media-plugins/calf (0.90.1 -> (~)0.90.3) [1]: A set of open source instruments and effects for digital audio workstations [>] == media-plugins/ir_lv2 ((~)1.3.2 -> (~)1.3.4) [1]: LV2 convolver plugin especially for creating reverb effects [>] == media-plugins/kodi-audioencoder-flac ((~)2.0.4 -> (~)2.0.5) [1]: Flac encoder addon for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-bnes ((~) -> (~) [1]: bNES GameClient for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-dosbox ((~) -> (~) [1]: DOSBox GameClient for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-nestopia ((~) -> (~) [1]: Nestopia GameClient for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-snes9x ((~) -> (~) [1]: Snes9x GameClient for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-twentyfortyeight ((~) -> (~) [1]: 2048 for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-iptvsimple ((~)3.8.7 -> (~)3.8.8) [1]: Kodi’s IPTVSimple client addon [>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-nextpvr ((~)3.3.15 -> (~)3.3.17) [1]: Kodi’s NextPVR client addon [>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-goom (9999l -> (~)2.1.0) [1]: Goom visualizer for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-projectm ((~)2.3.2 -> (~)2.3.4) [1]: ProjectM visualizer for Kodi [>] == media-plugins/mda-lv2 (1.2.2 -> (~)1.2.4) [1]: LV2 port of the MDA plugins by Paul Kellett [>] == media-plugins/vdr-actuator (1.2.1 -> (~)2.4.1_pre20181025) [1]: VDR plugin: control an hor. or ver. actuator attached trough the parallel port [>] == media-plugins/vdr-burn-templates ((~)0.0.2 -> (~)0.0.3) [1]: DVD-themes (background and menu) for vdr-burn [>] == media-plugins/vdr-duplicates ((~)0.1.0 -> (~)1.0.1) [1]: VDR Plugin: show duplicated records [>] == media-plugins/vdr-dvbapi ((~)2.2.4 -> (~)2.2.5) [1]: VDR Plugin: allows connect VDR to OScam [>] == media-plugins/vdr-dvdswitch (0.2.2 -> (~)0.2.3) [1]: VDR Plugin: to play dvds and dvd file structures [>] == media-plugins/vdr-epgsearch ((~)2.2.0 -> (~)2.4.0) [1]: VDR plugin: create timers from epg content based on saved search expressions [>] == media-plugins/vdr-epgsync (1.0.1 -> (~)1.0.1-r1) [1]: VDR Plugin: Import the EPG of another VDR via vdr-svdrpservice [>] == media-plugins/vdr-extrecmenu (1.2.4 -> (~)1.2.4-r1) [1]: VDR Plugin: Extended recordings menu [>] == media-plugins/vdr-femon ((~)2.2.1 -> (~)2.4.0) [1]: VDR Plugin: DVB Frontend Status Monitor (signal strength/noise) [>] == media-plugins/vdr-freecell (0.0.2-r3 -> (~)0.0.2-r4) [1]: VDR plugin: play ‘Freecell’ on the On Screen Display [>] == media-plugins/vdr-graphlcd ((~)1.0.0 -> (~)1.0.1) [1]: VDR Plugin: support output on Graphical LCD [>] == media-plugins/vdr-iptv ((~)2.2.1-r1 -> (~)2.4.0) [1]: VDR plugin: Add a logical device capable of receiving IPTV [>] == media-plugins/vdr-lcdproc ((~) -> (~) [1]: VDR plugin: use LCD device for additional output [>] == media-plugins/vdr-mp3ng ((~)0.0.1_pre5-r1 -> (~)0.0.1_pre5-r2) [1]: VDR Plugin: play mp3 and ogg on VDR [>] == media-plugins/vdr-noepg ((~)0.0.4 -> (~)0.0.5) [1]: VDR Plugin: will replace the noepg-patch with the new cEpgHandler [>] == media-plugins/vdr-recsearch ((~)0.3.5 -> (~)0.3.7) [1]: VDR Plugin: Search through your recordings and find the one you are looking for [>] == media-plugins/vdr-remoteosd (1.0.0 -> (~)1.0.0-r1) [1]: VDR Plugin: server/client remoteosd [>] == media-plugins/vdr-satip ((~)2.2.5 -> (~)2.4.0_p20191027) [1]: VDR Plugin: integrates SAT>IP network devices seamlessly into VDR [>] == media-plugins/vdr-skinelchi ((~)0.3.0 -> (~)0.3.0-r1) [1]: VDR Skin Plugin: skinelchi [>] == media-plugins/vdr-skinsoppalusikka ((~)2.2.1 -> (~)2.4.0) [1]: VDR Skin Plugin: soppalusikka [>] == media-plugins/vdr-ttxtsubs (0.3.0 -> (~)0.3.0-r1) [1]: VDR Plugin: displaying, recording and replaying teletext based subtitles [>] == media-plugins/vdr-undelete (0.0.7-r1 -> (~)2.3.0_pre1) [1]: VDR Plugin: Recover deleted recordings of VDR [>] == media-plugins/vdr-wirbelscan ((~)0.0.7-r1 -> (~)2018.11.04) [1]: VDR Plugin: Scan for channels on DVB-? and on PVR-Cards
[>] == media-plugins/vdr-xineliboutput ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.1.0) [1]: VDR Plugin: Xinelib PlugIn
[>] == media-radio/dxcc (20190309 -> (~)20191204) [1]: A ham radio callsign DXCC lookup utility
[>] == media-radio/js8call (1.1.0 -> (~)2.1.0) [1]: Weak signal ham radio communication
[>] == media-radio/wsjtx (2.1.0 -> (~)2.1.2) [1]: Weak signal ham radio communication
[>] == media-sound/beets ((~)1.4.9^t -> (~)1.4.9-r1^t) [1]: Media library management system for obsessive-compulsive music geeks
[>] == media-sound/csound ((~)6.10.0^t -> (~)6.13.0^t) [1]: Sound design and signal processing system for composition and performance
[>] == media-sound/din ((~)5.2.1 -> (~)43.0.1) [1]: a software musical instrument and audio synthesizer
[>] == media-sound/elisa ((~)0.4.2-r1(5)^t -> (~)19.12.0(5)^t) [1]: Simple music player by KDE
[>] == media-sound/flacon (4.1.0 -> (~)5.5.1^t) [1]: Extracts audio tracks from an audio CD image to separate tracks
[>] == media-sound/fluidsynth ((~)2.0.7(0/2) -> (~)2.1.0(0/2)) [1]: Software real-time synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications
[>] == media-sound/gmusicbrowser (1.1.15_p20160530 -> (~)1.1.15_p20190315) [1]: An open-source jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac files
[>] == media-sound/gogglesmm ((~)1.2.1 -> (~)1.2.1-r1) [1]: Fast and light music player
[>] == media-sound/grip ((~)4.0.0 -> (~)4.0.1) [1]: GTK+ based Audio CD Player/Ripper
[>] == media-sound/helm ((~)0.9.0 -> (~)0.9.0-r1) [1]: Open source polyphonic software synthesizer with lots of modulation
[>] == media-sound/jalv ((~)1.6.0-r2 -> (~)1.6.4) [1]: Simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack
[>] == media-sound/kid3 ((~)3.8.0(5) -> (~)3.8.1(5)) [1]: Simple tag editor based on Qt
[>] == media-sound/lollypop ((~)1.2.12^t -> (~)1.2.16^t) [1]: Modern music player for GNOME
[>] == media-sound/mixxx ((~)2.2.2 -> (~)2.2.3) [1]: Advanced Digital DJ tool based on Qt
[>] == media-sound/mpc ((~)0.32^t -> (~)0.33^t) [1]: Commandline client for Music Player Daemon (media-sound/mpd)
[>] == media-sound/mpd (0.21.16-r1^t -> (~)0.21.18^t) [1]: The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
[>] == media-sound/musescore ((~)3.3 -> (~)3.3.4) [1]: WYSIWYG Music Score Typesetter
[>] == media-sound/pulseeffects (4.6.8 -> (~)4.7.0) [1]: Limiter, compressor, reverberation, equalizer auto volume effects for Pulseaudio
[>] == media-sound/qmmp ((~)1.3.4 -> (~)1.3.5) [1]: Qt5-based audio player with winamp/xmms skins support
[>] == media-sound/qtractor ((~)0.9.9 -> (~)0.9.11) [1]: Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer written in C++ with the Qt framework
[>] == media-sound/rosegarden ((~)19.06 -> (~)19.12^t) [1]: MIDI and audio sequencer and notation editor
[>] == media-sound/sonic-visualiser ((~)3.1.1 -> (~)4.0.1) [1]: Music audio files viewer and analiser
[>] == media-sound/teamspeak-server ((~)3.10.1^md -> 3.10.2^md) [1]: A server software for hosting quality voice communication via the internet
[>] == media-sound/timemachine (0.3.3-r1 -> (~)0.3.4) [1]: JACK client record button remembering the last 10 seconds when pressed
[>] == media-sound/whipper ((~)0.7.3-r1 -> (~)0.9.0^t) [1]: A Python CD-DA ripper preferring accuracy over speed (forked from morituri)
[>] == media-tv/gentoo-vdr-scripts ((~) -> (~)2.8) [1]: Scripts necessary for use of VDR as a set-top-box
[>] == media-tv/kodi ((~)18.5^t -> (~)18.5-r1^t) [1]: A free and open source media-player and entertainment hub
[>] == media-tv/plex-media-server ((~)1.14.1^sd -> (~)1.18.3^sd) [1]: A free media library that is intended for use with a plex client
[>] == media-video/makemkv ((~)1.14.5 -> (~)1.14.7) [1]: Tool for ripping and streaming Blu-ray, HD-DVD and DVD discs
[>] == media-video/mpv ((~)0.30.0^t -> (~)0.31.0^t) [1]: Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
[>] == media-video/obs-studio ((~)24.0.3 -> (~)24.0.5) [1]: Software for Recording and Streaming Live Video Content
[>] == media-video/vdr (2.2.0-r4 -> (~)2.4.1) [1]: Video Disk Recorder – turns a pc into a powerful set top box for DVB
[>] == media-video/vdrsync ((~)0.1.3_pre050322-r1 -> (~)0.1.3_pre050322-r2) [1]: converting vdr-recordings to mpeg2, dvd or other similar formats
[>] == media-video/yle-dl (20191022^t -> 20191022-r1^t) [1]: Download media files from Yle Areena
[>] == net-analyzer/alive ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.0.2-r1) [1]: a periodic ping program
[><] == net-analyzer/cacti (1.1.38-r1(1.1.38-r1) (~)1.2.6(1.2.6) (~)1.2.7(1.2.7) -> 1.2.8(1.2.8)) [1]: Cacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool
[>] == net-analyzer/cacti-spine ((~)1.2.7 -> 1.2.8) [1]: Spine is a fast poller for Cacti (formerly known as Cactid)
[>] == net-analyzer/greenbone-security-assistant ((~)8.0.1 -> (~)8.0.1-r1) [1]: Greenbone Security Assistant
[>] == net-analyzer/macchanger ((~)1.7.0-r1 -> (~)1.7.0_p5_p4) [1]: Utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
[>] == net-analyzer/multimon-ng ((~)1.1.4 -> (~)1.1.8) [1]: a fork of multimon, decodes multiple digital transmission modes
[>] == net-analyzer/munin (2.0.49 -> (~)2.0.52-r1^t) [1]: Munin Server Monitoring Tool
[>] == net-analyzer/nagios-plugins ((~)2.2.1-r4^t -> (~)2.3.1^t) [1]: Official plugins for Nagios
[>] == net-analyzer/nessus-agent-bin ((~)7.4.2^fms -> (~)7.5.0^fms) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux – agent component
[>] == net-analyzer/nessus-bin ((~)8.5.2^fms -> (~)8.8.0^fms) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux
[>] == net-analyzer/net-snmp ((~)5.8-r4(0/35)^t -> (~)5.8.1_pre1(0/35)^t) [1]: Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data
[>] == net-analyzer/netdata ((~)1.18.1-r1 -> (~)1.19.0-r1) [1]: Linux real time system monitoring, done right!
