[>] == app-accessibility/accerciser (3.22.0 -> 3.36.2) [1]: Interactive Python accessibility explorer
[>] == app-accessibility/speech-dispatcher (0.8.7-r3 -> (~)0.9.1) [1]: Speech synthesis interface
[U] == app-admin/ansible (2.9.10@06/23/2020; (~)2.9.10^t -> (~)2.9.11^t) [1]: Model-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework
[>] == app-admin/checksec ((~)2.2.2 -> 2.2.3) [1]: Tool to check properties of executables (e.g. ASLR/PIE, RELRO, PaX, Canaries)
[>] == app-admin/doctl (1.4.0^ms -> 1.45.1^ms) [1]: The official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API
[>] == app-admin/exo ((~)1.11.0^s -> (~)1.15.0^s) [1]: Command-line tool for everything at Exoscale: compute, storage, dns.
[>] == app-admin/github-backup-utils ((~)2.20.2^t -> (~)2.21.0^t) [1]: Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise
[>] == app-admin/hcloud ((~)1.16.2^s -> (~)1.17.0^s) [1]: A command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud
[>] == app-admin/pony ((~)0.1.0_pre20170123^mst -> 0.2.4^ms) [1]: Local File-Based Password, API Key, Secret, Recovery Code Store Backed vy GPG
[>] == app-admin/puppet (6.15.0^t -> (~)6.17.0^t) [1]: A system automation and configuration management software.
[>] == app-admin/puppet-agent ((~)6.16.0-r2^s -> (~)6.17.0^s) [1]: general puppet client utils along with hiera and facter
[>] == app-admin/puppetdb (6.10.0 -> (~)6.11.2) [1]: PuppetDB collects data generated by Puppet.
[>] == app-admin/puppetserver (6.11.0 -> (~)6.12.1) [1]: Puppet Server is the next-generation application for managing Puppet agents.
[>] == app-admin/rex ((~)1.11.0^t -> (~)1.12.0^t) [1]: (R)?ex, the friendly automation framework
[U] == app-admin/sudo (1.9.1@06/23/2020; (~)1.9.1 -> (~)1.9.2) [1]: Allows users or groups to run commands as other users
[>] == app-admin/terraform ((~)0.12.28^t -> (~)0.12.29^t) [1]: A tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely
[>] == app-arch/pigz (2.4^t -> 2.4-r1^t) [1]: A parallel implementation of gzip
[>] == app-arch/unp (2.0_pre7_p1-r1 -> (~)2.0_pre8) [1]: Script for unpacking various file formats
[>] == app-arch/zip (3.0-r3 -> (~)3.0-r4): Info ZIP (encryption support)
[>] == app-backup/borgmatic ((~)1.5.7^t -> (~)1.5.9^t) [1]: Automatically create, prune and verify backups with borgbackup
[>] == app-backup/burp (2.2.18-r1^t -> (~)2.3.30^t) [1]: Network backup and restore client and server for Unix and Windows
[>] == app-backup/rdiff-backup ((~)2.0.3 -> (~)2.0.5) [1]: Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup
[>] == app-backup/tsm ((~)^s -> (~)^s) [1]: IBM Spectrum Protect (former Tivoli Storage Manager) Backup/Archive Client, API
[U] == app-crypt/gpgme (1.13.1(1/11)@06/01/2020; (~)1.13.1(1/11) -> (~)1.14.0(1/11)) [1]: GnuPG Made Easy is a library for making GnuPG easier to use
[>] == app-crypt/signing-party (2.10-r1 -> (~)2.11) [1]: A collection of several tools related to OpenPGP
[>] == app-crypt/tpm2-pkcs11 ((~)1.2.0^t -> (~)1.3.0^t) [1]: A PKCS#11 interface for TPM2 hardware
[>] == app-doc/gnucash-docs (3.8b -> (~)4.1) [1]: Documentation package for GnuCash
[>] == app-editors/micro (2.0.3^ms -> 2.0.6^ms) [1]: A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
[U] == app-editors/nano (4.9.3@06/01/2020; (~)4.9.3 -> (~)5.0): GNU GPL’d Pico clone with more functionality
[>] == app-editors/ne ((~)3.1.1 -> (~)3.3.0) [1]: the nice editor, easy to use for the beginner and powerful for the wizard
[>] == app-editors/retext (7.0.4-r1^t -> (~)7.1.0^t) [1]: Simple editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
[>] == app-editors/vscodium-bin ((~)1.46.1^msd -> (~)1.47.3^msd) [1]: Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode (binary version)
[>] == app-emacs/ebuild-mode (1.50 -> (~)1.51-r3) [1]: Emacs modes for editing ebuilds and other Gentoo specific files
[>] == app-emulation/conmon ((~)2.0.18^t -> (~)2.0.20^t) [1]: An OCI container runtime monitor
[>] == app-emulation/ganeti ((~)2.15.2-r10^t -> (~)2.15.2-r11^t) [1]: Ganeti is a virtual server management software tool
[>] == app-emulation/libpod ((~)2.0.1^t -> (~)2.0.3^t) [1]: Library and podman tool for running OCI-based containers in Pods
[>] == app-emulation/libvirt (6.2.0-r2(0/6.2.0) -> (~)6.5.0(0/6.5.0)) [1]: C toolkit to manipulate virtual machines
[>] == app-emulation/qemu ((~)5.0.0-r1^t -> (~)5.0.0-r2^t) [1]: QEMU + Kernel-based Virtual Machine userland tools
[>] == app-emulation/qemu-riscv64-bin ((~)3.1.0-r4 -> (~)5.0.0) [1]: Statically linked x86-64 binary of app-emulation/qemu, riscv64 emulator
[>] == app-emulation/raft (0.9.23 -> 0.9.24) [1]: C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
[>] == app-emulation/slirp4netns ((~)1.1.3^t -> (~)1.1.4^t) [1]: User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox ((~)6.1.10-r1 -> (~)6.1.12a) [1]: Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise and home use
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-additions ((~)6.1.10^m -> (~)6.1.12^m) [1]: CD image containing guest additions for VirtualBox
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-bin ((~)^md -> (~)^md) [1]: Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise and home use
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle ((~)^msd -> (~)^msd) [1]: PUEL extensions for VirtualBox
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions ((~)6.1.10 -> (~)6.1.12a) [1]: VirtualBox kernel modules and user-space tools for Gentoo guests
[>] == app-emulation/virtualbox-modules ((~)6.1.10 -> (~)6.1.12) [1]: Kernel Modules for Virtualbox
[>] == app-emulation/vkd3d (1.1 -> (~)1.1-r1) [1]: D3D12 to Vulkan translation library
[>] == app-emulation/vmware-modules ((~)15.5.2 -> (~)15.5.6) [1]: VMware kernel modules
[>] == app-emulation/vmware-workstation ((~)^ms -> (~)^ms) [1]: Emulate a complete PC without the performance overhead of most emulators
[><] == app-emulation/wine-staging ((~)5.9(5.9)^t (~)5.10-r1(5.10)^t (~)5.11(5.11)^t (~)5.12(5.12)^t -> (~)5.10-r1(5.10)^t (~)5.11(5.11)^t (~)5.12(5.12)^t (~)5.13(5.13)^t) [1]: Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Wine-Staging patchset
[><] == app-emulation/wine-vanilla ((~)4.0.3(4.0.3)^t 5.0.1(5.0.1)^t (~)5.9(5.9)^t (~)5.10(5.10)^t (~)5.11(5.11)^t (~)5.12(5.12)^t -> (~)4.0.3(4.0.3)^t 5.0.1(5.0.1)^t (~)5.10(5.10)^t (~)5.11(5.11)^t (~)5.12(5.12)^t (~)5.13(5.13)^t) [1]: Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, without external patchsets
[>] == app-emulation/xen ((~)4.13.1-r2^st -> (~)4.14.0^st) [1]: The Xen virtual machine monitor
[>] == app-emulation/xen-pvgrub ((~)4.13.1^t -> (~)4.14.0^t) [1]: allows to boot Xen domU kernels from a menu.lst laying inside guest filesystem
[>] == app-emulation/xen-tools ((~)4.13.1-r2(0/4.13)^t -> (~)4.14.0(0/4.14)^t) [1]: Xen tools including QEMU and xl
[U] == app-eselect/eselect-python (20190417@04/12/2020; 20190417 -> (~)20200719): Eselect module for management of multiple Python versions
[U] == app-eselect/eselect-vi (1.1.9-r1@08/21/2019; (~)1.1.9-r1 -> 1.2): Manages the /usr/bin/vi symlink
[>] == app-forensics/aide (0.16-r1 -> (~)0.16.2_p20200614) [1]: AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a file integrity checker
[>] == app-forensics/honggfuzz ((~)2.2-r1 -> (~)2.3.1) [1]: A general purpose fuzzer with feedback support
[>] == app-forensics/lynis ((~)2.7.5 -> (~)3.0.0) [1]: Security and system auditing tool
[>] == app-metrics/nginx-vts-exporter ((~)0.10.3^s -> (~)0.10.7-r1^s) [1]: Nginx virtual host traffic stats exporter for Prometheus
[>] == app-metrics/openvpn_exporter ((~)0.2.1^s -> (~)0.3.0^s) [1]: Prometheus Exporter for OpenVPN
[>] == app-metrics/postfix_exporter ((~)0.1.2^t -> (~)0.1.2-r1^st) [1]: Prometheus Exporter for Postfix
[>] == app-metrics/process-exporter ((~)0.4.0-r1^s -> (~)0.7.1^s) [1]: Process exporter for prometheus
[>] == app-misc/carbon-c-relay ((~)3.7.1 -> (~)3.7.2) [1]: Enhanced C version of Carbon relay, aggregator and rewriter
[>] == app-misc/emelfm2 ((~)0.9.1-r2^t -> (~)0.9.1-r3^t) [1]: A file manager that implements the popular two-pane design
[>] == app-misc/gnote (3.36.1 -> (~)3.36.2) [1]: Desktop note-taking application
[>] == app-misc/gnutu ((~)2.5-r1 -> (~)2.9) [1]: GNU Student’s Timetable for polish users
[>] == app-misc/gramps (5.1.2-r1 -> (~)5.1.2-r2^t) [1]: Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
[U] == app-misc/mc (4.8.25_rc1@07/11/2020; (~)4.8.25_rc1^t -> (~)4.8.25^t) [1]: GNU Midnight Commander is a text based file manager
[>] == app-misc/nnn ((~)3.2 -> (~)3.3) [1]: The missing terminal file browser for X
[>] == app-misc/physlock ((~)13 -> (~)13-r1) [1]: Lightweight Linux console locking tool
[>] == app-misc/solaar ((~)1.0.2 -> (~)1.0.3_rc1) [1]: A Linux device manager for Logitech’s Unifying Receiver peripherals
[>] == app-misc/tmuxp (1.5.4^t -> (~)1.5.5^t) [1]: tmux session manager. built on libtmux
[>] == app-office/gnucash ((~)3.8b-r1 -> (~)4.1^t) [1]: A personal finance manager
[>] == app-office/lyx (2.3.3 -> (~) [1]: WYSIWYM frontend for LaTeX, DocBook, etc.
[>] == app-office/orage (4.12.1-r1 -> 4.12.1-r2) [1]: A time managing application (and panel plug-in) for the Xfce desktop environment
[>] == app-office/skrooge (2.22.1(5)^t -> (~)2.23.0(5)^t) [1]: Personal finances manager, aiming at being simple and intuitive
[>] == app-office/upwork ((~)^md -> (~)^md) [1]: Project collaboration and tracking software for upwork.com
[>] == app-pda/gtkpod (2.1.5 -> 2.1.5-r1) [1]: A graphical user interface to the Apple productline
[>] == app-pda/ifuse (1.1.3 -> 1.1.3-r1) [1]: Mount Apple iPhone/iPod Touch file systems for backup purposes
[>] == app-pda/usbmuxd (1.1.1_pre20200121 -> (~)1.1.1) [1]: USB multiplex daemon for use with Apple iPhone/iPod Touch devices
[>] == app-portage/cpuid2cpuflags (10 -> (~)11) [1]: Tool to guess CPU_FLAGS_* flags for the host
[>] == app-portage/portpeek ((~)2.1.29 -> (~)3.1.2) [1]: A helper program for maintaining the package.keyword and package.unmask files
[U] == app-shells/bash (5.0_p17@05/01/2020; 5.0_p17 -> (~)5.0_p18): The standard GNU Bourne again shell
[>] == app-shells/bash-completion (2.10^t -> (~)2.11^t) [1]: Programmable Completion for bash
[>] == app-text/calibre ((~)4.20.0 -> (~)4.21.0) [1]: Ebook management application
[>] == app-text/docbook-sgml-utils (0.6.14-r3 -> 0.6.14-r4) [1]: Shell scripts to manage DocBook documents
[>] == app-text/editorconfig-core-c ((~)0.12.3 -> 0.12.3-r2) [1]: EditorConfig core library written in C
[>] == app-text/evince (3.34.2(0/evd3.4-evv3.3) -> (~)3.36.7(0/evd3.4-evv3.3)) [1]: Simple document viewer for GNOME
[>] == app-text/foliate ((~)2.4.2 -> (~)2.4.2-r1) [1]: gtk ebook reader built with gjs
[U] == app-text/jo (1.3@02/14/2020; (~)1.3 -> (~)1.4) [1]: JSON output from a shell
[>] == app-text/poppler ((~)0.90.0(0/101)^t -> (~)0.90.1(0/101)^t) [1]: PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base
[>] == app-text/pytextile (3.0.3^t -> (~)4.0.1^t) [1]: A Python port of Textile, A humane web text generator
[>] == app-text/sgmltools-lite (3.0.3-r15 -> 3.0.3-r16) [1]: Python interface to SGML software in a DocBook/OpenJade env
[>] == app-text/sword-modules ((~)1-r1 -> (~)1-r3) [1]: A collection of modules for the SWORD project
[>] == app-text/texlive (2020-r4 -> 2020-r6) [1]: A complete TeX distribution
[>] == app-text/webgen ((~)1.7.0^t -> (~)1.7.1^t) [1]: A template-based static website generator
[>] == app-text/xiphos ((~)4.1.0-r2 -> (~)4.2.1) [1]: A Gtk+-based Bible-study frontend for SWORD
[U] == app-text/xmlto (0.0.28-r1@06/23/2020; 0.0.28-r1 -> 0.0.28-r3) [1]: script for converting XML and DocBook documents to a variety of output formats
[>] == app-vim/vim-nftables ((~)0_pre20200629 -> (~)0_pre20200629-r1) [1]: vim plugin:
[>] == app-xemacs/ebuild-mode (1.50 -> (~)1.51) [1]: Emacs modes for editing ebuilds and other Gentoo specific files
[>] == dev-cpp/asio (1.16.1^t -> (~)1.17.0^t) [1]: Asynchronous Network Library
[>] == dev-cpp/cpp-hocon (0.2.1(0/0.2.1) -> (~)0.3.0(0/0.3.0)) [1]: Provides C++ support for the HOCON configuration file format
[>] == dev-cpp/eigen (3.3.7(3)^t -> (~)3.3.7-r1(3)^t) [1]: C++ template library for linear algebra
[>] == dev-cpp/gtest ((~)1.10.0^t -> (~)1.10.0_p20200702^t) [1]: Google C++ Testing Framework
[>] == dev-cpp/mm-common (1.0.0 -> (~)1.0.1) [1]: Build infrastructure and utilities for GNOME C++ bindings
[>] == dev-cpp/tbb ((~)2020.2 -> (~)2020.3) [1]: High level abstract threading library
[>] == dev-cpp/yaml-cpp (0.6.3-r2(0/0.6)^t -> (~)0.6.3-r3(0/0.6)^t) [1]: YAML parser and emitter in C++
[>] == dev-db/influxdb ((~)1.6.4^s -> (~)1.8.1^s) [1]: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
[><] == dev-db/mariadb (10.4.13(0/18)^td -> (~)5.5.68-r1(5.5/18)^td 10.1.45-r1(10.1/18)^td 10.2.32-r1(10.2/18)^td 10.3.23-r1(10.3/18)^td 10.4.13-r1(10.4/18)^td) [1]: An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL
[>] == dev-db/myodbc (5.3.10-r3(5.3) (~)8.0.20(8.0) -> 5.3.10-r3(5.3) (~)8.0.21(8.0)) [1]: ODBC driver for MySQL
[><] == dev-db/mysql (8.0.20^t -> (~)5.7.31(5.7/18)^t (~)8.0.21(8.0)^t) [1]: A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server
[>] == dev-db/mysql-connector-c ((~)8.0.20(0/21) -> (~)8.0.21(0/21)) [1]: C client library for MariaDB/MySQL
[>] == dev-db/mysql-connector-c++ ((~)8.0.20 -> (~)8.0.21) [1]: MySQL database connector for C++ (mimics JDBC 4.0 API)
[>] == dev-db/mysql-workbench ((~)8.0.20 -> (~)8.0.21) [1]: MySQL Workbench
[><] == dev-db/percona-server ((~)^t -> (~)^t (~)^t) [1]: Fully compatible, enhanced and open source drop-in replacement for MySQL
[>] == dev-db/pgadmin4 ((~)4.23^t -> (~)4.24^t) [1]: GUI administration and development platform for PostgreSQL
[>] == dev-db/postgis ((~)3.0.0-r1^t -> (~)3.0.1^t) [1]: Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL
[U] == dev-db/redis (6.0.5@06/23/2020; (~)6.0.5^t -> (~)6.0.6^t) [1]: A persistent caching system, key-value and data structures database
[>] == dev-db/repmgr ((~)3.3.2 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: PostgreSQL Replication Manager
[U] == dev-db/sqlite (3.32.3(3)@07/11/2020; (~)3.32.3(3)^t -> 3.32.3-r1(3)^t) [1]: SQL database engine
[>] == dev-embedded/platformio ((~)4.3.3 -> (~)4.3.4) [1]: An open source ecosystem for IoT development
[>] == dev-games/flatzebra (0.1.6 -> (~)0.1.7) [1]: Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
[>] == dev-go/gogo-protobuf ((~)0.4_p20170815^t -> (~)1.3.1^st) [1]: Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
[<] == dev-java/gradle-bin ((~)3.3(3.3) (~)3.4.1(3.4.1) (~)5.2.1(5.2.1) (~)6.3(6.3) -> (~)6.3(6.3)) [1]: A project automation and build tool with a Groovy based DSL
[>] == dev-java/netty-tcnative ((~) -> (~)2.0.31) [1]: Fork of Tomcat Native that incorporates various patches
[>] == dev-java/openjdk (8.252_p09(8) (~)11.0.7_p10(11) -> 8.262_p10(8) (~)11.0.8_p10(11)) [1]: Open source implementation of the Java programming language
[>] == dev-java/openjdk-bin (8.252_p09(8)^s (~)11.0.7_p10-r1(11) -> 8.262_p10(8)^s (~)11.0.8_p10(11)) [1]: Prebuilt Java JDK binaries provided by AdoptOpenJDK
[>] == dev-java/openjdk-jre-bin (8.252_p09(8) (~)11.0.7_p10-r1(11) -> (~)8.262_p10(8) (~)11.0.8_p10-r1(11)) [1]: Prebuilt Java JRE binaries provided by AdoptOpenJDK
[>] == dev-java/openjfx ((~)11.0.7_p1(11) -> (~)11.0.8_p2(11)) [1]: Java OpenJFX client application platform
[>] == dev-lang/erlang ((~)23.0.1-r1(0/23.0.1) -> (~)23.0.2(0/23.0.2)) [1]: Erlang programming language, runtime environment and libraries (OTP)
[>] == dev-lang/gnuprologjava ((~)0.2.6 -> (~)0.2.6-r1) [1]: GNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of ISO Prolog as a Java library
[U] == dev-lang/go (1.14.4(0/1.14.4)@06/09/2020; (~)1.14.4(0/1.14.4)^s -> (~)1.14.6(0/1.14.6)^s) [1]: A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language
[U] == dev-lang/luajit (2.0.5-r1(2)@08/21/2019; 2.0.5-r1(2) -> 2.0.5-r2(2)) [1]: Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
[>] == dev-lang/mercury ((~)20.01.1 -> (~)20.01.2) [1]: Mercury is a modern general-purpose logic/functional programming language
[>] == dev-lang/mercury-extras ((~)20.01.1 -> (~)20.01.2) [1]: Additional libraries and tools that are not part of the Mercury standard library
[U] == dev-lang/nasm (2.15.02@07/11/2020; (~)2.15.02 -> (~)2.15.03) [1]: groovy little assembler
[U] == dev-lang/python (3.8.3-r1(3.8)@07/10/2020; (~)2.7.18(2.7) (~)3.4.10-r1(3.4/3.4m) (~)3.5.9-r1(3.5/3.5m)^t (~)3.6.11-r1(3.6/3.6m)^t (~)3.7.8-r1(3.7/3.7m)^t (~)3.8.3-r1(3.8)^t -> (~)2.7.18-r1(2.7) (~)3.4.10-r1(3.4/3.4m) (~)3.5.9-r1(3.5/3.5m)^t (~)3.6.11-r2(3.6/3.6m)^t (~)3.7.8-r2(3.7/3.7m)^t (~)3.8.5(3.8)^t) [2]: An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
[>] == dev-lang/rust ((~)1.44.1(stable/1.44)^t -> (~)1.45.0(stable/1.45)^t) [1]: Systems programming language from Mozilla
[>] == dev-lang/rust-bin ((~)1.44.1(stable) -> (~)1.45.0(stable)) [1]: Systems programming language from Mozilla
[>] == dev-lang/spidermonkey ((~)1.8.5-r9(0/mozjs185)^t 17.0.0-r5(17)^t 38.3.0(38)^t (~)45.0.2(45)^t (~)52.9.1_pre1-r1(52)^t 60.5.2_p0-r4(60)^t (~)68.10.0(68)^t -> (~)1.8.5-r9(0/mozjs185)^t 17.0.0-r5(17)^t 38.3.0(38)^t (~)45.0.2(45)^t (~)52.9.1_pre1-r1(52)^t 60.5.2_p0-r4(60)^t (~)68.11.0(68)^t) [1]: SpiderMonkey is Mozilla’s JavaScript engine written in C and C++
[>] == dev-lang/swi-prolog ((~)8.3.2^t -> (~)8.3.4^t) [1]: versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language
[U] == dev-lang/tcl (8.6.9(0/8.6)@07/11/2020; (~)8.6.9(0/8.6) -> (~)8.6.9-r1(0/8.6)) [1]: Tool Command Language
[>] == dev-lang/tuprolog ((~)3.1.0^t -> (~)3.2.0^t) [1]: tuProlog is a light-weight Prolog for Internet applications and infrastructures
[>] == dev-lang/xsb ((~)3.7.0-r1 -> (~)3.8.0) [1]: XSB is a logic programming and deductive database system
[>] == dev-libs/Ice (3.6.4-r1(0/36)^t -> (~)3.6.5-r1(0/36)^t) [1]: ICE middleware C++ library and generator tools
[>] == dev-libs/appstream ((~)0.12.11(0/4)^t -> (~)0.12.11-r1(0/4)^t) [1]: Cross-distro effort for providing metadata for software in the Linux ecosystem
[>] == dev-libs/apr-util (1.6.1-r3(1) -> 1.6.1-r6(1)) [1]: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
[>] == dev-libs/botan (2.14.0-r1(2/2.14) -> (~)2.15.0(2/2.15)) [1]: C++ crypto library
[>] == dev-libs/c-blosc ((~)1.19.0(0/1)^t -> (~)1.20.0(0/1)^t) [1]: Blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library
[>] == dev-libs/console_bridge ((~)0.4.4(0/4) -> (~)1.0.1(0/1)^t) [1]: A ROS-independent package for logging into rosconsole/rosout
[>] == dev-libs/gjs ((~)1.64.3^t -> (~)1.64.4^t) [1]: Javascript bindings for GNOME
[U] == dev-libs/glib (2.64.3(2)@06/01/2020; (~)2.64.3(2)^t -> (~)2.64.4(2)^t) [1]: The GLib library of C routines
[>] == dev-libs/jsonrpc-glib (3.32.0(0/1)^t -> (~)3.34.0(0/1)^t) [1]: JSON-RPC library for GLib
[>] == dev-libs/leatherman ((~)1.12.0-r1(0/1.12.0)^t -> (~)1.12.1(0/1.12.1)^t) [1]: A C++ toolkit
[>] == dev-libs/libbpf ((~)0.0.9(0/0.0.9) -> (~)0.0.9-r1(0/0.0.9)) [1]: Stand-alone build of libbpf from the Linux kernel
[>] == dev-libs/libdazzle (3.34.1^t -> (~)3.36.0^t) [1]: Experimental new features for GTK+ and GLib
[>] == dev-libs/libfilezilla ((~)0.22.0(0/7)^t -> (~)0.23.0(0/8)^t) [1]: C++ library offering some basic functionality for platform-independent programs
[>] == dev-libs/libfmt ((~)7.0.1(0/7)^t -> (~)7.0.2(0/7)^t) [1]: Small, safe and fast formatting library
[>] == dev-libs/libgweather (3.34.0(2/3-16-2) -> (~)3.36.1(2/3-16-2)) [1]: Location and timezone database and weather-lookup library
[>] == dev-libs/libintl ((~)0.20.1 -> (~)0.21): the GNU international library (split out of gettext)
[>] == dev-libs/liblinear ((~)230(0/3) -> (~)241(0/4)) [1]: A Library for Large Linear Classification
[>] == dev-libs/librdkafka ((~)1.4.4(0/1) -> (~)1.5.0(0/1)) [1]: Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
[>] == dev-libs/libtommath (1.1.0 -> (~)1.2.0) [1]: Optimized and portable routines for integer theoretic applications
[U] == dev-libs/libzip (1.7.1(0/5)@06/23/2020; (~)1.7.1(0/5)^t -> (~)1.7.3(0/5)^t) [1]: Library for manipulating zip archives
[U] == dev-libs/mpfr (4.0.2(0/6)@04/12/2020; 4.0.2(0/6) -> (~)4.1.0(0/6)): library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding
[>] == dev-libs/nss ((~)3.54-r1^t -> (~)3.55^t) [1]: Mozilla’s Network Security Services library that implements PKI support
[<] == dev-libs/opencl-clang ((~) (~)9.0.1(9) (~) -> (~)9.0.1(9) (~) [1]: OpenCL-oriented thin wrapper library around clang
[>] == dev-libs/plasma-wayland-protocols ((~)1.0 -> (~)1.1.0) [1]: Plasma Specific Protocols for Wayland
[>] == dev-libs/quazip (0.8.1 -> (~)0.9.1) [1]: Simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant’s ZIP/UNZIP package
[>] == dev-libs/re2 ((~)0.2020.06.01(0/7) -> (~)0.2020.07.06(0/8)) [1]: An efficient, principled regular expression library
[>] == dev-libs/rinutils (0.4.0 -> (~)0.4.1) [1]: Set of C headers containing macros and static functions
[>] == dev-libs/spdlog ((~)1.6.1-r1(0/1)^t -> (~)1.7.0(0/1)^t) [1]: Very fast, header only, C++ logging library
[>] == dev-libs/template-glib (3.32.0(0/1) -> (~)3.34.0(0/1)) [1]: Templating library for GLib
[>] == dev-libs/urdfdom ((~)1.0.3(0/1) -> (~)1.0.4(0/1)) [1]: URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library
[>] == dev-libs/urdfdom_headers ((~)1.0.4 -> (~)1.0.5) [1]: URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers
[>] == dev-libs/xerces-c (3.2.2-r1^t -> (~)3.2.3^t) [1]: A validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++
[>] == dev-libs/xxhash ((~)0.7.4 -> (~)0.8.0) [1]: Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
[>] == dev-lisp/roswell ((~) -> (~) [1]: A lisp installer and launcher for major environment
[>] == dev-ml/llvm-ocaml ((~)10.0.0(0/10.0.0)^t -> (~)10.0.1(0/10.0.1)^t) [1]: OCaml bindings for LLVM
[>] == dev-perl/CPAN-Perl-Releases ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
[>] == dev-perl/Compress-Bzip2 ((~)2.270.0^t -> (~)2.280.0^t) [1]: Interface to Bzip2 compression library
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault ((~)0.40.0^t -> (~)0.40.0-r1^t) [1]: Automatically set and update fields
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP ((~)0.20.30-r1^t -> (~)0.20.30-r2^t) [1]: Auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-Class-UserStamp ((~)0.110.0-r1^t -> (~)0.110.0-r2^t) [1]: Automatically set update and create user id fields
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-ContextualFetch (1.30.0-r1^t -> (~)1.30.0-r2^t) [1]: Add contextual fetches to DBI
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-DBSchema (0.450.0 -> (~)0.450.0-r1) [1]: Database-independent schema objects
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-Migration ((~)0.70.0^t -> (~)0.70.0-r1^t) [1]: Seamless DB schema up- and downgrades
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-Safe (1.2.5-r1 -> (~)1.2.5-r2) [1]: Safer access to your database through a DBI database handle
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-SearchBuilder (1.670.0^t -> (~)1.680.0^t) [1]: Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple Perl objects
[>] == dev-perl/DBIx-Simple ((~)1.350.0-r1^t -> (~)1.370.0^t) [1]: Very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
[>] == dev-perl/DB_File-Lock ((~)0.50.0-r1 -> (~)0.50.0-r2) [1]: Locking with flock wrapper for DB_File
[>] == dev-perl/Danga-Socket (1.610.0-r1 -> (~)1.620.0^t) [1]: A non-blocking socket object; uses epoll()
[>] == dev-perl/Data-AMF (0.90.0-r1^t -> (~)0.90.0-r2^t) [1]: (de)serializer perl module for Adobe’s AMF (Action Message Format)
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Buffer (0.40.0-r1 -> (~)0.40.0-r2) [1]: Read/write buffer class
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Compare (1.250.0^t -> (~)1.270.0-r1^t) [1]: Compare perl data structures
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Dump (1.230.0 -> (~)1.230.0-r1^t) [1]: Pretty printing of data structures
[>] == dev-perl/Data-DumpXML (1.60.0-r1 -> (~)1.60.0-r2) [1]: Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Hexify (1.0.0-r1 -> (~)1.0.0-r2) [1]: Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Hierarchy (0.340.0-r1^t -> (~)0.340.0-r2^t) [1]: Handle data in a hierarchical structure
[>] == dev-perl/Data-ICal (0.220.0^t -> (~)0.240.0^t) [1]: Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
[>] == dev-perl/Data-ObjectDriver (0.150.0^t -> (~)0.190.0^t) [1]: Simple, transparent data interface, with caching
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Page (2.20.0-r1^t -> (~)2.30.0^t) [1]: help when paging through sets of results
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Perl (0.2.9-r1^t -> (~)0.2.11^t) [1]: Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Random (0.120.0^t -> (~)0.130.0^t) [1]: A module used to generate random data
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Serializer ((~)0.600.0-r1^t -> (~)0.650.0^t) [1]: Modules that serialize data structures
[>] == dev-perl/Data-ShowTable (4.600.0 -> (~)4.600.0-r1) [1]: routines to display tabular data in several formats
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Stag (0.140.0-r1 -> (~)0.140.0-r2) [1]: Structured Tags datastructures
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Stream-Bulk ((~)0.110.0-r1^t -> (~)0.110.0-r2^t) [1]: N at a time iteration API
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Structure-Util (0.160.0^t -> (~)0.160.0-r1^t) [1]: Change nature of data within a structure
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Types (0.90.0^t -> (~)0.170.0^t) [1]: Validate and convert data types.