[>] == net-analyzer/ntopng ((~)3.8 -> (~)3.8.1-r2^t) [1]: Network traffic analyzer with web interface
[>] == net-analyzer/pmacct ((~)1.7.3 -> (~)1.7.3-r1) [1]: A network tool to gather IP traffic information
[>] == net-analyzer/prelude-correlator ((~)4.1.1 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: Real time correlator of events received by Prelude Manager
[>] == net-analyzer/prelude-lml ((~)4.1.0 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: The prelude log analyzer
[>] == net-analyzer/prelude-lml-rules ((~)4.1.0 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: Prelude LML community ruleset
[>] == net-analyzer/sarg ((~)2.3.11-r2 -> (~)2.4.0_pre3) [1]: Squid Analysis Report Generator
[>] == net-analyzer/snort ((~)2.9.12 -> (~)2.9.15) [1]: The de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention
[>] == net-analyzer/squidview ((~)0.80 -> (~)0.86) [1]: Interactive console program to analyse squid logs
[>] == net-analyzer/suricata ((~)4.0.4 -> (~)5.0.1^t) [1]: High performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine
[>] == net-analyzer/wireshark ((~)3.0.6(0/3.0.6) -> (~)3.2.0(0/3.2.0)) [1]: A network protocol analyzer formerly known as ethereal
[>] == net-analyzer/zabbix ((~)4.4.0 -> 4.4.0-r1) [1]: ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers
[>] == net-dialup/freeradius ((~)3.0.18-r1^td -> (~)3.0.19^td) [1]: Highly configurable free RADIUS server
[>] == net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy ((~)2.0.33^s -> (~)2.0.36^s) [1]: A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols
[U] == net-dns/dnssec-root (20181220@08/22/2019; 20181220 -> 20181220-r1) [1]: The DNSSEC root key(s)
[>] == net-dns/getdns (1.5.2-r2^t -> (~)1.6.0_beta1^t) [1]: Modern asynchronous DNS API
[>] == net-dns/knot ((~)2.8.0 -> (~)2.9.2) [1]: High-performance authoritative-only DNS server
[<] == net-dns/libidn (1.33-r99(1.33) 1.35(0/12) -> 1.35(0/12)) [1]: Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) implementation
[>] == net-dns/nsd ((~)4.2.3 -> (~)4.2.4) [1]: An authoritative only, high performance, open source name server
[U] == net-dns/openresolv (3.9.0@08/20/2019; 3.9.0 -> (~)3.9.2): A framework for managing DNS information
[>] == net-dns/pdns ((~)4.2.0 -> (~)4.2.1^t) [1]: The PowerDNS Daemon
[>] == net-dns/pdns-recursor ((~)4.2.0 -> (~)4.2.1) [1]: The PowerDNS Recursor
[>] == net-dns/s6-dns ((~) -> (~) Suite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems
[U] == net-dns/unbound (1.9.5(0/8)@12/04/2019; 1.9.5(0/8)^t -> 1.9.6(0/8)^t) [1]: A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver
[>] == net-dns/valtz ((~)0.7-r1 -> (~)0.7-r3) [1]: Validation tool for tinydns-data zone files
[>] == net-firewall/arptables (0.0.4 -> (~)0.0.5) [1]: set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of ARP rules in the Linux kernel
[>] == net-firewall/ebtables ((~) -> (~)2.0.11): Controls Ethernet frame filtering on a Linux bridge, MAC NAT and brouting
[>] == net-firewall/ferm (2.4.1 -> (~)2.5^t) [1]: Command line util for managing firewall rules
[>] == net-firewall/ipset ((~)7.1 -> (~)7.4) [1]: IPset tool for iptables, successor to ippool
[U] == net-firewall/iptables (1.8.3-r1(0/1.8.3)@11/13/2019; (~)1.8.3-r1(0/1.8.3) -> (~)1.8.4(0/1.8.3)): Linux kernel (2.4+) firewall, NAT and packet mangling tools
[>] == net-firewall/nftables ((~)0.9.2-r1 -> (~)0.9.3-r1): Linux kernel (3.13+) firewall, NAT and packet mangling tools
[>] == net-firewall/xtables-addons ((~)3.3 -> (~)3.7) [1]: iptables extensions not yet accepted in the main kernel
[>] == net-fs/samba ((~)4.11.2^t -> (~)4.11.4^t) [1]: Samba Suite Version 4
[>] == net-ftp/filezilla ((~)3.45.1 -> (~)3.46.3^t) [1]: FTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface
[>] == net-ftp/lftp (4.8.4-r1^t -> (~)4.9.0^t) [1]: A sophisticated ftp/sftp/http/https/torrent client and file transfer program
[>] == net-ftp/proftpd (1.3.6b^t -> (~)1.3.6b-r1^t) [1]: An advanced and very configurable FTP server
[>] == net-im/discord-bin ((~)0.0.9^md -> (~)0.0.9-r1^md) [1]: All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers
[>] == net-im/signal-desktop-bin ((~)1.28.0 -> (~)1.29.3) [1]: Allows you to send and receive messages of Signal Messenger on your computer
[>] == net-im/skypeforlinux ((~)^msd -> (~)^msd) [1]: Instant messaging client, with support for audio and video
[>] == net-im/transwhat (0.2.2-r1 -> (~)0.2.2_p20190426) [1]: A WhatsApp XMPP Gateway based on Spectrum 2 and Yowsup 3
[>] == net-im/yowsup (3.2.3 -> (~)3.2.3_p20190905) [1]: A library that enables you to build applications which use the WhatsApp service
[>] == net-irc/hexchat ((~)2.14.2 -> (~)2.14.3) [1]: Graphical IRC client based on XChat
[>] == net-irc/kvirc (5.2_pre20190628041642 -> (~)5.2_pre20191202122540) [1]: Advanced IRC Client
[>] == net-irc/limnoria ((~)20171025 -> (~)20191123^t) [1]: Python based extensible IRC infobot and channel bot
[>] == net-irc/telepathy-idle (0.2.0-r1 -> 0.2.0-r2^t) [1]: Full-featured IRC connection manager for Telepathy
[>] == net-irc/unrealircd ( -> (~)5.0.0) [1]: An advanced Internet Relay Chat daemon
[>] == net-irc/weechat (2.6^t -> (~)2.7-r1^t) [1]: Portable and multi-interface IRC client
[>] == net-libs/glib-networking (2.60.3 -> (~)2.60.4^t) [1]: Network-related giomodules for glib
[U] == net-libs/gnutls (3.6.10(0/30)@11/13/2019; (~)3.6.10(0/30) -> (~)^t): A TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0 implementation for the GNU project
[>] == net-libs/grpc ((~)1.25.0^t -> (~)1.26.0^t) [1]: Modern open source high performance RPC framework
[>] == net-libs/libdom ((~)0.3.3-r1(0/0.3.3) -> (~)0.4.0(0/0.4.0)^t) [1]: implementation of the W3C DOM, written in C
[>] == net-libs/libhtp ((~)0.5.22 -> (~)0.5.32) [1]: security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces
[>] == net-libs/libisds (0.10.8 -> (~)0.11^t) [1]: Client library for accessing ISDS Soap services
[>] == net-libs/libmicrohttpd ((~)0.9.68(0/12) -> (~)0.9.69(0/12)^t) [1]: Small C library to run an HTTP server as part of another application
[>] == net-libs/libnftnl ((~)1.1.4(0/11) -> (~)1.1.5(0/11)^t) [1]: Netlink API to the in-kernel nf_tables subsystem
[>] == net-libs/libsearpc ((~)3.0.8-r3 -> (~)3.2.0) [1]: A simple C language RPC framework
[>] == net-libs/libssh ((~)0.9.2(0/4)^t -> 0.9.3(0/4)^t) [1]: Access a working SSH implementation by means of a library
[U] == net-libs/libtirpc (1.1.4(0/3)@11/13/2019; 1.1.4(0/3) -> (~)1.2.5(0/3)): Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement)
[>] == net-libs/libtorrent-rasterbar ((~)1.2.2-r1(0/9)^t -> (~)1.2.3(0/10)^t) [1]: C++ BitTorrent implementation focusing on efficiency and scalability
[>] == net-libs/libwebsockets ((~)3.2.0(0/3.2.0) -> (~)3.2.1(0/15)) [1]: A flexible pure-C library for implementing network protocols
[>] == net-libs/mbedtls ((~)2.17.0(0/12) -> (~)2.19.1(0/13)^t) [1]: Cryptographic library for embedded systems
[>] == net-libs/miniupnpc ((~)2.1.20190824(0/17) -> (~)2.1.20191224(0/17)) [1]: UPnP client library and a simple UPnP client
[>] == net-libs/nDPI ((~)2.8 -> (~)3.0-r1(0/3)) [1]: Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit
[>] == net-libs/nodejs ((~)13.0.1 -> (~)13.5.0^t) [1]: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine
[>] == net-libs/ntirpc ((~)1.7.4 -> (~)3.0) [1]: Transport Independent RPC library for nfs-ganesha
[>] == net-libs/pjproject ((~)2.7.2 -> (~)2.9) [1]: Open source SIP, Media, and NAT Traversal Library
[>] == net-libs/quiche ((~)0.1.0(0/0) -> (~)0.1.0-r1(0/0)) [1]: Implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
[>] == net-libs/rabbitmq-c (0.9.0(0/4) -> 0.10.0(0/4)^t) [1]: RabbitMQ C client
[>] == net-libs/signond ((~)8.60 -> 8.60-r1^t) [1]: Signon daemon for libaccounts-glib
[>] == net-libs/telepathy-accounts-signon (2.0 -> 2.1) [1]: Mission control plugin for Telepathy to provide IM accounts and authentication
[>] == net-libs/telepathy-logger-qt (17.08.0(5) -> 17.08.0-r1(5)) [1]: Qt bindings for the Telepathy logger
[>] == net-libs/webkit-gtk (2.24.4(4/37)^t -> (~)2.26.2(4/37)^t) [1]: Open source web browser engine
[>] == net-libs/xrootd ((~)4.10.1 -> (~)4.11.1^t) [1]: Extended ROOT remote file server
[U] == net-mail/dovecot (2.3.8@11/13/2019; (~)2.3.8 -> (~) [1]: An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind
[>] == net-mail/list-remote-forwards ((~)0.0.1-r1 -> (~)0.0.1-r2^t) [1]: List all remote forwards for mail accounts stored in a database
[>] == net-mail/mailbox-count ((~)0.0.2-r1 -> (~)0.0.2-r2^t) [1]: Count mailboxes in a SQL database
[>] == net-mail/notmuch ((~)0.29.2-r1(0/5)^t -> (~)0.29.3(0/5)^t) [1]: Thread-based e-mail indexer, supporting quick search and tagging
[U] == net-mail/pflogsumm (1.1.5-r1@11/13/2019; 1.1.5-r1 -> (~)1.1.5-r2) [1]: Pflogsumm is a log analyzer for Postfix logs
[>] == net-misc/anydesk ((~)5.1.2^md -> (~)5.5.1^md) [1]: Feature rich multi-platform remote desktop application
[>] == net-misc/apt-cacher-ng ((~)3.3_p1-r1 -> (~)3.3_p2) [1]: Yet another caching HTTP proxy for Debian/Ubuntu software packages
[>] == net-misc/asterisk (13.23.1 -> (~)13.29.1) [1]: Asterisk: A Modular Open Source PBX System
[>] == net-misc/asterisk-core-sounds (1.4.22 -> (~)1.6.1) [1]: Core sounds for asterisk
[>] == net-misc/asterisk-extra-sounds (1.4.11-r1 -> (~)1.5.2) [1]: Extra sounds for asterisk
[>] == net-misc/asterisk-moh-opsound (2.03 -> (~)2.03-r1) [1]: asterisk moh music