[>] == dev-perl/Data-URIEncode ((~)0.110.0-r1 -> (~)0.110.0-r2) [1]: Allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
[>] == dev-perl/Data-UUID (1.221.0 -> (~)1.226.0) [1]: Generate Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Uniqid (0.120.0-r1 -> (~)0.120.0-r2) [1]: Perl extension for simple generating of unique ids
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Utilities (0.40.0-r1 -> (~)0.40.0-r2^t) [1]: Merge nested Perl data structures
[>] == dev-perl/Data-Visitor ((~)0.300.0-r1^t -> (~)0.300.0-r2^t) [1]: Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
[U] == dev-perl/Date-Calc (6.400.0@06/11/2020; 6.400.0 -> (~)6.400.0-r1) [1]: Gregorian calendar date calculations
[>] == dev-perl/Date-ICal (2.678.0-r1 -> (~)2.678.0-r2^t) [1]: ICal format date base module for Perl
[>] == dev-perl/Date-Leapyear (1.720.0-r1 -> (~)1.720.0-r2^t) [1]: Simple Perl module that tracks Gregorian leap years
[U] == dev-perl/Date-Manip (6.600.0@06/11/2020; 6.600.0^t -> (~)6.820.0^t) [1]: Perl date manipulation routines
[>] == dev-perl/Date-Pcalc (6.100.0-r1 -> (~)6.100.0-r2) [1]: Gregorian calendar date calculations
[>] == dev-perl/Date-Simple (3.30.0-r1 -> (~)3.30.0-r2^t) [1]: A simple date object
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime (1.440.0^t -> (~)1.520.0^t) [1]: A date and time object
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Calendar-Julian (0.40.0^t -> (~)0.102.0^t) [1]: Dates in the Julian calendar
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Builder (0.810.0-r1 -> (~)0.820.0^t) [1]: Create DateTime parser classes and objects
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-DateParse (0.50.0-r1 -> (~)0.50.0-r2) [1]: Parses Date::Parse compatible formats
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Flexible ((~)0.280.0^t -> (~)0.320.0^t) [1]: Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-HTTP (0.420.0^t -> (~)0.420.0-r1^t) [1]: Date conversion routines
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-ICal ((~)0.90.0 -> (~)0.90.0-r1) [1]: Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-ISO8601 (0.80.0-r1^t -> (~)0.80.0-r2^t) [1]: Parses ISO8601 formats
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Natural (1.50.0^t -> (~)1.100.0^t) [1]: Parse informal natural language date/time strings
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-SQLite ((~)0.110.0 -> (~)0.110.0-r1^t) [1]: Parse and format SQLite dates and times
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Strptime (1.740.0^t -> (~)1.770.0^t) [1]: Parse and Format DateTimes using Strptime
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-HiRes ((~)0.10.0-r1 -> (~)0.30.0^t) [1]: Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Locale (1.160.0^t -> (~)1.260.0^t) [1]: Localization support for DateTime
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Set (0.390.0^t -> (~)0.390.0-r1^t) [1]: Datetime sets and set math
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-TimeZone (2.130.0^t -> (~)2.390.0^t) [1]: Time zone object base class and factory
[>] == dev-perl/DateTime-Tiny ((~)1.60.0^t -> (~)1.70.0^t) [1]: A date object, with as little code as possible
[>] == dev-perl/DateTimeX-Easy ((~)0.89.0^t -> (~)0.89.0-r1^t) [1]: Parse a date/time string using the best method available
[>] == dev-perl/Debug-Client ((~)0.310.0^t -> (~)0.310.0-r1^t) [1]: Client side code for perl debugger
[>] == dev-perl/Deliantra ((~)1.300.0 -> (~)2.10.0) [1]: Deliantra suppport module to read/write archetypes, maps etc
[>] == dev-perl/DelimMatch (1.06-r1 -> (~)1.60.0-r2) [1]: A Perl 5 module for locating delimited substrings with proper nesting
[>] == dev-perl/Devel-ArgNames ((~)0.30.0-r1^t -> (~)0.30.0-r2^t) [1]: Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutines
[>] == dev-perl/Devel-Caller (2.60.0 -> (~)2.60.0-r2) [1]: Meatier versions of caller
[>] == dev-perl/Devel-CheckLib (1.130.0^t -> (~)1.140.0^t) [1]: check that a library is available
[>] == dev-perl/Devel-CheckOS ((~)1.810.0^t -> (~)1.830.0^t) [1]: require that we are running on a particular OS
[>] == dev-perl/Devel-Cover ((~)1.290.0-r1^t -> (~)1.360.0^t) [1]: Code coverage metrics for Perl
[>] == dev-php/composer ((~)1.10.8^t -> (~)1.10.9^t) [1]: Dependency Manager for PHP
[>] == dev-python/GitPython (3.1.3^t -> (~)3.1.7^t) [3]: Library used to interact with Git repositories
[>] == dev-python/PySDL2 ((~)0.9.6^t -> (~)0.9.7^t) [3]: Python (ctypes) bindings for SDL2 libraries
[>] == dev-python/aiofiles ((~)0.4.0^t -> (~)0.5.0^t) [3]: File support for asyncio
[>] == dev-python/aiohttp-socks (0.2.2^t -> (~)0.5.3^t) [3]: SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
[>] == dev-python/ament_package ((~)0.8.8^t -> (~)0.9.2^t) [3]: Parser for the manifest files in the ament buildsystem
[>] == dev-python/apsw (3.25.2_p1 -> (~)3.32.2_p1) [3]: APSW – Another Python SQLite Wrapper
[>] == dev-python/argcomplete (1.11.1-r1^t -> (~)1.12.0^t) [3]: Bash tab completion for argparse
[>] == dev-python/arrow ((~)0.15.7^t -> (~)0.15.8^t) [3]: Better dates and times for Python
[>] == dev-python/autobahn ((~)20.4.3^t -> (~)20.7.1^t) [3]: WebSocket and WAMP for Twisted and Asyncio
[>] == dev-python/beautifulsoup (4.8.2(4)^t -> (~)4.9.1(4)^t) [3]: Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying an HTML/XML parse tree
[>] == dev-python/bitarray ((~)1.3.0 -> (~)1.4.2) [3]: efficient arrays of booleans — C extension
[>] == dev-python/bitstring (3.1.6^t -> (~)3.1.7) [3]: A pure Python module for creation and analysis of binary data
[>] == dev-python/boto (2.49.0-r2^t -> 2.49.0-r3^t) [3]: Amazon Web Services API
[>] == dev-python/boto3 ((~)1.14.15^t -> (~)1.14.28-r1^t) [3]: The AWS SDK for Python
[>] == dev-python/botocore ((~)1.17.15^t -> (~)1.17.28-r1^t) [3]: Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3.
[>] == dev-python/cachetools (3.1.1^t -> (~)4.1.1^t) [3]: Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
[>] == dev-python/catkin_pkg ((~)0.4.20^t -> (~)0.4.22^t) [1]: Standalone Python library for the catkin package system
[>] == dev-python/cbor (1.0.0 -> 1.0.0-r1) [3]: RFC 7049 – Concise Binary Object Representation
[>] == dev-python/cheroot ((~)8.3.0-r1^t -> (~)8.4.2^t) [3]: Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy.
[>] == dev-python/cjkwrap (2.2 -> (~)2.2-r1) [3]: A library for wrapping and filling UTF-8 CJK text
[>] == dev-python/clang-python (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [1]: Python bindings for sys-devel/clang
[>] == dev-python/cmd2 (1.1.0^t -> (~)1.2.1^t) [3]: Extra features for standard library’s cmd module
[>] == dev-python/coverage (5.1^t -> (~)5.2.1^t) [3]: Code coverage measurement for Python
[U] == dev-python/cryptography (2.9@06/01/2020; 2.9^t -> (~)3.0^t) [3]: Library providing cryptographic recipes and primitives
[U] == dev-python/cython (0.29.20-r2@06/23/2020; 0.29.20-r2^t -> (~)0.29.21^t) [3]: A Python to C compiler
[>] == dev-python/dbusmock (0.18.3^t -> (~)0.19^t) [3]: Easily create mock objects on D-Bus for software testing
[>] == dev-python/django-sortedm2m ((~)2.0.0^t -> (~)3.0.2^t) [3]: Drop-in replacement for django’s many to many field with sorted relations
[>] == dev-python/dnspython (1.16.0-r1 -> (~)2.0.0^t) [3]: DNS toolkit for Python
[>] == dev-python/flaky (3.6.1^t -> (~)3.7.0^t) [3]: Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests
[>] == dev-python/flask-security (3.0.0^t -> (~)3.4.4^t) [3]: Simple security for Flask apps
[>] == dev-python/flask-sqlalchemy ((~)2.4.3^t -> (~)2.4.4^t) [3]: SQLAlchemy support for Flask applications
[>] == dev-python/graphviz (0.13^t -> (~)0.14.1^t) [3]: Simple Python interface for Graphviz
[>] == dev-python/hcloud-python ((~)1.7.0^t -> (~)1.8.2^t) [3]: Official Hetzner Cloud python library
[>] == dev-python/helpdev ((~)0.6.10 -> (~)0.7.1^t) [3]: Helping users and developers to get information about the environment
[>] == dev-python/hypothesis ((~)5.19.0^t -> (~)5.23.3^t) [3]: A library for property based testing
[>] == dev-python/ipykernel ((~)5.3.1^t -> (~)5.3.4^t) [3]: IPython Kernel for Jupyter
[>] == dev-python/jedi ((~)0.17.1^t -> (~)0.17.2^t) [3]: Autocompletion library for Python
[>] == dev-python/jikanpy ((~)3.4.2 -> (~)4.2.1) [3]: Python wrapper for jikan.moe API.
[>] == dev-python/jupyter_client (6.1.5^t -> (~)6.1.6^t) [3]: Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
[>] == dev-python/kazoo ((~)2.7.0^t -> (~)2.8.0^t) [3]: A high-level Python library that makes it easier to use Apache Zookeeper
[>] == dev-python/klein ((~)19.6.0^t -> (~)20.6.0^t) [3]: micro-framework for developing production-ready web services with Python
[>] == dev-python/libvirt-python (6.2.0^t -> (~)6.5.0^t) [3]: libvirt Python bindings
[>] == dev-python/lit (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [3]: A stand-alone install of the LLVM suite testing tool
[>] == dev-python/lxml (4.5.1^t -> (~)4.5.2^t) [3]: A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
[>] == dev-python/m2crypto ((~)0.35.2 -> (~)0.36.0) [3]: A Python crypto and SSL toolkit
[>] == dev-python/markups (3.0.0^t -> (~)3.0.0-r1^t) [3]: A wrapper around various text markups
[>] == dev-python/matplotlib ((~)3.2.2^t -> (~)3.3.0^t) [3]: Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax
[>] == dev-python/moto (1.3.14-r2^t -> 1.3.14-r3^t) [3]: Mock library for boto
[>] == dev-python/mysql-connector-python ((~)8.0.20^t -> (~)8.0.21^t) [1]: Python client library for MariaDB/MySQL
[>] == dev-python/numpy ((~)1.19.0^t -> (~)1.19.1^t) [3]: Fast array and numerical python library
[>] == dev-python/pandas ((~)1.0.5^t -> (~)1.1.0^t) [3]: Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics
[>] == dev-python/parso (0.7.0^t -> (~)0.7.1^t) [3]: a python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing
[>] == dev-python/paste (3.4.1^t -> (~)3.4.3^t) [3]: Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
[>] == dev-python/path-py (14.0.1^t -> (~)15.0.0^t) [3]: A module wrapper for os.path
[>] == dev-python/pep8 (1.7.1 -> (~)1.7.1-r1^t) [3]: Python style guide checker
[>] == dev-python/phonenumbers (8.12.4^t -> (~)8.12.7) [3]: Python port of Google’s libphonenumber
[>] == dev-python/pikepdf ((~)1.16.1^t -> (~)1.17.0^t) [3]: Python library to work with pdf files based on qpdf
[>] == dev-python/pip ((~)20.1.1^t -> (~)20.2^t) [3]: Installs python packages — replacement for easy_install
[>] == dev-python/pipenv ((~)2020.4.1_beta1^t -> (~)2020.6.2^t) [3]: Python Development Workflow for Humans
[>] == dev-python/process-tests (2.0.2^t -> (~)2.1.1^t) [3]: Tools for testing processes
[>] == dev-python/psutil (5.7.0^t -> (~)5.7.2^t) [3]: Retrieve information on running processes and system utilization
[>] == dev-python/py-cpuinfo ((~)5.0.0-r1 -> (~)6.0.0) [3]: Get CPU info with pure Python 2 & 3
[>] == dev-python/pydocstyle (5.0.2^t -> (~)5.0.2-r1^t) [3]: Python docstring style checker
[>] == dev-python/pyfakefs ((~)4.0.2^t -> (~)4.1.0^t) [3]: a fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules
[>] == dev-python/pygobject (2.28.6-r55(2)^t 3.34.0(3)^t -> 2.28.6-r55(2)^t (~)3.36.1(3)^t) [3]: Python bindings for GObject Introspection
[>] == dev-python/pyilmbase (2.3.0-r2 -> (~)2.5.2(0/25)^t) [3]: IlmBase Python bindings
[>] == dev-python/pypam (0.5.0-r4 -> (~)0.5.0-r5) [3]: Python Bindings for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
[>] == dev-python/pytest-cache (1.0-r2^t -> (~)1.0-r3^t) [3]: mechanisms for caching across test runs
[>] == dev-python/pytest-forked ((~)1.2.0^t -> (~)1.3.0^t) [3]: run tests in isolated forked subprocesses
[>] == dev-python/pytest-freezegun ((~)0.4.1^t -> (~)0.4.2^t) [3]: Easily freeze time in pytest test + fixtures
[<] == dev-python/pytest-localserver ((~)0.5.0-r1^t -> 0.5.0^t) [3]: Py.test plugin to test server connections locally
[>] == dev-python/pytest-mock ((~)3.1.1^t -> (~)3.2.0^t) [3]: Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest
[>] == dev-python/pytest-pep8 (1.0.6-r1 -> (~)1.0.6-r2) [3]: pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements
[>] == dev-python/pytest-timeout ((~)1.4.1-r1^t -> (~)1.4.2^t) [3]: py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
[>] == dev-python/pytest-xdist ((~)1.32.0^t -> (~)1.33.0^t) [3]: Distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
[>] == dev-python/python-dotenv ((~)0.13.0^t -> (~)0.14.0^t) [3]: Manage .env files
[>] == dev-python/python-language-server ((~)0.32.0^t -> (~)0.34.1^t) [3]: An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python
[>] == dev-python/python-markdown-math (0.6-r1^t -> (~)0.7^t) [3]: Math extension for Python-Markdown
[>] == dev-python/python-nbxmpp ((~)1.0.0 -> (~)1.0.1) [3]: Python library to use Jabber/XMPP networks in a non-blocking way
[>] == dev-python/readthedocs-sphinx-ext ((~)2.0.0^t -> (~)2.1.1^t) [3]: Code specific for Read the Docs and Sphinx
[>] == dev-python/rope ((~)0.16.0^t -> (~)0.17.0^t) [3]: Python refactoring library
[>] == dev-python/rosdistro ((~)0.8.1^t -> (~)0.8.2^t) [3]: Tools to work with catkinized rosdistro files
[>] == dev-python/rospkg ((~)1.2.6^t -> (~)1.2.8^t) [3]: Standalone Python library for the ROS package system
[>] == dev-python/rq ((~)1.3.0 -> (~)1.4.3) [3]: simple, lightweight library for creating and processing background jobs
[>] == dev-python/scrapy ((~)2.2.0 -> (~)2.2.1) [3]: A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
[>] == dev-python/simplejson (3.17.0 -> (~)3.17.2) [3]: Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
[>] == dev-python/sphinxcontrib-doxylink (1.5 -> (~)1.6.1) [3]: Extension to link to external Doxygen API documentation
[>] == dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling ((~)5.1.2^t -> (~)5.2.0^t) [3]: Sphinx spelling extension
[>] == dev-python/spyder ((~)4.1.3^t -> (~)4.1.4^t) [3]: The Scientific Python Development Environment
[>] == dev-python/spyder-kernels ((~)1.9.1^t -> (~)1.9.2^t) [3]: Kernels used by spyder on its ipython console
[>] == dev-python/stevedore (2.0.1^t -> (~)3.2.0^t) [3]: Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
[>] == dev-python/tblib (1.6.0^t -> (~)1.7.0^t) [3]: Traceback fiddling library for Python
[>] == dev-python/tempora (3.0.0^t -> (~)4.0.0^t) [3]: Objects and routines pertaining to date and time
[>] == dev-python/texttable (1.6.2^t -> (~)1.6.2-r1^t) [3]: Module for creating simple ASCII tables
[>] == dev-python/tox ((~)3.16.1^t -> (~)3.18.1^t) [3]: virtualenv-based automation of test activities
[>] == dev-python/tqdm ((~)4.47.0^t -> (~)4.48.0^t) [3]: Add a progress meter to your loops in a second
[>] == dev-python/tubes ((~)0.2.0^t -> (~)0.2.0-r1^t) [3]: Flow control and backpressure for event-driven applications
[>] == dev-python/typing ( -> (~) [3]: Type Hints for Python
[>] == dev-python/typing-extensions ( -> (~) [3]: Type Hint extensions from Python 3.8 backported
[U] == dev-python/urllib3 (1.25.9@06/01/2020; (~)1.25.9^t -> (~)1.25.10^t) [3]: HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more
[>] == dev-python/virtualenv ((~)20.0.26^t -> (~)20.0.28^t) [3]: Virtual Python Environment builder
[>] == dev-python/wurlitzer ((~)2.0.0^t -> (~)2.0.1^t) [3]: Capture C-level stdout/stderr in Python
[>] == dev-python/xarray (0.12.1^t -> (~)0.16.0^t) [3]: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
[>] == dev-python/xcffib (0.9.0^t -> (~)0.10.1^t) [3]: A drop in replacement for xpyb, an XCB python binding
[>] == dev-python/yarl (1.4.2^t -> (~)1.5.0^t) [3]: Yet another URL library
[>] == dev-ruby/amq-protocol ((~)2.3.1(2)^t -> (~)2.3.2(2)^t) [1]: An AMQP 0.9.1 serialization library for Ruby
[>] == dev-ruby/autoprefixer-rails ((~)9.8.4(9)^t -> (~)9.8.5(9)^t) [1]: Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
[>] == dev-ruby/bcrypt-ruby ((~)3.1.13^t -> (~)3.1.15^t) [1]: An easy way to keep your users’ passwords secure
[>] == dev-ruby/diff-lcs ((~)1.4.1^t -> (~)1.4.4^t) [1]: Use the McIlroy-Hunt LCS algorithm to compute differences
[>] == dev-ruby/dotenv ((~)2.7.5(2)^t -> (~)2.7.6(2)^t) [1]: Loads environment variables from .env into ENV
[>] == dev-ruby/facter (3.14.11^t -> (~)3.14.12^t) [1]: A cross-platform ruby library for retrieving facts from operating systems
[>] == dev-ruby/forgery ((~)0.7.0^t -> (~)0.8.1^t) [1]: Easy and customizable generation of forged data
[>] == dev-ruby/gettext-setup ((~)0.34-r1^t -> (~)0.34-r2^t) [1]: A gem to ease i18n
[>] == dev-ruby/i18n (0.7.0-r3(0.7)^t (~)1.8.3(1)^t -> 0.7.0-r3(0.7)^t (~)1.8.5(1)^t) [1]: Add Internationalization support to your Ruby application
[>] == dev-ruby/loofah ((~)2.6.0^t -> (~)2.6.0-r1^t) [1]: Library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments.
[>] == dev-ruby/multi_json (1.14.1^t -> (~)1.15.0^t) [1]: A gem to provide swappable JSON backends
[>] == dev-ruby/pastel ((~)0.7.4^t -> (~)0.8.0^t) [1]: Terminal strings styling with intuitive and clean API
[>] == dev-ruby/posix-spawn ((~)0.3.14^t -> (~)0.3.15^t) [1]: Library that implements a subset of the Ruby 1.9 Process::spawn
[>] == dev-ruby/puppetdb-termini (6.10.0 -> (~)6.11.2) [1]: Library needed to connect puppet to puppetdb
[>] == dev-ruby/rake-compiler (1.1.0^t -> (~)1.1.1^t) [1]: Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions
[>] == dev-ruby/rcairo ((~)1.16.5^t -> (~)1.16.6^t) [1]: Ruby bindings for cairo
[>] == dev-ruby/rouge ((~)3.20.0(2)^t -> (~)3.21.0(2)^t) [1]: Yet-another-markdown-parser using a strict syntax definition in pure Ruby
[>] == dev-ruby/sdoc ((~)1.0.0^t -> (~)1.1.0^t) [1]: rdoc generator html with javascript search index
[>] == dev-ruby/selenium-webdriver ((~)3.142.7(3)^t -> (~)3.142.7-r1(3)^t) [1]: This gem provides Ruby bindings for WebDriver
[>] == dev-ruby/sprockets ((~)3.7.2(3)^t -> (~)3.7.2(3)^t (~)4.0.2(4)^t) [1]: Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets
[>] == dev-ruby/thor (0.20.3^t -> (~)0.20.3-r1^t (~)1.0.1(1)^t) [1]: A scripting framework that replaces rake and sake
[>] == dev-ruby/uuidtools (2.1.5-r1^t -> (~)2.2.0^t) [1]: Simple library to generate UUIDs
[>] == dev-ruby/websocket-driver ((~)0.6.5^t (~)0.7.2(0.7)^t -> (~)0.6.5^t (~)0.7.3(0.7)^t) [1]: A complete implementation of the WebSocket protocols
[>] == dev-ruby/zeitwerk ((~)2.3.1(2)^t -> (~)2.4.0(2)^t) [1]: Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby
[>] == dev-texlive/texlive-formatsextra (2020 -> 2020-r2) [1]: TeXLive Additional formats
[>] == dev-util/android-studio ((~)^s -> (~)^s) [1]: Android development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA
[>] == dev-util/aruba ((~)0.14.14^t -> (~)0.14.14^t (~)1.0.2(1)^t) [1]: Cucumber steps for driving out command line applications
[>] == dev-util/bats (0.4.0_p20170219 -> (~)1.2.1) [1]: Bats-core: Bash Automated Testing System
[>] == dev-util/bpftrace ((~)0.10.0-r1^t -> (~)0.11.0^t) [1]: High-level tracing language for eBPF
[>] == dev-util/buildbot ((~)2.8.2^t -> (~)2.8.2-r1^t) [1]: BuildBot build automation system
[>] == dev-util/ccache ((~)3.7.10^t -> (~)3.7.11^t): fast compiler cache
[>] == dev-util/chroot-wrapper ((~)0.9.1 -> (~)0.9.3) [1]: Wrapper for chroot to set up some bind mounts, namespaces, and control groups
[>] == dev-util/clair ((~)2.1.3^s -> (~)2.1.4^s) [1]: Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers
[>] == dev-util/clion (2020.1.2^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: A complete toolset for C and C++ development.
[U] == dev-util/cmake (3.17.3@06/09/2020; (~)3.17.3^t -> (~)3.18.0^t): Cross platform Make
[>] == dev-util/conan ((~)1.24.1^t -> (~)1.26.1^t) [1]: Distributed C/C++ package manager
[>] == dev-util/conf2struct ((~)1.0 -> (~)1.3) [1]: Create C parsers for libconfig and command-line
[>] == dev-util/cutter ((~)1.10.3 -> (~)1.11.0) [1]: A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
[>] == dev-util/diffoscope ((~)150 -> (~)153) [1]: Will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different
[>] == dev-util/drone-cli ((~)1.1.4^t -> (~)1.2.1^st) [1]: Command-line interface for Drone
[>] == dev-util/gdbus-codegen ((~)2.64.3 -> (~)2.64.4) [1]: GDBus code and documentation generator
[>] == dev-util/github-cli ((~)0.10.1^s -> (~)0.11.0^s) [1]: GitHub CLI
[>] == dev-util/gitlab-runner ((~)13.1.1^ms -> (~)13.2.1^ms) [1]: GitLab Runner
[>] == dev-util/glade (3.36.0(3.10/6)^t -> 3.37.0(3.10/6)^t) [1]: A user interface designer for GTK+ and GNOME
[U] == dev-util/glib-utils (2.64.3@06/01/2020; (~)2.64.3 -> (~)2.64.4) [1]: Build utilities for GLib using projects
[>] == dev-util/gn (0.1726 -> (~)0.1807) [1]: GN is a meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja
[U] == dev-util/gtk-doc (1.32-r1@06/01/2020; 1.32-r1^t -> (~)1.32-r2^t) [1]: GTK+ Documentation Generator
[>] == dev-util/idea-community (2020.1.3^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: The most intelligent Java IDE.