[>] == net-misc/dhcpcd-ui (0.7.5-r1 -> (~)0.7.7) [1]: Desktop notification and configuration for dhcpcd
[>] == net-misc/dropbox ((~)85.4.155^ms -> (~)87.4.138^ms) [1]: Dropbox daemon (pretends to be GUI-less)
[>] == net-misc/ipv6calc ((~)2.1.0 -> (~)2.2.0^t) [1]: IPv6 address calculator
[>] == net-misc/kea ((~)1.7.1 -> (~)1.7.3) [1]: High-performance production grade DHCPv4 & DHCPv6 server
[>] == net-misc/ntpsec (1.1.7-r1^m -> (~)1.1.8^m) [1]: The NTP reference implementation, refactored
[>] == net-misc/nx ((~) -> (~) [1]: NX compression technology core libraries
[>] == net-misc/oidentd ((~)2.3.2 -> (~)2.4.0) [1]: Another (RFC1413 compliant) ident daemon
[U] == net-misc/openntpd (6.2_p3[1]@08/21/2019; (~)6.2_p3 -> (~)6.2_p3-r1): Lightweight NTP server ported from OpenBSD
[>] == net-misc/pyhoca-cli ((~) -> (~) [1]: X2Go command line client
[>] == net-misc/pyhoca-gui ((~) -> (~) [1]: X2Go graphical client applet
[>] == net-misc/python-x2go ((~) -> (~) [1]: X2Go client-side Python API
[>] == net-misc/s6-networking ((~) -> (~) Suite of small networking utilities for Unix systems
[>] == net-misc/seafile ((~)7.0.2 -> (~)7.0.4) [1]: File syncing and sharing software with file encryption and group sharing
[>] == net-misc/seafile-client ((~)7.0.2 -> (~)7.0.4^t) [1]: Seafile desktop client
[>] == net-misc/stunnel ((~)5.56^t -> (~)5.56-r1^t) [1]: TLS/SSL – Port Wrapper
[><] == net-misc/teamviewer ((~)14.7.1965(14)^md -> (~)15.1.3937^md) [1]: All-In-One Solution for Remote Access and Support over the Internet
[>] == net-misc/trackma ((~)0.7.4 -> (~)0.8.2) [1]: Open multi-site list manager for media tracking sites
[U] == net-misc/wget (1.20.3-r2@08/21/2019; (~)1.20.3-r2 -> (~)1.20.3-r3^t): Network utility to retrieve files from the WWW
[>] == net-misc/x2goserver ((~) -> (~) [1]: The X2Go server
[>] == net-misc/youtube-dl ((~)2019.11.22^t -> (~)2019.12.25) [1]: Download videos from YouTube.com (and more sites…)
[><] == net-nds/phpldapadmin ((~)1.2.3(1.2.3) (~)1.2.3-r1(1.2.3-r1) -> (~)1.2.5(1.2.5)) [1]: phpLDAPadmin is a web-based tool for managing all aspects of your LDAP server
[>] == net-news/newsboat ((~)2.16.1 -> (~)2.18) [1]: An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
[>] == net-p2p/cpuminer-opt ((~)3.9.11 -> (~)3.10.7) [1]: Optimized multi algo CPU miner
[>] == net-p2p/deluge ((~)2.0.3-r1 -> (~)2.0.3-r2) [1]: BitTorrent client with a client/server model
[>] == net-p2p/fms ((~)0.3.80 -> (~)0.3.81) [1]: A spam-resistant message board application for Freenet
[>] == net-p2p/qbittorrent ((~) -> (~)4.2.1) [1]: BitTorrent client in C++ and Qt
[>] == net-p2p/syncthing ((~)1.3.1^t -> (~)1.3.2^s) [1]: Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
[>] == net-p2p/xmr-stak ((~)2.10.7 -> (~)2.10.8) [1]: Unified all-in-one Monero miner
[>] == net-print/cups ((~)2.3.0^t -> (~)2.3.1^t) [1]: The Common Unix Printing System
[>] == net-print/cups-filters ((~)1.25.12-r1^t -> (~)1.26.0^t) [1]: Cups filters
[>] == net-print/gutenprint (5.3.1^t -> (~)5.3.3^t) [1]: Ghostscript and cups printer drivers
[>] == net-print/hplip ((~)3.19.11 -> (~)3.19.12) [1]: HP Linux Imaging and Printing – Print, scan, fax drivers and service tools
[>] == net-proxy/trojan ((~)1.12.3^t -> (~)1.13.0^t) [1]: An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW
[>] == net-vpn/networkmanager-wireguard ((~)0_pre20181128 -> (~)0_pre20191128-r1) [1]: NetworkManager WireGuard plugin
[>] == net-vpn/openfortivpn ((~)1.10.0 -> (~)1.11.0) [1]: Fortinet compatible VPN client
[>] == net-vpn/strongswan ((~)5.8.1 -> (~)5.8.2) [1]: IPsec-based VPN solution, supporting IKEv1/IKEv2 and MOBIKE
[>] == net-vpn/tor ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
[>] == net-wireless/gr-osmosdr ((~)0.1.4_p20180626-r4(0/0.1.4_p20180626) -> (~)0.1.5(0/0.1.5)) [1]: GNU Radio source block for OsmoSDR and rtlsdr and hackrf
[>] == net-wireless/iw ((~)5.3 -> (~)5.4) [1]: nl80211-based configuration utility for wireless devices using the mac80211 kernel stack
[>] == net-wireless/iwd ((~)1.1 -> (~)1.4) [1]: Wireless daemon for linux
[>] == net-wireless/unifi ((~)5.12.42(0/5.12)^md -> (~)5.12.46(0/5.12)^md) [1]: A Management Controller for Ubiquiti Networks UniFi APs
[>] == sci-astronomy/kstars ((~)3.3.8(5) -> 3.3.8-r2(5)) [1]: Desktop Planetarium
[>] == sci-astronomy/pyephem ( ->^t) [1]: Astronomical routines for the python programming language
[>] == sci-chemistry/gromacs ((~)2020_beta1(0/2020_beta1)^t -> (~)2020_rc1(0/2020_rc1)^t) [1]: The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package
[>] == sci-chemistry/vmd ((~)1.9.3-r1^f -> (~)1.9.3-r2^f) [1]: Visual Molecular Dynamics
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad-footprints ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools footprint libraries
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad-i18n ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools GUI translations
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad-meta ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools (meta package)
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad-packages3d ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools 3D package libraries
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad-symbols ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools symbol libraries
[>] == sci-electronics/kicad-templates ((~)5.1.4 -> (~)5.1.5) [1]: Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools project templates
[>] == sci-electronics/librepcb ((~)0.1.0-r1 -> (~)0.1.3) [1]: Free EDA software to develop printed circuit boards
[>] == sci-geosciences/gnome-maps ( -> (~)3.34.2) [1]: A map application for GNOME
[>] == sci-geosciences/gpxsee ((~)7.17 -> (~)7.18) [1]: A viewer and analyzer that supports gpx, tcx, kml, fit, igc and nmea files
[>] == sci-geosciences/qgis (3.4.12^t -> (~)3.10.0^t) [1]: User friendly Geographic Information System
[>] == sci-libs/Shapely ((~)1.6.4_p2 -> (~)1.6.4_p2-r1^t) [1]: Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
[>] == sci-libs/armadillo ((~)9.200.6(0/9) -> (~)9.800.3(0/9)^t) [1]: Streamlined C++ linear algebra library
[>] == sci-libs/gdal ((~)2.4.1-r1(0/2.3) -> (~)2.4.1-r2(0/2.3)) [1]: Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support)
[>] == sci-libs/indilib ((~)1.8.2(0/1)^t -> 1.8.2-r1(0/1)^t) [1]: INDI Astronomical Control Protocol library
[>] == sci-libs/ogdi (3.2.0 -> 3.2.0-r1) [1]: Open Geographical Datastore Interface, a GIS support library
[>] == sci-libs/plplot ((~)5.12.0-r1(0/14)^t -> (~)5.15.0(0/14)^t) [1]: Multi-language scientific plotting library
[>] == sci-libs/proj ((~)6.2.0(0/15) -> (~)6.2.1(0/15)^t) [1]: PROJ coordinate transformation software
[>] == sci-libs/rtabmap ((~)0.19.3 -> (~)0.19.3-r1) [1]: Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping (RGB-D Graph SLAM)
[>] == sci-libs/scikits_learn ((~)0.19.0-r1 -> (~)0.20.4) [1]: Python modules for machine learning and data mining
[>] == sci-libs/scipy (1.1.0 -> (~)1.4.1^t) [1]: Scientific algorithms library for Python
[>] == sci-libs/sundials ((~)4.1.0(0/4) -> (~)5.0.0(0/5)) [1]: Suite of nonlinear solvers
[>] == sci-libs/symengine ((~)0.4.0(0/0.4) -> (~)0.5.0(0/0.4)^t) [1]: Fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++
[>] == sci-libs/tensorflow ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.1.0_rc2) [1]: Computation framework using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
[>] == sci-libs/tensorflow-estimator ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.1) [1]: A high-level TensorFlow API that greatly simplifies machine learning programming
[>] == sci-mathematics/agda ((~)2.5.2-r1(0/2.5.2)^t -> (~)2.5.2-r2(0/2.5.2)^t) [1]: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
[>] == sci-mathematics/gmm (5.1 -> (~)5.3) [1]: Generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices
[>] == sci-mathematics/pari ((~)2.9.4-r1(0/5) -> (~)2.11.2(0/6)^t) [1]: Computer-aided number theory C library and tools
[>] == sci-mathematics/pari-data ((~)20120726 -> (~)20191216) [1]: Additional dataset packages for PARI
[>] == sci-mathematics/wxmaxima ((~)19.11.0 -> (~)19.12.2) [1]: Graphical frontend to Maxima, using the wxWidgets toolkit
[>] == sci-visualization/tensorboard ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.1.0-r1) [1]: TensorFlow’s Visualization Toolkit
[>] == sys-apps/ack (3.0.0^t -> (~)3.2.0^t) [1]: ack is a tool like grep, optimized for programmers
[>] == sys-apps/checkpolicy (2.9 -> (~)3.0) [1]: SELinux policy compiler
[U] == sys-apps/debianutils (4.9@11/13/2019; (~)4.9 -> (~)4.9.1): A selection of tools from Debian
[>] == sys-apps/fd (7.3.0-r1 -> (~)7.4.0) [1]: Alternative to find that provides sensible defaults for 80% of the use cases
[U] == sys-apps/file (5.37-r1@11/13/2019; 5.37-r1 -> (~)5.38): identify a file’s format by scanning binary data for patterns
[>] == sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration (7 -> (~)8) [1]: systemd integration files for Gentoo
[>] == sys-apps/mcstrans (2.9 -> (~)3.0) [1]: SELinux context translation to human readable names
[>] == sys-apps/pkgcore ((~)0.10.7^t -> (~)0.10.9^t) [1]: a framework for package management
[>] == sys-apps/policycoreutils (2.9 -> (~)3.0) [1]: SELinux core utilities
[U] == sys-apps/portage (2.3.78-r4@11/17/2019; (~)2.3.78-r4 -> (~)2.3.78-r5): Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo
[>] == sys-apps/restorecond (2.9 -> (~)3.0) [1]: Daemon to watch for creation and set default SELinux fcontexts
[>] == sys-apps/rng-tools ((~)6.8 -> (~)6.9) [1]: Daemon to use hardware random number generators
[>] == sys-apps/s6 ((~) -> (~) skarnet.org’s small and secure supervision software suite
[>] == sys-apps/s6-linux-init ((~) -> (~) Generates an init binary for s6-based init systems
[>] == sys-apps/s6-linux-utils ((~) -> (~) Set of tiny linux utilities
[>] == sys-apps/s6-portable-utils ((~) -> (~) Set of tiny portable unix utilities
[>] == sys-apps/s6-rc ((~) -> (~) Service manager for the s6 supervision suite
[>] == sys-apps/secilc (2.9^t -> (~)3.0^t) [1]: SELinux Common Intermediate Language (CIL) Compiler
[>] == sys-apps/selinux-python (2.9 -> (~)3.0) [1]: SELinux core utilities
[>] == sys-apps/semodule-utils (2.9 -> (~)3.0) [1]: SELinux policy module utilities
[U] == sys-apps/shadow (4.7-r2@12/05/2019; (~)4.7-r2 -> (~)4.8-r2): Utilities to deal with user accounts
[>] == sys-apps/the_silver_searcher ((~)2.1.0 -> (~)2.2.0^t) [1]: A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster
[>] == sys-apps/yarn ((~)1.19.2 -> (~)1.21.1) [1]: Fast, reliable, and secure node dependency management
[>] == sys-auth/google-authenticator ((~)1.06^t -> (~)1.07^t) [1]: PAM Module for two step verification via mobile platform
[>] == sys-auth/libfprint ((~)1.0 -> (~)1.90.0) [1]: library to add support for consumer fingerprint readers
[>] == sys-auth/nss-pam-ldapd (0.9.11 -> (~)0.9.11-r1^t) [1]: NSS module for name lookups using LDAP
[>] == sys-auth/sssd ((~)2.2.2 -> (~)2.2.3^t) [1]: System Security Services Daemon provides access to identity and authentication
[>] == sys-auth/ykpers (1.19.3-r1 -> (~)1.20.0) [1]: Library and tool for personalization of Yubico’s YubiKey
[>] == sys-block/di ((~)4.47.2^t -> (~)4.47.3^t) [1]: Disk Information Utility
[>] == sys-block/gparted (0.33.0 -> (~)1.0.0) [1]: Gnome Partition Editor
[>] == sys-block/sas3ircu ((~)15^fms -> (~)16^fms) [1]: LSI MPT-SAS3 controller management tool
[>] == sys-block/storcli ((~)7.1017(0/7.10) -> (~)7.1211(0/7.12)) [1]: MegaRAID StorCLI (successor of the MegaCLI)
[>] == sys-cluster/crmsh ((~)3.0.3 -> (~)4.1.0) [1]: Pacemaker command line interface for management and configuration
[>] == sys-cluster/kube-apiserver ((~)1.16.3^t -> (~)1.16.4^t) [1]: Kubernetes API server
[>] == sys-cluster/kube-controller-manager ((~)1.16.3^t -> (~)1.16.4^t) [1]: Kubernetes Controller Manager
[>] == sys-cluster/kube-proxy ((~)1.16.3^t -> (~)1.16.4^t) [1]: Kubernetes Proxy service
[>] == sys-cluster/kube-scheduler ((~)1.16.3^t -> (~)1.16.4^t) [1]: Kubernetes Scheduler
[>] == sys-cluster/kubectl ((~)1.16.3^t -> (~)1.17.0^t) [1]: CLI to run commands against Kubernetes clusters
[>] == sys-cluster/kubelet ((~)1.16.3^t -> (~)1.16.4^t) [1]: Kubernetes Node Agent
[>] == sys-cluster/libqb ((~)1.0.1 -> (~)1.0.5^t) [1]: Library providing high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll
[>] == sys-cluster/minikube ((~)1.0.1^t -> (~)1.6.2^t) [1]: Single Node Kubernetes Cluster
[>] == sys-cluster/neutron (15.0.0 -> (~)15.0.1) [1]: A virtual network service for Openstack
[>] == sys-cluster/rdma-core ((~)26.1 -> (~)27.0) [1]: Userspace components for the Linux Kernel’s drivers/infiniband subsystem
[>] == sys-cluster/slurm ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: A Highly Scalable Resource Manager
[<] == sys-cluster/vzctl (4.9.4-r2 -> 4.9.4) [1]: OpenVZ ConTainers control utility
[U] == sys-devel/autoconf (2.69-r4(2.69)@08/20/2019; 2.13-r1(2.1) 2.64-r1(2.64) 2.69-r4(2.69) -> 2.13-r1(2.1) 2.64-r1(2.64) (~)2.69-r5(2.69)): Used to create autoconfiguration files
[U] == sys-devel/binutils-config (5.1-r1[1]@08/21/2019; 5.1-r1 -> (~)5.2): Utility to change the binutils version being used
[U] == sys-devel/bison (3.4.2@11/13/2019; (~)3.4.2 -> (~)3.5^t): A general-purpose (yacc-compatible) parser generator
[><] == sys-devel/clang (6.0.1(6)^t 7.1.0(7/7.1)^t 8.0.1(8)^t (~)9.0.0(9)^t -> 7.1.0(7/7.1)^t 8.0.1(8)^t (~)9.0.1(9)^t) [1]: C language family frontend for LLVM
[>] == sys-devel/clang-common ((~)9.0.0 -> (~)9.0.1) [1]: Common files shared between multiple slots of clang
[><] == sys-devel/clang-runtime (6.0.1(6.0.1) 7.1.0(7.1.0) 8.0.1(8.0.1) (~)9.0.0(9.0.0) -> 7.1.0(7.1.0) 8.0.1(8.0.1) (~)9.0.0(9.0.0) (~)9.0.1(9.0.1)) [1]: Meta-ebuild for clang runtime libraries
[>] == sys-devel/crossdev (20191014 -> 20191222) [1]: Gentoo Cross-toolchain generator
[U?] == sys-devel/gcc (9.2.0(9.2.0)@08/21/2019 9.2.1-r10(9.2.1)@11/13/2019; 5.5.0-r4(5.5.0)l^s 6.4.1-r4(6.4.1)l^s 6.5.0-r6(6.5.0)l^s 6.5.1-r8(6.5.1)l^s 7.3.1-r5(7.3.1)l^s 7.4.1-r8(7.4.1)l^s 8.2.1-r7(8.2.1)l^s 8.3.0-r666(8.3.0)l^s 8.3.1-r8(8.3.1)l^s 9.1.0-r8(9.1.0)l^s 9.1.1-r8(9.1.1)l^s 9.2.1-r10(9.2.1)l^s -> 5.5.0-r4(5.5.0)l^s 6.4.1-r4(6.4.1)l^s 6.5.0-r6(6.5.0)l^s 6.5.1-r8(6.5.1)l^s 7.3.1-r5(7.3.1)l^s 7.4.1-r8(7.4.1)l^s 7.5.0-r1(7.5.0)l^s 8.2.1-r7(8.2.1)l^s 8.3.0-r666(8.3.0)l^s^s^s 9.1.0-r8(9.1.0)l^s 9.1.1-r8(9.1.1)l^s^s^s): The GNU Compiler Collection [U] == sys-devel/gnuconfig (20190804@11/13/2019; (~)20190804 -> 20190912): Updated config.sub and config.guess file from GNU [U] == sys-devel/icecream (1.2@11/13/2019; (~)1.2 -> (~)1.3): Distributed compiling of C(++) code across several machines; based on distcc [U] == sys-devel/libtool (2.4.6-r5(2)@08/20/2019; (~)2.4.6-r5(2) -> (~)2.4.6-r6(2)): A shared library tool for developers [>] == sys-devel/lld ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: The LLVM linker (link editor) [><] == sys-devel/llvm (6.0.1-r2(6)^t 7.1.0(7/7.1)^t 8.0.1(8)^t (~)9.0.0(9)^t -> 7.1.0(7/7.1)^t 8.0.1(8)^t (~)9.0.1(9)^t) [1]: Low Level Virtual Machine [>] == sys-devel/llvm-common ((~)9.0.0 -> (~)9.0.1) [1]: Common files shared between multiple slots of LLVM [>] == sys-devel/llvm-roc ((~)2.10.0 -> (~)3.0.0) [1]: Radeon Open Compute llvm,lld,clang [>] == sys-fs/bees ((~)0.6.1 -> (~)0.6.1-r2): Best-Effort Extent-Same, a btrfs dedup agent [U] == sys-fs/btrfs-progs (5.3.1(0/0)@11/13/2019; (~)5.3.1(0/0)^t -> (~)5.4(0/0)^t): Btrfs filesystem utilities [>] == sys-fs/cryptmount (5.3.1 -> (~)5.3.2): A utility for management and user-mode mounting of encrypted filesystems [U] == sys-fs/fuse (2.9.9-r1[1]@08/21/2019; (~)2.9.9-r1 (~)3.8.0(3)^t -> (~)2.9.9-r1 (~)3.9.0(3)^t): An interface for filesystems implemented in userspace [U] == sys-fs/fuse-common (3.8.0@12/04/2019; (~)3.8.0 -> (~)3.9.0): Common files for multiple slots of sys-fs/fuse [>] == sys-fs/hfsutils (3.2.6-r5 -> (~)3.2.6_p14): HFS FS Access utils [>] == sys-fs/multipath-tools ((~)0.8.3^t -> (~)0.8.3-r1^t): Device mapper target autoconfig [>] == sys-fs/udiskie (1.7.7 -> (~)2.0.1): An automatic disk mounting service using udisks [>] == sys-fs/zfs-kmod ((~)0.8.2^st -> (~)0.8.2-r2^st): Linux ZFS kernel module for sys-fs/zfs [><] == sys-kernel/ck-sources ((~)4.9.120(4.9.120)^bs (~)4.9.123(4.9.123)^bs (~)4.9.124(4.9.124)^bs (~)4.9.126(4.9.126)^bs (~)4.9.128(4.9.128)^bs (~)4.9.130(4.9.130)^bs (~)4.9.132(4.9.132)^bs (~)4.9.135(4.9.135)^bs (~)4.9.137(4.9.137)^bs (~)4.14.63(4.14.63)^bs (~)4.14.66(4.14.66)^bs (~)4.14.67(4.14.67)^bs (~)4.14.69(4.14.69)^bs (~)4.14.71(4.14.71)^bs (~)4.14.73(4.14.73)^bs (~)4.14.75(4.14.75)^bs (~)4.14.78(4.14.78)^bs (~)4.14.81(4.14.81)^bs (~)4.18.5(4.18.5)^bs (~)4.18.7(4.18.7)^bs (~)4.18.9(4.18.9)^bs (~)4.18.11(4.18.11)^bs (~)4.18.13(4.18.13)^bs (~)4.18.16(4.18.16)^bs (~)4.18.19(4.18.19)^bs (~)4.19.2(4.19.2)^bs (~)5.1.7(5.1.7)^bs (~)5.2.3(5.2.3)^bs -> (~)5.4.2-r1(5.4.2-r1)^bs (~)5.4.3(5.4.3)^bs (~)5.4.6(5.4.6)^bs) [1]: Gentoo’s genpatches for Linux , with Con Kolivas’ MuQSS process scheduler. [><] == sys-kernel/debian-sources (5.2.17_p1(debian-sources-5.2.17_p1)^mbs 5.3.9_p3(debian-sources-5.3.9_p3)^mbs -> 5.3.9_p3(debian-sources-5.3.9_p3)^mbs 5.4.2_p1(debian-sources-5.4.2_p1)^mbs): Debian Sources (and optional binary kernel) [>] == sys-kernel/debian-sources-lts (4.19.67_p2-r3(debian-sources-lts-4.19.67_p2-r3)^mbs -> 4.19.67_p2-r3(debian-sources-lts-4.19.67_p2-r3)^mbs 4.19.87_p1(debian-sources-lts-4.19.87_p1)^mbs): Debian Sources (and optional binary kernel) [>] == sys-kernel/dracut ((~)049-r2^t -> (~)049-r3^t): Generic initramfs generation tool [><] == sys-kernel/gentoo-sources (4.4.189(4.4.189)^bs 4.4.192(4.4.192)^bs (~)4.4.197(4.4.197)^bs (~)4.4.198(4.4.198)^bs 4.4.199(4.4.199)^bs (~)4.4.200(4.4.200)^bs (~)4.4.201(4.4.201)^bs (~)4.4.202(4.4.202)^bs 4.4.203(4.4.203)^bs 4.9.189(4.9.189)^bs 4.9.192(4.9.192)^bs (~)4.9.197(4.9.197)^bs (~)4.9.198(4.9.198)^bs 4.9.199(4.9.199)^bs (~)4.9.200(4.9.200)^bs (~)4.9.201(4.9.201)^bs (~)4.9.202(4.9.202)^bs 4.9.203(4.9.203)^bs 4.14.138(4.14.138)^bs 4.14.143(4.14.143)^bs (~)4.14.151(4.14.151)^bs 4.14.152(4.14.152)^bs (~)4.14.153(4.14.153)^bs (~)4.14.154(4.14.154)^bs (~)4.14.155(4.14.155)^bs 4.14.156(4.14.156)^bs 4.19.66(4.19.66)^bs 4.19.72(4.19.72)^bs (~)4.19.81(4.19.81)^bs 4.19.82(4.19.82)^bs (~)4.19.83(4.19.83)^bs (~)4.19.84(4.19.84)^bs (~)4.19.85(4.19.85)^bs 4.19.86(4.19.86)^bs (~)5.3.8(5.3.8)^bs (~)5.3.9(5.3.9)^bs (~)5.3.10(5.3.10)^bs (~)5.3.11(5.3.11)^bs (~)5.3.12(5.3.12)^bs (~)5.3.13(5.3.13)^bs (~)5.4.0(5.4.0)^bs -> 4.4.192(4.4.192)^bs 4.4.199(4.4.199)^bs 4.4.203(4.4.203)^bs (~)4.4.205(4.4.205)^bs (~)4.4.206(4.4.206)^bs (~)4.4.207(4.4.207)^bs 4.9.192(4.9.192)^bs 4.9.199(4.9.199)^bs 4.9.203(4.9.203)^bs (~)4.9.205(4.9.205)^bs (~)4.9.206(4.9.206)^bs 4.14.143(4.14.143)^bs 4.14.152(4.14.152)^bs 4.14.156(4.14.156)^bs (~)4.14.157(4.14.157)^bs (~)4.14.158(4.14.158)^bs (~)4.14.159(4.14.159)^bs 4.19.72(4.19.72)^bs 4.19.82(4.19.82)^bs 4.19.86(4.19.86)^bs (~)4.19.87(4.19.87)^bs (~)4.19.88(4.19.88)^bs (~)4.19.89(4.19.89)^bs (~)4.19.90(4.19.90)^bs (~)4.19.91(4.19.91)^bs (~)5.3.18(5.3.18)^bs (~)5.4.0(5.4.0)^bs (~)5.4.1(5.4.1)^bs (~)5.4.2(5.4.2)^bs (~)5.4.3(5.4.3)^bs (~)5.4.4(5.4.4)^bs (~)5.4.5(5.4.5)^bs (~)5.4.6(5.4.6)^bs) [1]: Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 5.4 kernel tree [><] == sys-kernel/git-sources ((~)5.4_rc1(5.4_rc1)^bs (~)5.4_rc2(5.4_rc2)^bs (~)5.4_rc3(5.4_rc3)^bs (~)5.4_rc4(5.4_rc4)^bs (~)5.4_rc5(5.4_rc5)^bs (~)5.4_rc6(5.4_rc6)^bs (~)5.4_rc7(5.4_rc7)^bs (~)5.4_rc8(5.4_rc8)^bs -> (~)5.5_rc1(5.5_rc1)^bs (~)5.5_rc2(5.5_rc2)^bs (~)5.5_rc3(5.5_rc3)^bs (~)5.5_rc4(5.5_rc4)^bs) [1]: The very latest -git version of the Linux kernel [>] == sys-kernel/linux-firmware (20191108^bsd -> 20191215^bsd) [1]: Linux firmware files [U] == sys-kernel/linux-headers (5.3-r1@11/13/2019; (~)5.3-r1^bs -> (~)5.4^bs): Linux system headers [><] == sys-kernel/pf-sources ((~)5.1_p7(5.1_p7)^bs (~)5.2_p8(5.2_p8)^bs (~)5.3_p1(5.3_p1)^bs (~)5.3_p2(5.3_p2)^bs (~)5.3_p3(5.3_p3)^bs (~)5.3_p4(5.3_p4)^bs (~)5.3_p5(5.3_p5)^bs (~)5.3_p6(5.3_p6)^bs (~)5.3_p8(5.3_p8)^bs (~)5.4_p1(5.4_p1)^bs -> (~)5.1_p7(5.1_p7)^bs (~)5.2_p8(5.2_p8)^bs (~)5.3_p8(5.3_p8)^bs (~)5.4_p1(5.4_p1)^bs (~)5.4_p2(5.4_p2)^bs (~)5.4_p3(5.4_p3)^bs) [1]: Linux kernel fork that includes the pf-kernel patchset and Gentoo’s genpatches [><] == sys-kernel/vanilla-sources ((~)3.16.78(3.16.78)^bs (~)4.4.203(4.4.203)^bs (~)4.9.203(4.9.203)^bs (~)4.14.156(4.14.156)^bs (~)4.19.86(4.19.86)^bs (~)5.3.13(5.3.13)^bs (~)5.4.0(5.4.0)^bs -> (~)3.16.80(3.16.80)^bs (~)4.4.207(4.4.207)^bs (~)4.9.207(4.9.207)^bs (~)4.14.160(4.14.160)^bs (~)4.19.91(4.19.91)^bs (~)5.4.6(5.4.6)^bs) [1]: Full sources for the Linux kernel [><] == sys-libs/compiler-rt (6.0.1(6.0.1)^t 7.1.0(7.1.0)^t 8.0.1(8.0.1)^t (~)9.0.0-r1(9.0.0)^t -> 7.1.0(7.1.0)^t 8.0.1(8.0.1)^t (~)9.0.0-r1(9.0.0)^t (~)9.0.1(9.0.1)^t) [1]: Compiler runtime library for clang (built-in part) [><] == sys-libs/compiler-rt-sanitizers (6.0.1(6.0.1)^t 7.1.0(7.1.0)^t 8.0.1(8.0.1)^t (~)9.0.0(9.0.0)^t -> 7.1.0(7.1.0)^t 8.0.1(8.0.1)^t (~)9.0.0(9.0.0)^t (~)9.0.1(9.0.1)^t) [1]: Compiler runtime libraries for clang (sanitizers & xray) [>] == sys-libs/ldb ((~)2.0.7(0/2.0.7) -> (~)2.0.8(0/2.0.8)) [1]: An LDAP-like embedded database [U] == sys-libs/libcap (2.27@11/13/2019; (~)2.27^t -> (~)2.29-r3^t): POSIX 1003.1e capabilities [>] == sys-libs/libcxx ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: New implementation of the C++ standard library, targeting C++11 [>] == sys-libs/libcxxabi ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: Low level support for a standard C++ library [>] == sys-libs/libomp ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: OpenMP runtime library for LLVM/clang compiler [>] == sys-libs/libselinux ((~)2.9-r1 -> (~)3.0) [1]: SELinux userland library [>] == sys-libs/libsemanage (2.9^t -> (~)3.0^t) [1]: SELinux kernel and policy management library [>] == sys-libs/libsepol (2.9^t -> (~)3.0^t) [1]: SELinux binary policy representation library [>] == sys-libs/libsmbios (2.4.2 -> (~)2.4.2-r1^t): Provide access to (SM)BIOS information [>] == sys-libs/libunwind ((~)1.2.1-r3(7)^t -> (~)1.3.1(7/8)^t): Portable and efficient API to determine the call-chain of a program [>] == sys-libs/llvm-libunwind ((~)9.0.0^t -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: C++ runtime stack unwinder from LLVM [>] == sys-libs/ncurses-compat (5.9(5/5) -> (~)6.1_p20190609(5/5)): console display library (ABI version 5) [>] == sys-libs/talloc ((~)2.3.0^t -> (~)2.3.1^t) [1]: Samba talloc library [>] == sys-libs/tdb ((~)1.4.2^t -> (~)1.4.3^t) [1]: A simple database API [>] == sys-libs/tevent ((~)0.10.1^t -> (~)0.10.2^t) [1]: Samba tevent library [>] == sys-power/acpid ((~)2.0.32 -> (~)2.0.32-r1) [1]: Daemon for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface [>] == sys-power/cpupower (4.13.0(0/0) -> (~)5.4(0/0)) [1]: Shows and sets processor power related values [>] == sys-process/audit (2.8.4^t -> (~)2.8.5^t) [1]: Userspace utilities for storing and processing auditing records [>] == sys-process/criu (3.11^t -> (~)3.12^t): utility to checkpoint/restore a process tree [>] == sys-process/glances ((~)3.1.2 -> (~)3.1.3-r1^t) [1]: CLI curses based monitoring tool [U] == sys-process/procps (3.3.15-r1(0/6)@11/13/2019; 3.3.15-r1(0/6) -> (~)3.3.16(0/8)^t): standard informational utilities and process-handling tools [>] == virtual/cargo ((~)1.39.0 -> (~)1.40.0) [1]: Package manager for Rust [U] == virtual/editor (0-r2@08/21/2019; 0-r2 -> 0-r3) [1]: Virtual for editor [>] == virtual/emacs (26 -> 26-r2) [1]: Virtual for GNU Emacs [U] == virtual/mta (1[1]@08/22/2019; 1 -> 1-r1): Virtual for Message Transfer Agents [>] == virtual/pypy ((~)7.2.0(0/41-py27) -> (~)7.3.0(0/73)) [3]: An obsolete virtual for PyPy Python implementation [>] == virtual/pypy3 ((~)7.2.0(0/72-py36) -> (~)7.3.0(0/pypy36-pp73)) [3]: An obsolete virtual for PyPy3 Python implementation [>] == virtual/rubygems (15 -> (~)16) [1]: Virtual ebuild for rubygems [>] == virtual/rust ((~)1.39.0 -> (~)1.40.0) [1]: Virtual for Rust language compiler [>] == www-apache/mod_h2 ((~)1.15.4 -> (~)1.15.5) [1]: HTTP/2 module for Apache [>] == www-apps/chromedriver-bin ((~)78.0.3904.105^msd -> (~)79.0.3945.36^msd) [1]: WebDriver for Chrome [><] == www-apps/davical ((~)1.1.7-r2(1.1.7-r2) (~)1.1.8(1.1.8) -> (~) [1]: A CalDAV and CardDAV Server [><] == www-apps/drupal ((~)7.67(7.67) (~)7.67-r1(7.67-r1) (~)8.6.16(8.6.16) (~)8.7.8(8.7.8) (~)8.7.9(8.7.9) (~)8.7.10(8.7.10) -> (~)7.69(7.69) (~)8.7.11(8.7.11) (~)8.8.1(8.8.1)) [1]: PHP-based open-source platform and content management system [>] == www-apps/gitea ((~)1.10.0^s -> (~)1.10.1^s) [1]: A painless self-hosted Git service [>] == www-apps/klaus ((~)1.5.0 -> (~)1.5.1) [1]: A simple, easy-to-set-up Git web viewer [>] == www-apps/mediawiki (1.33.1(1.33.1)^t -> 1.33.1(1.33.1)^t (~)1.33.2(1.33.2)^t (~)1.34.0(1.34.0)^t) [1]: The MediaWiki wiki web application (as used on wikipedia.org) [>] == www-apps/netbox ((~)2.6.7 -> (~)2.6.8) [1]: IP address and data center infrastructure management tool [><] == www-apps/nextcloud ((~)14.0.14(14.0.14) (~)15.0.12(15.0.12) (~)15.0.13(15.0.13) (~)16.0.5(16.0.5) (~)16.0.6(16.0.6) (~)17.0.0(17.0.0) (~)17.0.1(17.0.1) -> (~)15.0.12(15.0.12) (~)15.0.13(15.0.13) (~)15.0.14(15.0.14) (~)16.0.5(16.0.5) (~)16.0.6(16.0.6) (~)16.0.7(16.0.7) (~)17.0.0(17.0.0) (~)17.0.1(17.0.1) (~)17.0.2(17.0.2)) [1]: Personal cloud that runs on your own server [><] == www-apps/owncloud ((~)10.2.1(10.2.1) (~)10.3.0-r1(10.3.0-r1) (~)10.3.1(10.3.1) -> (~)10.3.1(10.3.1) (~)10.3.2(10.3.2)) [1]: Web-based storage application where all your data is under your own control [<] == www-apps/piwigo ((~)2.9.5(2.9.5) (~)2.10.0(2.10.0) (~)2.10.1(2.10.1) -> (~)2.10.1(2.10.1)) [1]: a photo gallery software for the web [><] == www-apps/postfixadmin (3.1(3.1) (~)3.2(3.2) -> 3.2(3.2) (~)3.2.3(3.2.3)) [1]: Web Based Management tool for Postfix style virtual domains and users [>] == www-apps/prewikka ((~)4.1.5 -> (~)5.1.1) [1]: Graphical front-end analysis console for the Prelude Framework [>] == www-apps/redmine ((~)3.4.5^t -> (~)4.0.5-r1^t) [1]: Flexible project management web application using the Ruby on Rails framework [><] == www-apps/wordpress ((~)5.2.4(5.2.4) (~)5.3(5.3) -> (~)5.3.1(5.3.1) (~)5.3.2(5.3.2)) [1]: WordPress PHP and MySQL based content management system (CMS) [>] == www-apps/zeppelin-bin ((~)0.8.1 -> 0.8.2) [1]: Web-based interactive data analytics notebook launcher [>] == www-client/chromium ((~)80.0.3970.5^d -> (~)80.0.3987.16^d) [1]: Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser [>] == www-client/firefox ((~)70.0.1^td -> (~)71.0-r1^td) [1]: Firefox Web Browser [>] == www-client/firefox-bin (70.0.1^ms -> 71.0^ms) [1]: Firefox Web Browser [>] == www-client/google-chrome (78.0.3904.108^msd -> 79.0.3945.79^msd) [1]: The web browser from Google [>] == www-client/google-chrome-beta ((~)79.0.3945.45^msd -> (~)79.0.3945.79^msd) [1]: The web browser from Google [>] == www-client/google-chrome-unstable ((~)80.0.3970.5^msd -> (~)80.0.3987.7^msd) [1]: The web browser from Google [>] == www-client/netsurf ((~)3.8-r2 -> (~)3.9^t) [1]: a free, open source web browser [>] == www-client/opera (65.0.3467.48 -> 65.0.3467.69) [1]: A fast and secure web browser [>] == www-client/opera-beta ((~)65.0.3467.32 -> (~)66.0.3515.21) [1]: A fast and secure web browser [>] == www-client/opera-developer ((~)66.0.3502.0 -> (~)67.0.3541.0) [1]: A fast and secure web browser [>] == www-client/palemoon (28.7.2l -> 28.8.0l) [1]: Pale Moon Web Browser [>] == www-client/qutebrowser ((~)1.7.0^t -> (~)1.8.3^t) [1]: A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 and QtWebEngine [>] == www-client/torbrowser ((~)60.9.0_p855 -> (~)68.3.0_p902) [1]: The Tor Browser [>] == www-client/vivaldi (2.9.1705.41_p1^md -> 2.10.1745.23_p1^md) [1]: A browser for our friends [>] == www-client/vivaldi-snapshot ((~)2.9.1735.3_p1^md -> (~)2.10.1745.18_p1^md) [1]: A browser for our friends [>] == www-client/waterfox-classic ((~)2019.10-r1 -> (~)2019.12) [1]: Waterfox Web Browser Classic Version [>] == www-misc/shellinabox (2.20-r1 -> (~)2.20-r4) [1]: Export command line tools to a web based terminal emulator [>] == www-plugins/adobe-flash (^msd ->^msd) [1]: Adobe Flash Player [>] == www-plugins/browserpass (M3.0.6^s -> (~)3.0.6-r1^s) [1]: WebExtension host binary for app-admin/pass, a UNIX password manager