[>] == dev-util/idea-ultimate (2020.1.3^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: The most intelligent Java IDE.
[>] == dev-util/jenkins-bin ((~)2.235.1(lts)^m (~)2.242^m -> (~)2.235.3(lts)^m (~)2.245^m) [1]: Extensible continuous integration server
[>] == dev-util/lldb (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [1]: The LLVM debugger
[>] == dev-util/phpstorm (2020.1.3^msd -> 2020.1.4^msd) [1]: A complete toolset for C and C++ development.
[>] == dev-util/ply ((~)2.1.1 -> 2.1.1-r1) [1]: Dynamic instrumentation of the Linux kernel with BPF and kprobes
[>] == dev-util/pycharm-community (2020.1.3^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: The Python IDE for pure Python development
[>] == dev-util/pycharm-professional (2020.1.3^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: The Python IDE for Professional Developers
[>] == dev-util/radare2 ((~)4.4.0-r1 -> (~)4.5.0) [1]: unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools
[U] == dev-util/re2c (1.3-r1@05/01/2020; 1.3-r1 -> (~)2.0): tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
[><] == dev-util/rebar-bin ((~)3.6.2(3) -> (~)3.13.2) [1]: A sophisticated build-tool for Erlang projects that follows OTP principles
[>] == dev-util/rosdep ((~)0.15.0^t -> (~)0.19.0^t) [1]: Command-line tool for installing ROS system dependencies
[>] == dev-util/rosinstall_generator ((~)0.1.14^t -> (~)0.1.22^t) [1]: Generates rosinstall metadata about repositories with ROS packages/stacks
[>] == dev-util/rubymine (2020.1.2^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: The most intelligent Ruby and Rails IDE.
[>] == dev-util/scons (3.1.2^t -> (~)4.0.1^t) [1]: Extensible Python-based build utility
[>] == dev-util/shfmt (2.6.4^ms -> 3.1.2^ms) [1]: A shell parser and formatter for POSIX shell and bash
[<] == dev-util/spirv-llvm-translator ((~)^t (~)^t (~)10.0.0(10)^t -> (~)^t (~)10.0.0(10)^t) [1]: Bi-directional translator between SPIR-V and LLVM IR
[>] == dev-util/trace-cmd (2.8.3(0/2.8.3) -> (~)2.9.1(0/2.9.1)^t) [1]: User-space front-end for Ftrace
[>] == dev-util/webstorm (2020.1.3^msd -> 2020.2^msd) [1]: A complete toolset for C and C++ development.
[U] == dev-vcs/git (2.27.0@06/09/2020; (~)2.27.0^t -> (~)2.28.0^t): stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency
[>] == dev-vcs/topgit (0.9-r1 -> (~)0.19.12) [1]: A different patch queue manager
[>] == games-emulation/m64py ((~)0.2.4 -> (~)0.2.5) [1]: A frontend for Mupen64Plus
[>] == games-util/pyfa ((~)2.22.0^md -> (~)2.22.1^md) [1]: Python Fitting Assistant – a ship fitting application for EVE Online
[>] == gnome-base/dconf (0.34.0^t -> (~)0.36.0^t) [1]: Simple low-level configuration system
[>] == gnome-base/gdm (3.34.1^t -> (~)3.36.3^t) [1]: GNOME Display Manager for managing graphical display servers and user logins
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-applets ((~)3.34.0 -> (~)3.36.4) [1]: Applets for the GNOME Flashback Panel
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-control-center (3.34.5-r1(2)^t -> (~)3.36.4(2)^t) [1]: GNOME’s main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-core-libs (3.34.4(3.0) -> (~)3.36.4(3.0)) [1]: Sub-meta package for the core libraries of GNOME 3
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-desktop (3.34.7(3/18)^t -> (~)3.36.4(3/19)^t) [1]: Library with common API for various GNOME modules
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-flashback ((~)3.34.2 -> (~)3.36.3) [1]: GNOME Flashback session
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-keyring (3.34.0^t -> (~)3.36.0^t) [1]: Password and keyring managing daemon
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-menus (3.32.0(3)^t -> (~)3.36.0(3)^t) [1]: Library and layout configuration for the Desktop Menu fd.o specification
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-panel ((~)3.34.1 -> (~)3.36.2) [1]: The GNOME Flashback Panel
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-session (3.34.2 -> (~)3.36.0) [1]: Gnome session manager
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon (3.34.2^t -> (~)3.36.1^t) [1]: Gnome Settings Daemon
[>] == gnome-base/gnome-shell (3.34.5^t -> (~)3.36.4-r2^t) [1]: Provides core UI functions for the GNOME 3 desktop
[>] == gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.34.0 -> (~)3.36.1) [1]: Collection of GSettings schemas for GNOME desktop
[>] == gnome-base/gvfs (1.42.2^t -> (~)1.44.1^t) [1]: Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
[>] == gnome-base/libglade (2.6.4-r2(2.0)^t -> (~)2.6.4-r3(2.0)^t) [1]: Library to construct graphical interfaces at runtime
[>] == gnome-base/nautilus (3.34.3^t -> (~)3.36.3^t) [1]: Default file manager for the GNOME desktop
[>] == gnome-extra/cinnamon ((~)4.6.5 -> (~)4.6.6) [1]: A fork of GNOME Shell with layout similar to GNOME 2
[>] == gnome-extra/cinnamon-desktop ((~)4.6.2(0/4) -> (~)4.6.3(0/4)) [1]: A collection of libraries and utilites used by Cinnamon
[>] == gnome-extra/cinnamon-menus ((~)4.6.0 -> (~)4.6.1) [1]: Cinnamon’s library for the Desktop Menu fd.o specification
[>] == gnome-extra/cinnamon-translations ((~)4.6.1 -> (~)4.6.2) [1]: Translation data for Cinnamon
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-boxes (3.34.4 -> (~)3.36.5) [1]: Simple GNOME 3 application to access remote or virtual systems
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-calendar (3.34.2^t -> (~)3.36.2^t) [1]: Manage your online calendars with simple and modern interface
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-clocks (3.34.0 -> (~)3.36.2) [1]: Clocks application for GNOME
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-color-manager (3.32.0^t -> (~)3.36.0^t) [1]: GNOME color profile tools
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-contacts (3.34.1 -> (~)3.36.2) [1]: GNOME contact management application
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-getting-started-docs (3.34.2^bs -> (~)3.36.2^bs) [1]: Help a new user get started in GNOME
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-logs (3.34.0 -> (~)3.36.0) [1]: Log viewer for the systemd journal
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-applications-overview-tooltip (7 -> (~)8) [1]: Show tooltip with full name and description
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect (10 -> (~)13) [1]: Allow to connect bluetooth paired devices from gnome control panel
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel (37 -> (~)38) [1]: An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (20.04.0 -> 20.04.0-r1) [1]: A GNOME Shell extension for providing desktop icons
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect (33-r2 -> (~)39) [1]: KDE Connect implementation for Gnome Shell
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extensions (3.34.2^t -> (~)3.36.2^t) [1]: JavaScript extensions for GNOME Shell
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-software ((~)3.34.2^t -> (~)3.36.1^t) [1]: Gnome install & update software
[>] == gnome-extra/gnome-user-docs (3.34.2^bst -> (~)3.36.2^bst) [1]: GNOME end user documentation
[>] == gnome-extra/libgsf (1.14.46(0/114) -> (~)1.14.47(0/114)) [1]: The GNOME Structured File Library
[>] == gnustep-apps/sogo ((~)4.1.1-r1 -> (~)4.3.2) [1]: Groupware server built around OpenGroupware.org and the SOPE application server
[>] == gnustep-libs/sope ((~)4.1.1 -> (~)4.3.2) [1]: A set of frameworks forming a complete Web application server environment
[>] == gui-apps/grim ((~)1.2.0 -> (~)1.3.0) [1]: Grab images from a Wayland compositor.
[>] == gui-apps/tuigreet ((~)0_pre20200702 -> (~)0.1.1) [1]: TUI greeter for greetd login manager
[>] == gui-libs/wlroots ((~)0.10.1(0/10) -> 0.11.0(0/11)) [1]: Pluggable, composable, unopinionated modules for building a Wayland compositor
[>] == gui-wm/sway (1.4-r2 -> 1.5) [1]: i3-compatible Wayland window manager
[>] == kde-frameworks/attica ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing access to Open Collaboration Services
[>] == kde-frameworks/baloo ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for searching and managing metadata
[>] == kde-frameworks/bluez-qt ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API
[>] == kde-frameworks/breeze-icons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Breeze SVG icon theme
[>] == kde-frameworks/breeze-icons-rcc ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Breeze SVG icon theme binary resource
[>] == kde-frameworks/extra-cmake-modules ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0-r1(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Extra modules and scripts for CMake
[>] == kde-frameworks/frameworkintegration ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces
[>] == kde-frameworks/kactivities ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for working with KDE activities
[>] == kde-frameworks/kactivities-stats ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for getting the usage statistics collected by the activities service
[>] == kde-frameworks/kapidox ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework for building KDE API documentation in a standard format and style
[>] == kde-frameworks/karchive ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats
[>] == kde-frameworks/kauth ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework to let applications perform actions as a privileged user
[>] == kde-frameworks/kbookmarks ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for managing bookmarks stored in XBEL format
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcalendarcore ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Library for interfacing with calendars
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcmutils ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework to work with KDE System Settings modules
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcodecs ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for manipulating strings using various encodings
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcompletion ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for common completion tasks such as filename or URL completion
[>] == kde-frameworks/kconfig ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for reading and writing configuration
[>] == kde-frameworks/kconfigwidgets ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing an assortment of configuration-related widgets
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcontacts ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Address book API based on KDE Frameworks
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcoreaddons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for solving common problems such as caching, randomisation, and more
[>] == kde-frameworks/kcrash ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for intercepting and handling application crashes
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdbusaddons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for registering services and applications per freedesktop standards
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdeclarative ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework providing integration of QML and KDE work spaces
[>] == kde-frameworks/kded ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Central daemon of KDE workspaces
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework easing the development transition from KDELibs 4 to KF 5
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdesignerplugin ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework providing plugins to use KDE frameworks widgets in QtDesigner
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdesu ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework to handle super user actions
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdewebkit ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework providing KDE integration of QtWebKit
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdnssd ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for network service discovery using Zeroconf
[>] == kde-frameworks/kdoctools ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Tools to generate documentation in various formats from DocBook files
[>] == kde-frameworks/kemoticons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for converting text emoticons to graphical representations
[>] == kde-frameworks/kfilemetadata ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Library for extracting file metadata
[>] == kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework to handle global shortcuts
[>] == kde-frameworks/kguiaddons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing assorted high-level user interface components
[>] == kde-frameworks/kholidays ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Library to determine holidays and other special events for a geographical region
[>] == kde-frameworks/khtml ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: KHTML web rendering engine
[>] == kde-frameworks/ki18n ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework based on Gettext for internationalizing user interface text
[>] == kde-frameworks/kiconthemes ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for icon theming and configuration
[>] == kde-frameworks/kidletime ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework for detection and notification of device idle time
[>] == kde-frameworks/kimageformats ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing additional format plugins for Qt’s image I/O system
[>] == kde-frameworks/kinit ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Helper library to speed up start of applications on KDE work spaces
[>] == kde-frameworks/kio ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing transparent file and data management
[>] == kde-frameworks/kirigami ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications
[>] == kde-frameworks/kitemmodels ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing data models to help with tasks such as sorting and filtering
[>] == kde-frameworks/kitemviews ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing additional widgets for item models
[>] == kde-frameworks/kjobwidgets ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing assorted widgets for showing the progress of jobs
[>] == kde-frameworks/kjs ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: ECMAScipt compatible parser and engine
[>] == kde-frameworks/kjsembed ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework binding JavaScript objects to QObjects
[>] == kde-frameworks/kmediaplayer ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing a common interface for KParts that can play media files
[>] == kde-frameworks/knewstuff ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data
[>] == kde-frameworks/knotifications ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework for notifying the user of an event
[>] == kde-frameworks/knotifyconfig ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71) -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)) [1]: Framework for configuring desktop notifications
[>] == kde-frameworks/kpackage ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework to install and load packages of non binary content
[>] == kde-frameworks/kparts ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing elaborate user-interface components
[>] == kde-frameworks/kpeople ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: KDE contact person abstraction library
[>] == kde-frameworks/kplotting ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing easy data-plotting functions
[>] == kde-frameworks/kpty ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for pseudo terminal devices and running child processes
[>] == kde-frameworks/kquickcharts ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
[>] == kde-frameworks/kross ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for embedding scripting into applications
[>] == kde-frameworks/krunner ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0-r1(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for providing different actions given a string query
[>] == kde-frameworks/kservice ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Advanced plugin and service introspection
[>] == kde-frameworks/ktexteditor ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing a full text editor component
[>] == kde-frameworks/ktextwidgets ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing an assortment of widgets for displaying and editing text
[>] == kde-frameworks/kunitconversion ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for converting units
[>] == kde-frameworks/kwallet ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing desktop-wide storage for passwords
[>] == kde-frameworks/kwayland ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Qt-style client and server library wrapper for Wayland libraries
[>] == kde-frameworks/kwidgetsaddons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: An assortment of high-level widgets for common tasks
[>] == kde-frameworks/kwindowsystem ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing access to properties and features of the window manager
[>] == kde-frameworks/kxmlgui ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions in an abstract way
[>] == kde-frameworks/kxmlrpcclient ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework providing client-side support for the XML-RPC protocol
[>] == kde-frameworks/modemmanager-qt ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: ModemManager bindings for Qt
[>] == kde-frameworks/networkmanager-qt ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: NetworkManager bindings for Qt
[>] == kde-frameworks/oxygen-icons ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Oxygen SVG icon theme
[>] == kde-frameworks/plasma ((~)5.71.0-r1(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Plasma framework
[>] == kde-frameworks/prison ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: QRCode and data matrix barcode library
[>] == kde-frameworks/purpose ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Library for providing abstractions to get the developer’s purposes fulfilled
[>] == kde-frameworks/qqc2-desktop-style ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Style for QtQuickControls 2 that uses QWidget’s QStyle for painting
[>] == kde-frameworks/solid ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Provider for platform independent hardware discovery, abstraction and management
[>] == kde-frameworks/sonnet ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for providing spell-checking through abstraction of popular backends
[>] == kde-frameworks/syndication ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Library for parsing RSS and Atom feeds
[>] == kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for syntax highlighting
[>] == kde-frameworks/threadweaver ((~)5.71.0(5/5.71)^t -> (~)5.72.0(5/5.72)^t) [1]: Framework for managing threads using job and queue-based interfaces
[>] == kde-misc/skanlite (^t -> (~)2.2.0(5)^t) [1]: Simple image scanning application based on libksane and KDE Frameworks
[>] == kde-plasma/bluedevil ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Bluetooth stack for KDE Plasma
[>] == kde-plasma/breeze ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Breeze visual style for the Plasma desktop
[>] == kde-plasma/breeze-grub ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Breeze theme for GRUB
[>] == kde-plasma/breeze-gtk ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Official GTK+ port of Plasma’s Breeze widget style
[>] == kde-plasma/breeze-plymouth ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Breeze theme for Plymouth
[>] == kde-plasma/discover ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma resources management GUI
[>] == kde-plasma/drkonqi ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Plasma crash handler, gives the user feedback if a program crashed
[>] == kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: System service to manage user’s activities, track the usage patterns etc.
[>] == kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
[>] == kde-plasma/kde-gtk-config ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: GTK2 and GTK3 configurator for KDE Plasma
[>] == kde-plasma/kdecoration ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Plugin based library to create window decorations
[>] == kde-plasma/kdeplasma-addons ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Extra Plasma applets and engines
[>] == kde-plasma/kgamma ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Screen gamma values kcontrol module
[>] == kde-plasma/khotkeys ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma workspace hotkey module
[>] == kde-plasma/kinfocenter ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Utility providing information about the computer hardware
[>] == kde-plasma/kmenuedit ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma menu editor
[>] == kde-plasma/kscreen ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma screen management
[>] == kde-plasma/kscreenlocker ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
[>] == kde-plasma/ksshaskpass ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: KDE implementation of ssh-askpass with Kwallet integration
[>] == kde-plasma/ksysguard ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Network-enabled task manager and system monitor
[>] == kde-plasma/kwallet-pam ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: PAM module to not enter KWallet password again after login
[>] == kde-plasma/kwayland-integration ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Provides integration plugins for various KDE frameworks for Wayland
[>] == kde-plasma/kwayland-server ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Wayland Server Components built on KDE Frameworks
[>] == kde-plasma/kwin ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Flexible, composited Window Manager for windowing systems on Linux
[>] == kde-plasma/kwrited ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma daemon listening for wall and write messages
[>] == kde-plasma/libkscreen ((~)5.19.3(5/7)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5/7)^t) [1]: Plasma screen management library
[>] == kde-plasma/libksysguard ((~)5.19.3(5/9)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5/9)^t) [1]: Task management and system monitoring library
[>] == kde-plasma/libkworkspace ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Workspace library to interact with the Plasma session manager
[>] == kde-plasma/milou ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
[>] == kde-plasma/oxygen ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Oxygen visual style for the Plasma desktop
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-browser-integration ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Integrate Chrome/Firefox better into Plasma through browser extensions
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-desktop ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma desktop
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-integration ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-meta ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Merge this to pull in all Plasma 5 packages
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-nm ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma applet for NetworkManager
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-pa ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-sdk ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Useful applications for Plasma development
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-thunderbolt ((~)5.19.3(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-vault ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-workspace ((~)5.19.3-r1(5)^t -> (~)5.19.4(5)^t) [1]: KDE Plasma workspace
[>] == kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-wallpapers ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Wallpapers for the Plasma workspace
[>] == kde-plasma/plymouth-kcm ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma control module for Plymouth
[>] == kde-plasma/polkit-kde-agent ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: PolKit agent module for KDE Plasma
[>] == kde-plasma/powerdevil ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Power management for KDE Plasma Shell
[>] == kde-plasma/sddm-kcm ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: KDE Plasma control module for SDDM
[>] == kde-plasma/systemsettings ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Control Center to configure KDE Plasma desktop
[>] == kde-plasma/user-manager ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Simple system settings module to manage the users of your system
[>] == kde-plasma/xdg-desktop-portal-kde ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal that is using Qt/KDE Frameworks
[>] == kde-plasma/xembed-sni-proxy ((~)5.19.3(5) -> (~)5.19.4(5)) [1]: Legacy xembed tray icons support for SNI-only system trays
[>] == mail-client/claws-mail (3.17.5-r1 -> 3.17.6) [1]: An email client (and news reader) based on GTK+
[><] == mail-client/roundcube (1.3.8(1.3.8) (~)1.3.9(1.3.9) (~)1.3.10(1.3.10) (~)1.3.11(1.3.11) (~)1.4.0(1.4.0) (~)1.4.1(1.4.1) (~)1.4.2(1.4.2) (~)1.4.3(1.4.3) 1.4.4(1.4.4) (~)1.4.6(1.4.6) -> 1.4.6(1.4.6) (~)1.4.7(1.4.7)) [1]: A browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface
[>] == mail-client/thunderbird (68.10.0^td -> (~)68.11.0^td) [1]: Thunderbird Mail Client
[>] == mail-client/thunderbird-bin (68.10.0-r1^ms -> 68.11.0^ms) [1]: Thunderbird Mail Client
[>] == mail-mta/notqmail ((~)1.08-r1^t -> (~)1.08-r2^t) [1]: qmail — a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent
[U] == mail-mta/postfix (3.5.4@07/11/2020; (~)3.5.4 -> (~)3.5.6): A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail
[>] == mate-extra/mate-utils ((~)1.24.0 -> (~)1.24.0-r1) [1]: Utilities for the MATE desktop
[>] == media-fonts/fontawesome ((~)5.13.1(0/5) -> (~)5.14.0(0/5)) [1]: The iconic font
[>] == media-fonts/jetbrains-mono ((~)1.0.6 -> (~)2.001) [1]: A free and open-source typeface for developers
[>] == media-gfx/fdm-materials ((~)4.6.1 -> (~)4.6.1-r1) [1]: FDM materials for media-gfx/cura
[>] == media-gfx/gnome-photos (3.34.1^t -> (~)3.34.2^t) [1]: Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME
[>] == media-gfx/graphviz ((~)2.44.0^t -> (~)2.44.1^t) [1]: Open Source Graph Visualization Software
[>] == media-gfx/gscan2pdf ((~)2.7.0^t -> (~)2.8.1^t) [1]: Scan documents, perform OCR, produce PDFs and DjVus
[>] == media-gfx/scrot ((~)1.3-r1 -> (~)1.4) [1]: Screen capture utility using imlib2 library
[>] == media-gfx/simple-scan (3.34.6 -> (~)3.36.4) [1]: Simple document scanning utility
[>] == media-libs/audiofile (0.3.6-r3(0/1)^t -> 0.3.6-r4(0/1)) [1]: An elegant API for accessing audio files
[>] == media-libs/freealut (1.1.0-r3 -> (~)1.1.0-r4) [1]: The OpenAL Utility Toolkit
[>] == media-libs/freeimage (3.18.0-r1 -> (~)3.18.0-r2) [1]: Image library supporting many formats
[>] == media-libs/gexiv2 (0.12.0-r1^t -> (~)0.12.1^t) [1]: GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
[U] == media-libs/harfbuzz (2.6.8(0/0.9.18)@06/24/2020; (~)2.6.8(0/0.9.18)^t -> (~)2.7.0(0/0.9.18)^t) [1]: An OpenType text shaping engine
[>] == media-libs/ilmbase (2.3.0(0/24) -> (~)2.5.2(0/25)^t) [1]: OpenEXR ILM Base libraries
[>] == media-libs/jbig2dec (0.17-r1(0/0.17)^t -> 0.18(0/0.18)^t) [1]: A decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format
[<] == media-libs/jpeg (6b-r12(62) (~)8d-r2(8) 9d -> 9d) [1]: Library to load, handle and manipulate images in the JPEG format
[>] == media-libs/libde265 (1.0.3 -> (~)1.0.5) [1]: Open h.265 video codec implementation
[>] == media-libs/libheif ((~)1.6.1(0/1.6)^t -> (~)1.6.2(0/1.6)^t) [1]: ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder
[>] == media-libs/libmypaint (1.4.0-r1(0/1.4) -> 1.6.1(0/1.6)) [1]: Library for making brushstrokes
[>] == media-libs/libprojectm ((~)3.1.3(0/2) -> (~)3.1.7(0/2)) [1]: A graphical music visualization plugin similar to milkdrop
[>] == media-libs/libraw ((~)0.19.5(0/19) -> (~)0.20.0(0/20)) [1]: LibRaw is a library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras
[>] == media-libs/mesa ((~)20.1.3^t -> (~)20.1.4^t) [1]: OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux
[>] == media-libs/openexr (2.3.0(0/24)^t -> (~)2.5.2(0/25)^t) [1]: ILM’s OpenEXR high dynamic-range image file format libraries
[>] == media-libs/shaderc (2020.1^t -> (~)2020.2^t) [1]: Collection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation
[>] == media-libs/webvfx ((~)1.1.0 -> (~)1.2.0) [1]: Video effects library based on web technologies
[>] == media-plugins/audacious-plugins ((~)4.0.4 -> 4.0.5) [1]: Lightweight and versatile audio player
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-modplug ((~)2.0.3 -> (~)2.1.3) [1]: Modplug decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-nosefart ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.3.0) [1]: Nosefart decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-sidplay ((~)1.2.2 -> (~)2.1.3) [1]: SidPlay decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-snesapu ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.1.3) [1]: SPC decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-stsound ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.1.3) [1]: SPC decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-timidity ((~)2.0.5 -> (~)2.3.0) [1]: Timidity decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-vgmstream ((~)1.1.5 -> (~)2.1.2) [1]: vgmstream decoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audioencoder-flac ((~)2.0.6 -> (~)2.1.1) [1]: Flac encoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audioencoder-lame ((~)2.0.4 -> (~)2.1.1) [1]: Lame MP3 encoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audioencoder-vorbis ((~)2.0.4 -> (~)2.1.1) [1]: Vorbis encoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-audioencoder-wav ((~)2.0.3 -> (~)2.1.1) [1]: WAV encoder addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro ((~)1.1.1 -> (~)2.0.2) [1]: Libretro compatibility layer for the Kodi Game API
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-inputstream-adaptive ((~)2.4.5 -> (~)2.6.0) [1]: Kodi’s Adaptive inputstream addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-inputstream-rtmp ((~)2.0.9 -> (~)3.1.1) [1]: Kodi’s RTMP inputstream addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-peripheral-joystick ((~)1.4.9 -> (~)1.6.0) [1]: Libretro compatibility layer for the Kodi Game API
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-argustv ((~)3.5.6 -> (~)6.0.1) [1]: Kodi’s ARGUS TV client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-demo ((~)3.6.1 -> (~)6.0.1) [1]: Demo PVR for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-dvblink ((~)4.7.2 -> (~)7.0.0) [1]: Kodi’s DVBLink client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-dvbviewer ((~)3.7.11 -> (~)6.0.6) [1]: Kodi’s DVBViewer client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-filmon ((~)2.4.6 -> (~)5.1.0) [1]: Kodi’s Filmon client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-hts ((~)4.4.20 -> (~)7.1.1) [1]: Tvheadend Live TV and Radio PVR client addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-iptvsimple ((~)3.8.8 -> (~)6.2.4) [1]: Kodi’s IPTVSimple client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver ((~)3.5.17 -> (~)6.0.0) [1]: Kodi’s MediaPortal TVServer client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-mythtv ((~)5.10.18 -> (~)7.0.5) [1]: MythTV PVR for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-nextpvr ((~)3.3.21 -> (~)6.0.5) [1]: Kodi’s NextPVR client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-njoy ((~)3.4.2 -> (~)6.0.0) [1]: Kodi’s Njoy N7 client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-pctv ((~)2.4.7 -> (~)5.0.0) [1]: Kodi’s PCTV client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-stalker ((~)3.4.10 -> (~)6.0.0) [1]: Kodi’s Stalker client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-vbox ((~)4.7.0 -> (~)7.0.0) [1]: Kodi’s VBox Home TV Gateway PVR client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi ((~)3.6.3-r1 -> (~)6.0.0) [1]: Kodi PVR addon VNSI
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-vuplus ((~)3.28.9 -> (~)6.1.1) [1]: Kodi’s VuPlus client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-pvr-wmc ((~)2.4.6 -> (~)5.0.1) [1]: Kodi’s Windows Media Center client addon