[>] == www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins ((~)78.0.3904.108(stable)^msd (~)79.0.3945.45_beta(beta)^msd -> (~)79.0.3945.79_beta(beta)^msd 79.0.3945.79(stable)^msd) [1]: Binary plugins from Google Chrome for use in Chromium
[>] == www-plugins/lightspark ((~)0.8.1 -> (~)0.8.2) [1]: High performance flash player
[>] == www-servers/adsf ((~)1.4.2^t -> (~)1.4.3^t) [1]: A Dead Simple Fileserver is a static file server that can launch in a directory
[>] == www-servers/nginx (1.16.1-r1^t (~)1.17.6(mainline)^t -> 1.16.1-r1^t (~)1.17.7(mainline)^t) [1]: Robust, small and high performance http and reverse proxy server
[>] == www-servers/nginx-unit ((~)1.13.0 -> (~)1.14.0) [1]: Dynamic web and application server
[>] == www-servers/puma ((~)4.2.1(3)^t -> (~)4.3.1(3)^t) [1]: a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack
[>] == www-servers/varnish ((~)6.2.0(0/2)^t -> (~)6.3.0(0/2)^t) [1]: Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator
[>] == x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers ((~)440.36(0/440)^mtd -> 440.44-r1(0/440)^mtd) [1]: NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver
[>] == x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom (0.36.0-r2 -> (~)0.38.0) [1]: Driver for Wacom tablets and drawing devices
[>] == x11-libs/fox ((~)1.6.50(1.6) 1.7.54(1.7) -> (~)1.6.57-r1(1.6) (~)1.7.67(1.7)) [1]: C++ Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively
[>] == x11-libs/gtk+ (2.24.32-r1(2)^t (~)3.24.11(3)^t -> 2.24.32-r1(2)^t (~)3.24.13(3)^t) [1]: Gimp ToolKit +
[>] == x11-libs/libXpm (3.5.12-r1 -> (~)3.5.13) [1]: X.Org Xpm library
[>] == x11-libs/libva-intel-driver (2.3.0 -> (~)2.4.0_pre1^t) [1]: HW video decode support for Intel integrated graphics
[>] == x11-libs/qscintilla ((~)2.11.1(0/15) -> (~)2.11.4(0/15)) [1]: Qt port of Neil Hodgson’s Scintilla C++ editor control
[>] == x11-libs/tslib (1.0-r3 -> (~)1.21) [1]: Touchscreen Access Library
[>] == x11-misc/mugshot ((~)0.4.2 -> (~)0.4.2-r1) [1]: A lightweight user-configuration application
[>] == x11-misc/py3status ((~)3.21 -> (~)3.22) [1]: py3status is an extensible i3status wrapper written in python
[>] == x11-misc/vdpauinfo (1.0 -> (~)1.3) [1]: Displays info about your card’s VDPAU support
[>] == x11-misc/xkeycaps (2.47-r2 -> (~)2.47_p7) [1]: GUI frontend to xmodmap
[>] == x11-misc/xlockmore ((~)5.60_alpha0 -> (~)5.61) [1]: Just another screensaver application for X
[>] == x11-misc/xtrace ((~)1.3.0 -> (~)1.4.0) [1]: X11 protocol trace utility
[>] == x11-terms/kitty ((~)0.14.6-r1 -> (~)0.15.0) [1]: A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL-based terminal emulator
[>] == x11-terms/sakura ((~)3.6.0-r1 -> (~)3.7.0) [1]: sakura is a terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE
[>] == x11-terms/xfce4-terminal (0.8.8 -> (~) [1]: A terminal emulator for the Xfce desktop environment
[>] == x11-themes/QGnomePlatform (0.5 -> (~)0.6.0) [1]: A Qt Platform Theme aimed to accommodate GNOME settings
[>] == x11-themes/adwaita-qt (1.1.0 -> (~)1.1.1) [1]: A style to bend Qt applications to look like they belong into GNOME Shell
[>] == x11-themes/gkrellm-themes (0.1^s -> 0.1-r1^md) [1]: A pack of ~200 themes for GKrellM
[>] == x11-themes/kvantum ((~)0.12.1 -> (~)0.14.0) [1]: SVG-based theme engine for Qt5, KDE and LXQt
[>] == x11-themes/papirus-icon-theme ((~)20191101 -> (~)20191201) [1]: icon theme for Linux
[>] == x11-themes/vdr-channel-logos ((~)0.2-r1 -> (~)0.2-r2) [1]: Logos for vdr-skin*
[>] == x11-wm/aewm (1.3.12 -> (~)1.3.12-r1) [1]: A minimalistic X11 window manager
[>] == x11-wm/e16 ((~)1.0.20 -> (~)1.0.21) [1]: Enlightenment Window Manager (E16)
[>] == x11-wm/xpra ((~)2.4.3 -> (~)3.0.2^t) [1]: X Persistent Remote Apps (xpra) and Partitioning WM (parti) based on wimpiggy
[>] == xfce-base/exo ((~)0.12.9 -> (~)0.12.11) [1]: Extensions, widgets and framework library with session support for Xfce
[>] == xfce-base/garcon (0.6.4-r1 -> 0.6.4-r2) [1]: Xfce’s freedesktop.org specification compatible menu implementation library
[>] == xfce-base/libxfce4ui (4.14.1^t -> (~)4.15.0) [1]: Unified widget and session management libs for Xfce
[>] == xfce-base/xfce4-meta (4.14-r1 -> 4.14-r2) [1]: The Xfce Desktop Environment (meta package)
[>] == xfce-extra/multiload-nandhp (0.3-r3 -> 0.3-r4) [1]: A port of the GNOME multiload applet for the Xfce panel
[>] == xfce-extra/tumbler (0.2.7 -> (~)0.2.8) [1]: A thumbnail service for Thunar
[>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-embed-plugin (1.6.0-r3 -> 1.6.0-r4) [1]: A plug-in for embedding arbitrary application windows into the Xfce panel
[>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-equake-plugin ( -> [1]: Panel plug-in that displays information about earthquakes at regular intervals
[>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-kbdleds-plugin (0.0.6-r3 -> 0.0.6-r4) [1]: A panel plug-in to show state of Caps, Num and Scroll Lock keys
[>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin (1.2.0-r5 -> 1.2.0-r6) [1]: An mail notification panel plug-in for the Xfce desktop environment
[>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-notes-plugin (1.8.1-r3 -> 1.8.1-r4) [1]: Xfce4 panel sticky notes plugin
[>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-windowck-plugin (0.4.6-r2 -> 0.4.6-r3) [1]: Xfce plugin puts the maximized window title and windows buttons on the panel
<< app-admin/certmgr ({M}(~)2.0.1) [1]: Automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA << app-admin/durep ({M}0.9-r4) [1]: A perl script designed for monitoring disk usage in a more visual way than du << app-admin/graylog2 ((~)2.5.1) [1]: Free and open source log management << app-admin/ksonnet ({M}(~)0.13.1) [1]: CLI-supported framework for extensible Kubernetes configurations << app-backup/furball ({M}0.5) [1]: A small perl script utilizing tar << app-emacs/elib ({M}1.0-r1) [1]: The Emacs Lisp Library << app-emulation/wine-any ({M}(~)4.1(4.1)) [1]: Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with optional external patchsets << app-emulation/wine-d3d9 ((~)4.1(4.1)) [1]: Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Gallium Nine patchset << app-misc/matew ({M}(~)1.9) [1]: Make Album The Easy Way (Matew) is an HTML/CSS generator for static image albums << app-portage/install-mask ({M}(~)0.1.1) [1]: Handle INSTALL_MASK setting in make.conf << app-text/info2html ({M}(~)2.0-r1(2.0-r1)) [1]: Converts GNU .info files to HTML << app-text/wklej (0.2.1-r1) [1]: A wklej.org submitter << dev-ada/gnatcoll ({M}2017-r1) [1]: GNAT Component Collection << dev-ada/gps-bin ({M}2016-r1) [1]: The GNAT Programming Studio << dev-dotnet/gsf-sharp ({M}0.8.1) [1]: C# bindings for libgsf << dev-embedded/gnap-dev ({M}(~)2.0) [1]: Gentoo-based Network Appliance building system development tools << dev-embedded/gnap-ext ({M}(~)2.0) [1]: Gentoo-based Network Appliance extensions and remastering tool << dev-embedded/sgpp-lite-arm-eabi-bin ({M}(~)2014.05.28(2014.05.28)) [1]: Regular, validated releases of the GNU Toolchain for arm processors << dev-embedded/sgpp-lite-arm-linux-bin ({M}(~)2010.09.50(2010.09.50)) [1]: Regular, validated releases of the GNU Toolchain for arm processors << dev-embedded/sgpp-lite-arm-uclinux-bin ({M}(~)2010.09.58(2010.09.58)) [1]: Regular, validated releases of the GNU Toolchain for arm processors << dev-embedded/tigcc ({M}(~)0.96_beta8-r1) [1]: Cross compiler for Texas Instruments TI-89, TI-92(+) and V200 calculators << dev-haskell/hsql-postgresql ({M}(~)1.8.2) [1]: A Haskell Interface to PostgreSQL via the PQ library << dev-libs/boost-numpy (9999l) [1]: Boost.Python interface for NumPy << dev-libs/btparser ({M}0.26(0/2)) [1]: Parser and analyzer for backtraces produced by GDB << dev-libs/cygwin (M1.5.25.15^s) [1]: Linux-like environment for Windows << dev-libs/qof ({M}0.8.8-r1(2)) [1]: A Query Object Framework << dev-perl/NetxAP ({M}(~)0.20.0-r2) [1]: A base class for protocols such as IMAP, ACAP, IMSP, and ICAP << dev-python/aplpy (m1.0 m1.1.1) [3]: Astronomical Plotting Library in Python << dev-python/asdf (m1.2.1) [3]: Python library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format << dev-python/astlib (m0.8.0) [3]: Python astronomy modules for image and coordinate manipulation << dev-python/astrodendro (m0.2.0) [3]: Python package for computation of astronomical dendrograms << dev-python/astroml (m0.3) [3]: Python Machine Learning library for astronomy << dev-python/astroml-addons (m0.2.2) [3]: Performance add-ons for the astroML package << dev-python/astroplan (m0.2 m0.2.1) [3]: Observation planning package for astronomers << dev-python/astropy ([m]1.2.1 [m]1.3.3 m2.0.1) [3]: Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python << dev-python/astropy-helpers ([m]1.2 [m]1.3.1 m2.0.1) [3]: Helpers for Astropy and Affiliated packages << dev-python/astroquery (m0.3.6) [3]: Collection of packages to access online astronomical resources << dev-python/astroscrappy (m1.0.3 m1.0.5) [3]: Optimized cosmic ray annihilation astropy python module << dev-python/atpy (m0.9.7) [3]: Astronomical tables support for Python << dev-python/ccdproc (m1.1.0 m1.2.0) [3]: Astropy affiliated package for reducing optical/IR CCD data << dev-python/gammapy (m0.6) [3]: Python package for gamma-ray astronomy << dev-python/ginga (m2.6.5) [3]: Astronomical image toolkit for Python << dev-python/glue-vispy-viewers (m0.7.2) [3]: Vispy-based viewers for Glue << dev-python/glueviz (m0.10.4) [3]: Python library to explore relationships within and among related datasets << dev-python/gwcs (m0.7) [3]: Python for managing the World Coordinate System << dev-python/healpy (m1.10.3 m1.11.0) [3]: Python wrapper for healpix << dev-python/imexam (m0.7.1) [3]: Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting << dev-python/montage-wrapper (m0.9.8 m0.9.9) [3]: Python wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit << dev-python/naima (m0.8-r1) [3]: Python package for gamma-ray astronomy << dev-python/photutils (m0.3.1 m0.3.2) [3]: Python package for image astronomical photometry << dev-python/pyavm (m0.9.4) [3]: Python module for Astronomy Visualization Metadata i/o << dev-python/pyclimate ({M}(~)1.2.2-r2) [3]: Climate Data Analysis Module for Python << dev-python/pydl (m0.5.3 m0.5.4) [3]: Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python << dev-python/pyfits ([m]3.3-r1 [m]3.4-r1) [3]: Provides an interface to FITS formatted files under python << dev-python/pymoc (m0.5.0) [3]: Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory << dev-python/pyregion (m1.1.4 m1.2) [3]: Python module to parse ds9 region file << dev-python/pytest-datafiles ((~)2.0) [3]: pytest plugin to create a tmpdir containing a preconfigured set of files/dirs << dev-python/pytest-pythonpath ((~)0.7.1) [3]: pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from command line or configs << dev-python/pytest-qt (2.3.0-r2) [3]: pytest plugin for PyQt4 or PyQt5 applications << dev-python/regions (m0.2) [3]: Astropy affiliated package for region handling << dev-python/reproject (m0.3.1) [3]: Reproject astronomical images with Python << dev-python/scientificpython ({M}(~)2.9.4) [3]: Scientific Module for Python << dev-python/spectral-cube (m0.4.0) [3]: Manipulate astronomical data cubes with Python << dev-python/specutils (m0.2 m0.2.2) [3]: Python package for astronomy spectral operations << dev-python/stsci-distutils ([m]0.3.7) [3]: Utilities used to package some of STScI’s Python projects << dev-python/stsci-sphinxext ([m]1.2.1) [3]: Tools and templates to customize Sphinx for STScI projects << dev-python/sunpy (m0.8.0) [3]: Software library for solar physics based on Python << dev-python/wcsaxes (m0.8 [m]0.9 [m]0.9-r1) [3]: Framework for plotting astronomical and geospatial data << dev-ruby/openvas-omp ({M}(~)0.0.4) [1]: Communicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP << dev-ruby/poltergeist ({M}(~)1.14.0) [1]: A PhantomJS driver for Capybara << dev-tex/bera ({M}(~)20040930) [1]: LaTeX package for the Bera Type1 font family << dev-tex/luatex ({M}(~)0.76.0-r1) [1]: An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language << dev-tex/minted ((~)2.4.1) [1]: LaTeX package for source code syntax highlighting << dev-tex/ppower4 ({M}(~)0.9.6) [1]: The Java tool PPower4 adds effects to slides using LaTeX << dev-tex/prosper ({M}1.5-r1) [1]: Prosper is a LaTeX class for writing transparencies << dev-tex/xcolor ({M}2.12-r1) [1]: Easy driver-independent access to colors << dev-util/ccglue (M0.3.1 M0.6.0) [1]: Produce cross-reference files from cscope and ctags for use with app-vim/cctree << kde-apps/kcalcore (19.04.3(5)) [1]: Library for handling calendar data << kde-apps/kcontacts (19.04.3(5)) [1]: Address book API based on KDE Frameworks << media-fonts/vc-fonts ({M}20020207-r2) [1]: Vico bitmap Fonts << media-gfx/aoi ({M}(~)2.7.2) [1]: A free, open-source 3D modelling and rendering studio << media-gfx/exiftags ({M}1.01) [1]: Extracts JPEG EXIF headers from digital camera photos << media-gfx/opcion ({M}1.1.1-r2) [1]: Free font viewer written in Java << media-libs/libclthreads ((~)2.4.2) [1]: An audio library by Fons Adriaensen fons.adriaensen@skynet.be << media-libs/libclxclient ((~)3.9.2) [1]: An audio library by Fons Adriaensen fons.adriaensen@skynet.be << media-libs/mediastreamer ([m]2.9.0-r2(0/3)) [1]: Mediastreaming library for telephony application << media-libs/skstream ({M}0.3.9) [1]: FreeSockets – Portable C++ classes for IP (sockets) applications << media-plugins/mediastreamer-amr ([m]0.0.1) [1]: mediastreamer plugin: add AMR Narrow Band support << media-plugins/mediastreamer-bcg729 ([m]1.0.0 m1.0.0-r1) [1]: Backported G729 implementation for Linphone << media-plugins/mediastreamer-ilbc ([m]2.0.3) [1]: mediastreamer plugin: add iLBC support << media-plugins/mediastreamer-x264 ([m]1.4.1 m1.4.2 m1.4.2-r1) [1]: mediastreamer plugin: add H264 support << media-video/emovix ({M}0.9.0) [1]: Micro Linux distro to boot from a CD and play videos << media-video/gnome-mpv (0.16) [1]: A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv << net-analyzer/openvas ({M}(~)9.0.0) [1]: A remote security scanner << net-analyzer/openvas-cli ({M}(~)1.4.3) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux (OpenVAS-cli) << net-analyzer/openvas-libraries ((~)9.0.3-r1) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux (openvas-libraries) << net-analyzer/openvas-manager ((~)7.0.3) [1]: A remote security manager for Linux (openvas-manager) << net-analyzer/openvas-tools ({M}(~)0_pre20512) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux (extra tools) << net-misc/hsc ({M}1.0b) [1]: An HTML preprocessor using ML syntax << net-misc/openssh-blacklist ({M}0.4.1) [1]: Source files of vuln Debian keys << net-p2p/createtorrent ({M}1.1.4) [1]: Create BitTorrent files easily << net-vpn/wireguard ((~)0.0.20191012) [1]: Simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. << sci-astronomy/astrometry (m0.67-r2 m0.70 m0.72) [1]: Automated astrometric calibration programs and service << sci-astronomy/kapteyn (m2.3) [1]: Collection of python tools for astronomy << sci-chemistry/parassign ({M}(~)20130522) [1]: Assign protein nuclei solely on the basis of pseudocontact shifts (PCS) << sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-psico (M3.1-r1) [1]: Pymol ScrIpt COllection << sci-libs/mmtk ({M}(~)2.7.9) [1]: Molecular Modeling ToolKit for Python << sci-libs/vtkdata ([m]6.1.0^bs) [1]: Example data file for VTK << sci-visualization/visit (m2.12.3-r1) [1]: A software that delivers parallel interactive visualizations << sys-apps/ibm-powerpc-utils-papr ({M}1.1.0 {M}~1.1.6) [1]: Utilities for the maintenance of IBM PowerPC platforms << sys-apps/lkcdutils ({M}4.1.1 {M}~6.2.0) [1]: Linux Kernel Crash Dumps (LKCD) Utilities << sys-block/nwutil ({M}1.4 {M}1.8) [1]: Netwinder hardware utilities << sys-cluster/cman-lib ({M}2.03.09-r1) [1]: A library for cluster management common to the various pieces of Cluster Suite << sys-cluster/dlm ({M}(~)2.03.11) [1]: General-purpose Distributed Lock Manager << sys-cluster/dlm-lib ({M}(~)2.03.11) [1]: General-purpose Distributed Lock Manager << sys-cluster/osc-mpiexec ({M}0.83) [1]: replacement for mpirun, integrates MPI with PBS << sys-devel/systemd-m4 ({M}9999l) [1]: autoconf macros for packages using systemd
<< sys-libs/lib-compat ({M}(~)1.5): Compatibility C++ library for very old programs << sys-libs/lib-compat-loki (M0.2-r1^s): Compatibility libc6 libraries for Loki games << sys-libs/libspe2 ({M}2.2.80_p95-r1 {M}~2.3.0_p135): A wrapper library to adapt the JSRE SPU usage model to SPUFS << sys-libs/mars ({M}~1.0.1): Multicore Application Runtime System << www-apps/drraw ({M}(~)2.1.3(2.1.3)) [1]: drraw is a simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool << www-apps/mod_survey ({M}(~)3.2.5) [1]: XML-defined web questionnaires as a plug-in module using Apache << www-apps/trickster-bin ({M}(~)0.1.7) [1]: Dashboard Accelerator for Prometheus << www-client/phantomjs ({M}(~)2.1.1-r1) [1]: A headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API [N] >> acct-group/asterisk (0) [1]: Group for asterisk
[N] >> acct-group/automx2 (0) [1]: Group for www-servers/automx2 [N] >> acct-group/avahi (0) [1]: group for avahi
[N] >> acct-group/avahi-autoipd (0) [1]: group for avahi-autoipd [N] >> acct-group/bedrock (0) [1]: A group for the Minecraft Bedrock server
[N] >> acct-group/graylog (0) [1]: Graylog program group [N] >> acct-group/milter-regex (0) [1]: Group for mail-filter/milter-regex
[N] >> acct-group/munin (0) [1]: System group: munin [N] >> acct-group/netdev (0) [1]: group for netdev (avahi)
[N] >> acct-group/oidentd (0) [1]: System group: oidentd [N] >> acct-group/openntpd (0) [1]: System group: openntpd
[N] >> acct-group/openrct2 (0) [1]: A group for the OpenRCT2 dedicated server [N] >> acct-group/plex (0) [1]: Plex Media Server group
[N] >> acct-group/radius (0) [1]: FreeRadius program group [N] >> acct-group/redis (0) [1]: Redis program group
[N] >> acct-group/redmine (0) [1]: System group: redmine [N] >> acct-group/rspamd (0) [1]: Group for rspamd – Rapid spam filtering system
[N] >> acct-group/shellinaboxd (0) [1]: shellinabox group [N] >> acct-group/sogo (0) [1]: Group for gnustep-apps/sogo
[N] >> acct-group/stubby (0) [1]: Stubby program group (from net-dns/getdns) [N] >> acct-group/stunnel (0) [1]: group for stunnel
[N] >> acct-group/suricata (0) [1]: Group for Suricata IDS [N] >> acct-group/tor (0) [1]: group for tor daemon
[N] >> acct-group/tss (0) [1]: Trusted Software Stack for TPMs group [N] >> acct-group/varnish (0) [1]: group for varnish