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-screensaver-asteroids ((~)2.1.0 -> (~)2.4.2) [1]: Asteroids screensaver for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-screensaver-biogenesis ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.3.2) [1]: Biogenesis screensaver for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-screensaver-greynetic ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.3.1) [1]: Greynetic screensaver for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-screensaver-pingpong ((~)2.0.0 -> (~)2.2.2) [1]: Ping-pong screensaver for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-screensaver-pyro ((~)3.0.1 -> (~)3.1.2) [1]: Pyro screensaver for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-vfs-libarchive ((~)1.0.7 -> (~)1.3.0) [1]: Libarchive VFS add-on for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-vfs-rar ((~)2.3.1 -> (~)3.4.0) [1]: RAR VFS addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-vfs-sacd ((~)1.0.4 -> (~)1.3.0) [1]: SACD VFS addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-vfs-sftp ((~)1.0.6 -> (~)1.3.0) [1]: SFTP VFS addon for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-fishbmc ((~)5.1.2 -> (~)6.1.0) [1]: Fische visualizer for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-projectm ((~)2.3.5 -> (~)3.1.0) [1]: ProjectM visualizer for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-shadertoy ((~)1.2.3 -> (~)2.1.1) [1]: Shadertoy visualizer for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-spectrum ((~)3.0.3 -> (~)3.2.0) [1]: Spectrum visualizer for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-starburst ((~)2.0.2 -> (~)2.2.0) [1]: StarBurst visualizer for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/kodi-visualization-waveform ((~)3.1.1 -> (~)4.2.0) [1]: Waveform visualizer for Kodi
[>] == media-plugins/vamp-aubio-plugins ((~)0.5.1 -> (~)0.5.1-r1) [1]: Onset detection, pitch tracking, note tracking and tempo tracking plugins
[>] == media-radio/fldigi ((~)4.1.12 -> (~)4.1.14) [1]: Sound card based multimode software modem for Amateur Radio use
[>] == media-sound/audacious ((~)4.0.4 -> 4.0.5) [1]: Lightweight and versatile audio player
[>] == media-sound/ecasound ((~)2.9.1-r1(1)^t -> (~)2.9.3(1)^t) [1]: a package for multitrack audio processing
[>] == media-sound/hydrogen ((~)1.0.0_rc1 -> 1.0.0_rc1-r1) [1]: Advanced drum machine
[>] == media-sound/milkytracker ((~)1.0.0 -> (~)1.02.00) [1]: FastTracker 2 inspired music tracker
[>] == media-sound/strawberry ((~)0.6.12^t -> (~)0.6.13^t) [1]: Modern music player and library organizer based on Clementine and Qt
[>] == media-sound/wavpack (5.1.0-r1 -> 5.3.2^t) [1]: Hybrid lossless audio compression tools
[>] == media-tv/kodi ((~)18.7.1^t -> (~)19.0_alpha1^t) [1]: A free and open source media-player and entertainment hub
[>] == media-tv/tvbrowser-bin ((~)4.0.1 -> (~)4.2.1) [1]: Themeable and easy to use TV Guide – written in Java
[>] == media-video/ffmpeg ((~)4.3-r1(0/56.58.58)^td -> (~)4.3.1(0/56.58.58)^td) [1]: Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec
[>] == media-video/libva-utils (2.4.0^t -> (~)2.8.0^t) [1]: Collection of utilities and tests for VA-API
[>] == media-video/makemkv ((~)1.15.1^md -> (~)1.15.2^md) [1]: Tool for ripping and streaming Blu-ray, HD-DVD and DVD discs
[>] == media-video/obs-v4l2sink ((~)0.1.0_p20181012-r1 -> (~)0.1.0_p20181012-r2) [1]: obs studio output plugin for Video4Linux2 device
[>] == media-video/pipewire ((~)0.3.6(0/0.3)^t -> (~)0.3.7(0/0.3)^t) [1]: Multimedia processing graphs
[>] == media-video/shotcut ((~)19.12.31 -> (~)20.06.28) [1]: A free, open source, cross-platform video editor
[>] == media-video/vlc ((~)3.0.11(0/5-9)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Media player and framework with support for most multimedia files and streaming
[>] == media-video/webcamoid ((~)8.1.0 -> (~)8.1.0-r1) [1]: A full featured webcam capture application
[>] == net-analyzer/barnyard ((~)0.2.0-r5 -> (~)0.2.0-r6) [1]: Fast output system for Snort
[><] == net-analyzer/cacti (1.2.12(1.2.12) -> 1.2.13(1.2.13)) [1]: Cacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool
[>] == net-analyzer/cacti-spine (1.2.12 -> 1.2.13) [1]: Spine is a fast poller for Cacti (formerly known as Cactid)
[>] == net-analyzer/chronograf ((~)1.7.3^s -> (~)1.8.5^s) [1]: Monitoring, processing and alerting on time series data
[>] == net-analyzer/fping ((~)4.2-r1 -> (~)4.4) [1]: A utility to ping multiple hosts at once
[>] == net-analyzer/greenbone-security-assistant ((~)9.0.0 -> (~)9.0.1) [1]: Greenbone Security Assistant
[>] == net-analyzer/gvm-libs ((~)11.0.0-r1 -> (~)11.0.1^t) [1]: Greenbone vulnerability management libraries, previously named openvas-libraries
[>] == net-analyzer/gvmd ((~)9.0.0 -> (~)9.0.1^t) [1]: Greenbone vulnerability manager, previously named openvas-manager
[>] == net-analyzer/hydra ((~)9.0-r1 -> (~)9.1) [1]: Parallelized network login hacker
[>] == net-analyzer/iptraf-ng ((~)1.2.0-r1^t -> (~)1.2.1^t) [1]: A console-based network monitoring utility
[>] == net-analyzer/kapacitor ((~)1.5.1^s -> (~)1.5.5^s) [1]: Monitoring, processing and alerting on time series data
[>] == net-analyzer/munin ((~)2.0.63^t -> (~)2.0.64^t) [1]: Munin Server Monitoring Tool
[>] == net-analyzer/nessus-agent-bin ((~)7.7.0^fms -> (~)7.7.0-r1^fms) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux – agent component
[>] == net-analyzer/nessus-bin ((~)8.10.1^fms -> (~)8.11.0^fms) [1]: A remote security scanner for Linux
[>] == net-analyzer/net-snmp ((~)5.8.1_pre2(0/35)^t -> (~)5.8.1_rc1(0/40)^t) [1]: Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data
[>] == net-analyzer/netdata ((~)1.23.1 -> (~)1.23.2) [1]: Linux real time system monitoring, done right!
[>] == net-analyzer/openvas-scanner ((~)7.0.0 -> (~)7.0.1^t) [1]: Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner
[>] == net-analyzer/ospd ((~)2.0.0-r1^t -> (~)2.0.1^t) [1]: Base class for scanner wrappers,communication protocol for GVM
[>] == net-analyzer/ospd-openvas ((~)1.0.0^t -> (~)1.0.1^t) [1]: This is an OSP server implementation to allow GVM to remotely control OpenVAS
[>] == net-analyzer/python-gvm ((~)1.2.0^t -> (~)1.5.0^t) [1]: Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library
[>] == net-analyzer/scapy (2.4.3 -> (~)2.4.4_rc2) [1]: A Python interactive packet manipulation program for mastering the network
[>] == net-analyzer/snallygaster ((~)0.0.6 -> (~)0.0.8) [1]: Finds file leaks and other security problems on HTTP servers
[>] == net-analyzer/snmptt ((~)1.4 -> (~)1.4.2) [1]: SNMP Trap Translator
[>] == net-analyzer/sslscan ((~)1.11.13-r1 -> (~)2.0.0^t) [1]: Fast SSL configuration scanner
[>] == net-analyzer/telegraf ((~)1.13.3^s -> (~)1.14.5^s) [1]: The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.
[>] == net-analyzer/tracebox ((~)0.2^t -> (~)0.4.4^t) [1]: A Middlebox Detection Tool
[>] == net-analyzer/zabbix ((~)5.0.1 -> 5.0.2) [1]: ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers
[>] == net-dialup/openl2tp ((~)1.8-r1 -> (~)1.8-r2) [1]: Userspace tools for kernel L2TP implementation
[U] == net-dns/bind-tools (9.16.4@07/11/2020; (~)9.16.4^t -> (~)9.16.5^t): bind tools: dig, nslookup, host, nsupdate, dnssec-keygen
[>] == net-dns/coredns ((~)1.6.9^s -> (~)1.7.0^s) [1]: A DNS server that chains middleware
[>] == net-dns/dnsmasq (2.81 -> (~)2.82) [1]: Small forwarding DNS server
[>] == net-dns/libidn (1.35(0/12) -> (~)1.36(0/12)) [1]: Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) implementation
[>] == net-dns/nsd ((~)4.3.1 -> (~)4.3.2) [1]: An authoritative only, high performance, open source name server
[>] == net-dns/pdns-recursor ((~)4.3.2 -> (~)4.3.3) [1]: The PowerDNS Recursor
[>] == net-firewall/shorewall ((~)5.2.6 -> (~) [1]: A high-level tool for configuring Netfilter
[>] == net-fs/mc ((~)2019.^s -> (~)2020.^s) [1]: Minio client provides alternatives for ls, cat on cloud storage and filesystems
[>] == net-ftp/filezilla ((~)3.48.1^t -> (~)3.49.1^t) [1]: FTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface
[>] == net-ftp/proftpd ((~)1.3.7_rc4-r1^t -> (~)1.3.7a^t) [1]: An advanced and very configurable FTP server
[>] == net-ftp/uftpd ((~)2.12 -> (~)2.13) [1]: The no nonsense TFTP/FTP server
[>] == net-im/gajim ((~)1.2.0 -> (~)1.2.1) [1]: Jabber client written in PyGTK
[>] == net-im/libcommuni (3.5.0_p20190110-r1^t -> (~)3.5.0_p20200711^t) [1]: A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt
[>] == net-im/mattermost-desktop-bin ((~)4.5.0 -> (~)4.5.1) [1]: Mattermost Desktop application
[>] == net-im/rocketchat-desktop (2.17.9 -> 2.17.11) [1]: Desktop application for Rocket.Chat
[>] == net-im/signal-desktop-bin ((~)1.34.3 -> (~)1.34.4-r1) [1]: Allows you to send and receive messages of Signal Messenger on your computer
[>] == net-im/skypeforlinux ((~)^msd -> (~)^msd) [1]: Instant messaging client, with support for audio and video
[>] == net-im/spectrum2 (2.0.12-r2^t -> (~)2.0.13^t) [1]: An open source instant messaging transport
[>] == net-im/telegram-desktop ((~)2.1.18 -> (~)2.2.0-r1) [1]: Official desktop client for Telegram
[>] == net-im/telegram-desktop-bin ((~)2.1.3 -> (~)2.1.13-r1) [1]: Official desktop client for Telegram (binary package)
[>] == net-irc/irker ((~)2.18-r2 -> (~)2.19) [1]: Submission tools for IRC notifications
[>] == net-irc/unrealircd ((~) -> (~)5.0.6) [1]: An advanced Internet Relay Chat daemon
[>] == net-irc/weechat (2.8^t -> (~)2.9^t) [1]: Portable and multi-interface IRC client
[>] == net-libs/biblesync ((~)2.0.1 -> (~)2.1.0) [1]: A multicast protocol to support Bible software shared co-navigation
[>] == net-libs/gnome-online-accounts (3.34.1(0/1) -> (~)3.36.0(0/1)) [1]: GNOME framework for accessing online accounts
[>] == net-libs/libcrafter ((~)0.3 -> (~)1.0) [1]: A high level C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library
[>] == net-libs/libetpan ((~)1.9.4 -> 1.9.4-r1) [1]: A portable, efficient middleware for different kinds of mail access
[>] == net-libs/libktorrent ((~)2.2.0(5)^t -> 2.2.0-r1(5)^t) [1]: BitTorrent library based on KDE Frameworks
[U] == net-libs/libnsl (1.3.0(0/2)@07/11/2020; (~)1.3.0(0/2) -> (~)1.3.0-r1(0/2)): Public client interface for NIS(YP) and NIS+ in a IPv6 ready version
[>] == net-libs/libntlm (1.4 -> 1.6) [1]: Microsoft’s NTLM authentication (libntlm) library
[>] == net-libs/libpsl (0.21.0 -> (~)0.21.1) [1]: C library for the Public Suffix List
[>] == net-libs/libwebsockets ((~)4.0.16(0/16) -> (~)4.0.20(0/16)) [1]: A flexible pure-C library for implementing network protocols
[>] == net-libs/nodejs ((~)14.5.0^t -> (~)14.6.0^t) [1]: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine
[>] == net-libs/quiche ((~)0.4.0(0/0) -> (~)0.5.1(0/0)) [1]: Implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
[>] == net-libs/webkit-gtk (2.28.2(4/37)^t -> 2.28.4(4/37)^t) [1]: Open source web browser engine
[>] == net-mail/mailshears ((~)0.0.3-r2^t -> (~)0.0.4^t) [1]: Mangle your mail garden
[>] == net-mail/notmuch ((~)0.29.3-r2(0/5)^t -> (~)0.30(0/5)^t) [1]: Thread-based e-mail indexer, supporting quick search and tagging
[>] == net-misc/asterisk ((~)16.11.1 -> (~)16.12.0) [1]: Asterisk: A Modular Open Source PBX System
[>] == net-misc/dropbear ((~)2020.80 -> (~)2020.80-r1) [1]: small SSH 2 client/server designed for small memory environments
[>] == net-misc/dropbox ((~)100.4.409^ms -> (~)102.4.431^ms) [1]: Dropbox daemon (pretends to be GUI-less)
[>] == net-misc/electrum (3.3.8 -> (~)4.0.2^t) [1]: User friendly Bitcoin client
[>] == net-misc/exabgp ((~)4.2.7-r2^t -> (~)4.2.7-r3^t) [1]: The BGP swiss army knife of networking
[>] == net-misc/freerdp (2.1.2-r1(0/2)^t -> (~)2.2.0(0/2)^t) [1]: Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol
[>] == net-misc/gns3-gui ((~)2.2.8 -> (~)2.2.11) [1]: Graphical Network Simulator
[>] == net-misc/gns3-server ((~)2.2.8 -> (~)2.2.11) [1]: GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators
[>] == net-misc/grdesktop (0.23-r1 -> (~)0.23-r2) [1]: Gtk3 frontend for rdesktop
[>] == net-misc/libteam ((~)1.30 -> (~)1.31) [1]: Library and tools set for controlling team network device
[>] == net-misc/netsed ((~)0.01c -> (~)1.3) [1]: Small tool for altering forwarded network data in real time
[>] == net-misc/networkmanager ((~)1.24.2^t -> (~)1.26.0^t) [1]: A set of co-operative tools that make networking simple and straightforward
[>] == net-misc/nextcloud-client (2.6.4^t -> (~)2.6.5^t) [1]: Desktop Syncing Client for Nextcloud
[U] == net-misc/openssh (8.3_p1-r2@06/23/2020; (~)8.3_p1-r2^t -> (~)8.3_p1-r4^t): Port of OpenBSD’s free SSH release
[U] == net-misc/rsync (3.2.2@07/11/2020; (~)3.2.2 -> 3.2.2-r1): File transfer program to keep remote files into sync
[>] == net-misc/sslh (1.20^t -> (~)1.21b^t) [1]: Port multiplexer – accept both HTTPS and SSH connections on the same port
[>] == net-misc/ubridge ((~)0.9.16 -> (~)0.9.18) [1]: Bridge for UDP tunnels, Ethernet, TAP and VMnet interfaces
[>] == net-misc/youtube-dl (2020.06.16.1^t -> (~)2020.07.28^t) [1]: Download videos from YouTube.com (and more sites…)
[>] == net-nntp/sabnzbd ((~)3.0.0_rc1 -> (~)3.0.0_rc2) [1]: Binary newsgrabber with web-interface
[>] == net-p2p/cpuminer-opt ((~)3.12.13 -> (~)3.14.3) [1]: Optimized multi algo CPU miner
[>] == net-p2p/ktorrent ((~)5.2.0(5)^t -> 5.2.0-r1(5)^t) [1]: Powerful BitTorrent client based on KDE Frameworks
[>] == net-p2p/nicotine+ ((~)1.4.1-r2 -> (~)2.0.1-r1) [1]: A fork of nicotine, a Soulseek client in Python
[>] == net-p2p/syncthing ((~)1.6.1^s -> (~)1.7.1^s) [1]: Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
[<] == net-print/cloud-print-connector ((~)2016.01.02-r1^ms -> (~)1.16^ms) [1]: Google Cloud Print CUPS Connector
[>] == net-proxy/haproxy ((~)2.2.0 -> (~)2.2.1) [1]: A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
[>] == net-proxy/privoxy ((~)3.0.28 -> (~)3.0.28-r1) [1]: A web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy
[>] == net-vpn/tor ((~)^t -> (~)^t) [1]: Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
[>] == net-vpn/wireguard-modules ((~)1.0.20200623 -> (~)1.0.20200729) [1]: Simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography.