[N] >> acct-group/x2goprint (0) [1]: Group for net-misc/x2goserver [N] >> acct-group/x2gouser (0) [1]: Group for net-misc/x2goserver
[N] >> acct-group/xrootd (0) [1]: Group for the XRootD server [N] >> acct-user/asterisk (0) [1]: User for asterisk
[N] >> acct-user/automx2 (0) [1]: User for www-servers/automx2 [N] >> acct-user/avahi (0) [1]: user for avahi
[N] >> acct-user/avahi-autoipd (0) [1]: user for avahi-autoipd [N] >> acct-user/bedrock (0) [1]: A user for the Minecraft Bedrock server
[N] >> acct-user/graylog (0) [1]: Graylog program user [N] >> acct-user/milter-regex (0) [1]: User for mail-filter/milter-regex
[N] >> acct-user/munin (0) [1]: user for munin [N] >> acct-user/munin-async (0) [1]: user for munin async proxy node
[N] >> acct-user/oidentd (0) [1]: System user: oidentd [N] >> acct-user/openntpd (0) [1]: user for openntpd daemon
[N] >> acct-user/openrct2 (0) [1]: A user for the OpenRCT2 dedicated server [N] >> acct-user/plex (0) [1]: Plex Media Server user
[N] >> acct-user/radius (0) [1]: FreeRadius program user [N] >> acct-user/redis (0) [1]: Redis program user
[N] >> acct-user/redmine (0) [1]: Redmine application user [N] >> acct-user/rspamd (0) [1]: User for rspamd – Rapid spam filtering system
[N] >> acct-user/shellinaboxd (0) [1]: shellinabox user [N] >> acct-user/sogo (0) [1]: User for gnustep-apps/sogo
[N] >> acct-user/stubby (0) [1]: Stubby program user (from net-dns/getdns) [N] >> acct-user/stunnel (0) [1]: user for stunnel
[N] >> acct-user/suricata (0) [1]: User for Suricata IDS [N] >> acct-user/tor (0) [1]: user for tor daemon
[N] >> acct-user/tss (0) [1]: Trusted Software Stack for TPMs user [N] >> acct-user/varnish (0) [1]: user for varnish
[N] >> acct-user/x2goprint (0) [1]: User for net-misc/x2goserver [N] >> acct-user/x2gouser (0) [1]: User for net-misc/x2goserver
[N] >> acct-user/xrootd (0) [1]: User for the XRootD server [N] >> app-admin/graylog ((~)3.1.3) [1]: Free and open source log management
[N] >> app-doc/pms-bin (7_p20180430) [1]: Gentoo Package Manager Specification [N] >> app-emulation/aranym ((~)1.1.0) [1]: Atari Running on Any Machine, VM running Atari ST/TT/Falcon OS and TOS/GEM apps
[N] >> app-emulation/pcem ((~)15) [1]: A PC emulator that specializes in running old operating systems and software [N] >> app-misc/chartit (20191129):
[N] >> app-misc/egogo (20191129): [N] >> app-misc/fr24feed ((~)1.0.24_p5) [1]: Flightradar24 data sharing software
[N] >> app-misc/transfolio ((~)1.0.1) [1]: Enables data transfer between the PC and the Atari Portfolio [N] >> app-office/ktimetracker ((~)5.0.1(5)) [1]: Todo management and time tracker
[N] >> app-vim/neocomplete ((~)9999) [1]: vim plugin: Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache [N] >> dev-libs/criterion ((~)2.3.3) [1]: Cross platform unit testing framework for C and C++
[N] >> dev-libs/libclthreads (2.4.2) [1]: POSIX threads C++ access library [N] >> dev-perl/Archive-Tar-Stream ((~)0.30.0) [1]: pure perl IO-friendly tar file management
[N] >> dev-perl/YAML-PP ((~)0.18.0) [1]: YAML 1.2 processor in perl [N] >> dev-php/realpath_turbo ((~)2.0.0) [1]: PHP extension to re-enable realpath cache when using open_basedir restriction
[N] >> dev-php/sebastian-object-reflector ((~)1.1.1) [1]: Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones [N] >> dev-php/sebastian-type ((~)1.1.3) [1]: Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system
[N] >> dev-php/swoole-async ((~)4.4.12) [1]: An extension of Swoole, including the async callback style API [N] >> dev-python/alagitpull ((~)0.0.23) [3]: alabaster sub-theme used on git-pull docs
[N] >> dev-python/ament_package ((~)0.8.8) [3]: Parser for the manifest files in the ament buildsystem [N] >> dev-python/astunparse ((~)1.6.2) [3]: Astun parser for python
[N] >> dev-python/ctypescrypto ((~)0.5) [3]: Python interface to some openssl function based on ctypes module [N] >> dev-python/fleep ((~)1.0.1) [3]: File format determination library for Python
[N] >> dev-python/flit ((~)2.1.0) [3]: Simplified packaging of Python modules [N] >> dev-python/flit_core ((~)2.1.0) [3]: Simplified packaging of Python modules (core module)
[N] >> dev-python/helpdev ((~)0.6.10) [3]: Helping users and developers to get information about the environment [N] >> dev-python/intreehooks ((~)1.0) [3]: Load a PEP 517 backend from inside the source tree
[N] >> dev-python/lark-parser ((~)0.7.8) [3]: Python module to propose a modern general-purpose parsing library for Python [N] >> dev-python/metaextract (1.0.6): get metadata for python modules
[N] >> dev-python/numpy-python2 ((~)1.16.5) [3]: Fast array and numerical python library [N] >> dev-python/pipfile ((~)0.0.2) [3]: Replacement for the existing standard pip’s requirements.txt file
[N] >> dev-python/py2pack (0.8.4): Generate distribution packages from PyPI [N] >> dev-python/pybind11 ((~)2.4.3) [3]: AST-based Python refactoring library
[N] >> dev-python/pygments-github-lexers ((~)0.0.5) [3]: Pygments Github custom lexers [N] >> dev-python/pyproject2setuppy ((~)2) [3]: Cheap setup.py hack to install flit & poetry-based projects
[N] >> dev-python/pypy-exe ((~)7.3.0(7.3.0)) [3]: PyPy executable (build from source) [N] >> dev-python/pypy-exe-bin ((~)7.3.0_p1(7.3.0)) [3]: PyPy executable (pre-built version)
[N] >> dev-python/pypy3-exe ((~)7.3.0(7.3.0)) [3]: PyPy3 executable (build from source) [N] >> dev-python/pypy3-exe-bin ((~)7.3.0_p1(7.3.0)) [3]: PyPy3 executable (pre-built version)
[N] >> dev-python/pyspectrum2 ((~)0.2.0) [3]: Implements a protobuf-based interface for Spectrum2 python-based backends [N] >> dev-python/requests_download ((~)0.1.2) [3]: A convenient function to download to a file using requests
[N] >> dev-ruby/aws-partitions ((~)1.248.0(1)) [1]: Provides interfaces to enumerate AWS partitions, regions, and services [N] >> dev-util/libabigail ((~)1.6) [1]: Suite of tools for checking ABI differences between ELF objects
[N] >> dev-util/wasmer ((~)0.11.0) [1]: universal web assembly runtime [N] >> gui-libs/libwpe ((~) [1]: Platform-agnostic interfaces for WPE WebKit
[N] >> gui-libs/wpebackend-fdo ((~)1.4.0(1.0)) [1]: WPE backend designed for Linux desktop systems [N] >> kde-frameworks/kquickcharts ((~)5.65.0-r1(5/5.65)) [1]: QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
[N] >> media-gfx/iscan-plugin-network-nt (*^msd) [1]: Network scanning plugin for EPSON scanners (nonfree) [N] >> media-libs/libopenmpt ((~)0.4.11) [1]: Library to decode tracked music files (modules)
[N] >> media-sound/openmpt123 ((~)0.4.11) [1]: libopenmpt-based command line player for tracked music files (modules) [N] >> media-sound/pulsemixer ((~)1.5.0) [1]: CLI and curses mixer for PulseAudio
[N] >> media-video/celluloid (0.16) [1]: A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv [N] >> media-video/qmplay2 ((~)19.12.19) [1]: A Qt-based video player, which can play most formats and codecs
[N] >> net-analyzer/nagios-check_multiple ((~)0.0.1) [1]: A Nagios plugin to execute multiple checks in parallel [N] >> net-libs/accounts-qml (0.7-r1) [1]: QML bindings for accounts-qt and signond
[N] >> net-misc/etherdfs ((~)20180203) [1]: An ethernet-based file system for DOS [N] >> net-misc/ethflop ((~)20191003) [1]: A network-backed floppy emulator for DOS
[N] >> net-misc/sipp ((~)3.6.0) [1]: A free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol [N] >> net-p2p/xmr-stak-rx ((~)1.0.4) [1]: Monero RandomX Miner
[N] >> net-vpn/wireguard-modules ((~)0.0.20191226) [1]: Simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. [N] >> net-vpn/wireguard-tools ((~)1.0.20191226) [1]: Required tools for WireGuard, such as wg(8) and wg-quick(8)
[N] >> sci-calculators/bc-gh ((~)2.3.2) [1]: Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions [N] >> sci-mathematics/gp2c ((~) [1]: A GP to C translator
[N] >> sys-apps/edid-decode ((~)0_pre20191209) [1]: Decode EDID data in a human-readable format [N] >> sys-apps/pnputils ((~)0.1) [1]: Plug and Play BIOS utilities
[N] >> sys-apps/xdg-dbus-proxy ((~)0.1.2) [1]: Filtering proxy for D-Bus connections [N] >> sys-cluster/lustre ((~)2.13.0) [1]: Lustre is a parallel distributed file system
[N] >> sys-fs/mergerfs ((~)2.28.3-r1): A featureful union filesystem [N] >> sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo ((~)1) [1]: Gentoo fork of installkernel script from debianutils
[N] >> sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd-boot ((~)0) [1]: Wrap kernel-install from systemd-boot as installkernel [N] >> sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel ((~)5.4.6-r1(5.4.6)) [1]: Linux kernel built from vanilla upstream sources
[N] >> sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel-bin ((~)5.4.6(5.4.6)) [1]: Pre-built vanilla Linux kernel [N] >> virtual/wireguard ((~)1) [1]: Simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography.
[N] >> www-servers/automx2 ((~)2019.0) [1]: Email client autoconfiguration service [N] >> x11-libs/libclxclient (3.9.2) [1]: C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API
[N] >> x11-misc/picom ((~)7.5) [1]: A lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork) [N] >> x11-misc/projecteur ((~)0.6) [1]: Linux Desktop Application for the Logitech Spotlight device
[N] >> x11-misc/tdrop ((~)0.3.0) [1]: WM-Independent Dropdown Creator [N] >> x11-themes/e-flat-theme ((~)0_pre20191230) [1]: A modern, flat theme for Enlightenment WM