[>] == net-wireless/aircrack-ng ((~)1.6_p20200519 -> (~)1.6_p20200722) [1]: WLAN tools for breaking 802.11 WEP/WPA keys
[>] == net-wireless/srslte ((~)19.09 -> (~)19.09-r2) [1]: Open source SDR LTE software suite from Software Radio Systems
[>] == net-wireless/unifi ((~)6.0.3(0/6.0)^md -> (~)6.0.4(0/6.0)^md) [1]: A Management Controller for Ubiquiti Networks UniFi APs
[>] == sci-astronomy/kstars ((~)3.4.2(5) -> (~)3.4.3(5)) [1]: Desktop Planetarium
[>] == sci-astronomy/stellarium (0.20.1^t -> (~)0.20.2^t) [1]: 3D photo-realistic skies in real time
[>] == sci-calculators/bc-gh ((~)2.7.2 -> (~)3.1.3) [1]: Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions
[>] == sci-geosciences/gnome-maps (3.34.3 -> (~)3.36.4) [1]: A map application for GNOME
[>] == sci-geosciences/gpsd ((~)3.19(0/24)^t -> (~)3.20(0/25)^t) [1]: GPS daemon and library for USB/serial GPS devices and GPS/mapping clients
[>] == sci-libs/Shapely (1.6.4_p2-r1^t -> (~)1.7.0^t) [1]: Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
[>] == sci-libs/bliss ((~)0.73-r1(0/1) -> (~)0.73-r2(0/1)) [1]: Compute Automorphism Groups and Canonical Labelings of Graphs
[>] == sci-libs/fplll (5.3.2(0/6) -> (~)5.3.3(0/6)) [1]: Implementations of the floating-point LLL reduction algorithm
[>] == sci-libs/libccd ((~)2.0 -> (~)2.1^t) [1]: Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
[>] == sci-libs/libspatialindex (1.8.5-r1(0/4) -> (~)1.9.3(0/6)^t) [1]: C++ implementation of R-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API [>] == sci-libs/octomap ((~)1.9.0(0/19) -> (~)1.9.5(0/19)) [1]: An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees [>] == sci-libs/scipy ((~)1.5.1^t -> (~)1.5.2^t) [1]: Scientific algorithms library for Python [>] == sci-mathematics/rstudio ((~)1.3.959 -> (~)1.3.1056) [1]: IDE for the R language [>] == sys-apps/baobab (3.34.0 -> (~)3.34.1) [1]: Disk usage browser for GNOME [U] == sys-apps/busybox (1.31.1-r2@02/14/2020; 1.31.1-r2^t -> (~)1.32.0^t): Utilities for rescue and embedded systems [U] == sys-apps/diffutils (3.7@08/21/2019; 3.7 -> (~)3.7-r1): Tools to make diffs and compare files [>] == sys-apps/dstat (0.7.4-r1 -> (~)0.7.4-r2) [1]: Versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat and ifstat [>] == sys-apps/flashrom (1.2-r1 -> (~)1.2-r2) [1]: Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips [>] == sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility (3.34.5 -> (~)3.36.3) [1]: Disk Utility for GNOME using udisks [>] == sys-apps/irqbalance (1.6.0 -> 1.6.0-r1) [1]: Distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system [U] == sys-apps/kbd (2.2.0-r2@08/20/2019; 2.2.0-r2^t -> (~)2.3.0-r1^t): Keyboard and console utilities [>] == sys-apps/kcheck ((~)0.0.2 -> (~)0.0.2-r1) [1]: Record and check required kernel symbols are set [>] == sys-apps/osinfo-db (20200325 -> (~)20200529) [1]: osinfo database files [>] == sys-apps/osinfo-db-tools (1.6.0-r1^t -> (~)1.8.0^t) [1]: Tools for managing the osinfo database [>] == sys-apps/pcsc-tools ((~)1.5.6 -> (~)1.5.7) [1]: PC/SC Architecture smartcard tools [U] == sys-apps/portage (2.3.99-r2@06/01/2020; 2.3.99-r2 -> (~)3.0.0-r1): Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo [>] == sys-apps/razercfg ((~)0.39-r2 -> (~)0.42) [1]: Utility for advanced configuration of Razer mice [U] == sys-apps/util-linux (2.35.2@06/01/2020; 2.35.2^t -> (~)2.36^t): Various useful Linux utilities [>] == sys-auth/docker_auth ((~)1.4.0^t -> (~)1.5.0^st) [1]: Docker Registry 2 authentication server [>] == sys-boot/plymouth ((~)0.9.5 -> (~)0.9.5-r1): Graphical boot animation (splash) and logger [>] == sys-cluster/ceph ((~)15.2.4^tu -> (~)15.2.4-r2^tu) [1]: Ceph distributed filesystem [>] == sys-cluster/k9scli ((~)0.20.5^s -> (~)0.21.2^s) [1]: terminal based UI to manage kubernetes clusters [>] == sys-cluster/kubernetes ((~)1.18.5^st -> 1.18.6^st) [1]: production-grade container orchestration [>] == sys-cluster/singularity ((~)3.5.3-r1 -> (~)3.6.0) [1]: Application containers for Linux [>] == sys-cluster/spark-bin ((~)2.4.5 -> (~)2.4.6) [1]: Lightning-fast unified analytics engine [U] == sys-devel/bison (3.6.4@06/23/2020; (~)3.6.4^t -> (~)3.7^t): A general-purpose (yacc-compatible) parser generator [>] == sys-devel/clang-common (10.0.0 -> (~)10.0.1) [1]: Common files shared between multiple slots of clang [>] == sys-devel/clang-runtime (8.0.1(8.0.1) 9.0.1(9.0.1) 10.0.0(10.0.0) -> 8.0.1(8.0.1) 9.0.1(9.0.1) 10.0.0(10.0.0) (~)10.0.1(10.0.1)) [1]: Meta-ebuild for clang runtime libraries [>] == sys-devel/gcc (9.3.0-r1(9.3.0)@06/02/2020; (~)5.5.0(5.5.0)^t 6.5.0-r2(6.5.0)^t 7.5.0-r1(7.5.0)^t 8.4.0-r1(8.4.0)^t (~)9.2.0-r4(9.2.0)^t 9.3.0-r1(9.3.0)^t -> (~)5.5.0(5.5.0)^t (~)6.5.0-r3(6.5.0)^t 7.5.0-r1(7.5.0)^t 8.4.0-r1(8.4.0)^t (~)9.2.0-r4(9.2.0)^t 9.3.0-r1(9.3.0)^t): The GNU Compiler Collection [U] == sys-devel/gettext (0.20.2@05/01/2020; 0.20.2 -> (~)0.21): GNU locale utilities [>] == sys-devel/lld (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [1]: The LLVM linker (link editor) [>] == sys-devel/llvm (8.0.1(8)^t 9.0.1(9)^t 10.0.0(10)^t -> 8.0.1(8)^t 9.0.1(9)^t (~)10.0.1(10)^t) [1]: Low Level Virtual Machine [>] == sys-devel/llvm-common (10.0.0 -> (~)10.0.1) [1]: Common files shared between multiple slots of LLVM [>] == sys-devel/sparse ((~)0.6.1^t -> (~)0.6.2^t) [1]: C semantic parser [>] == sys-firmware/sof-firmware ((~)1.4.2 -> (~)1.5.1) [1]: Sound Open Firmware (SOF) binary files [>] == sys-fs/dislocker ((~)0.7.1-r2 -> (~)0.7.1-r3): Dislocker is used to read BitLocker encrypted partitions. [>] == sys-fs/fuse-overlayfs ((~)1.1.1 -> (~)1.1.2): FUSE implementation for overlayfs [>] == sys-fs/fuseiso (20070708-r2 -> 20070708-r3): Fuse module to mount ISO9660 [U] == sys-fs/xfsprogs (5.6.0@05/20/2020; (~)5.6.0 -> (~)5.7.0): xfs filesystem utilities [>] == sys-fs/xwmfs ((~)0.85 -> (~)0.86): FUSE-based X11 Window-Manager file system [>] == sys-kernel/bliss-initramfs (8.0.0^s -> (~)9.1.0^s) [1]: Boot your system’s rootfs from Encrypted/OpenZFS. [><] == sys-kernel/bliss-kernel-bin (4.14.170(4.14.170-FC.01)^st (~)4.14.178(4.14.178-FC.01)^st (~)5.4.38(5.4.38-FC.01)^st -> 4.14.178(4.14.178-FC.01)^st (~)5.4.51(5.4.51-FB.01)^st) [1]: Precompiled Vanilla Kernel (Kernel Ready-to-Eat [KRE]) [><] == sys-kernel/calculate-sources (4.19.131(4.19.131)^bs 5.4.45(5.4.45)^bs (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^bs (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^bs (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^bs -> 4.19.131(4.19.131)^bs (~)4.19.134(4.19.134)^bs 5.4.45(5.4.45)^bs (~)5.4.53(5.4.53)^bs (~)5.7.10(5.7.10)^bs) [1]: Calculate Linux kernel image [>] == sys-kernel/debian-sources (5.6.14_p2(debian-sources-5.6.14_p2)^mbs -> 5.6.14_p2(debian-sources-5.6.14_p2)^mbs 5.7.10_p1(debian-sources-5.7.10_p1)^mbs) [1]: Linux kernel sources with Debian patches. [>] == sys-kernel/genkernel (4.0.9-r1 -> 4.0.10): Gentoo automatic kernel building scripts [>] == sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel (5.4.40(5.4.40)^tu (~)5.4.46(5.4.46)^tu (~)5.4.47(5.4.47)^tu (~)5.4.48(5.4.48)^tu (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^tu (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^tu (~)5.6.18(5.6.18)^tu (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^tu (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^tu (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^tu (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^tu (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^tu -> 5.4.40(5.4.40)^tu (~)5.4.46(5.4.46)^tu (~)5.4.47(5.4.47)^tu (~)5.4.48(5.4.48)^tu (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^tu (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^tu (~)5.4.51(5.4.51)^tu (~)5.4.52(5.4.52)^tu (~)5.4.53(5.4.53)^tu (~)5.6.18(5.6.18)^tu (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^tu (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^tu (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^tu (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^tu (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^tu (~)5.7.8(5.7.8)^tu (~)5.7.9(5.7.9)^tu (~)5.7.10(5.7.10)^tu) [1]: Linux kernel built with Gentoo patches [>] == sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin (5.4.40(5.4.40)^tu (~)5.4.46(5.4.46)^tu (~)5.4.47(5.4.47)^tu (~)5.4.48(5.4.48)^tu (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^tu (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^tu (~)5.6.18(5.6.18)^tu (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^tu (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^tu (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^tu (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^tu (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^tu -> 5.4.40(5.4.40)^tu (~)5.4.46(5.4.46)^tu (~)5.4.47(5.4.47)^tu (~)5.4.48(5.4.48)^tu (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^tu (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^tu (~)5.4.51(5.4.51)^tu (~)5.4.52(5.4.52)^tu (~)5.4.53(5.4.53)^tu (~)5.6.18(5.6.18)^tu (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^tu (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^tu (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^tu (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^tu (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^tu (~)5.7.8(5.7.8)^tu (~)5.7.9(5.7.9)^tu (~)5.7.10(5.7.10)^tu) [1]: Pre-built Linux kernel with genpatches [><] == sys-kernel/gentoo-sources (4.4.221(4.4.221)^bs 4.4.228(4.4.228)^bs (~)4.4.229(4.4.229)^bs (~)4.4.230(4.4.230)^bs 4.9.221(4.9.221)^bs 4.9.228(4.9.228)^bs (~)4.9.229(4.9.229)^bs (~)4.9.230(4.9.230)^bs 4.14.178(4.14.178)^bs 4.14.185(4.14.185)^bs (~)4.14.186(4.14.186)^bs (~)4.14.187(4.14.187)^bs (~)4.14.188(4.14.188)^bs 4.19.120(4.19.120)^bs 4.19.129(4.19.129)^bs (~)4.19.130(4.19.130)^bs (~)4.19.131(4.19.131)^bs (~)4.19.132(4.19.132)^bs 5.4.38(5.4.38)^bs 5.4.48(5.4.48)^bs (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^bs (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^bs (~)5.4.51(5.4.51)^bs (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^bs (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^bs (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^bs (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^bs (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^bs (~)5.7.8(5.7.8)^bs -> 4.4.221(4.4.221)^bs 4.4.228(4.4.228)^bs (~)4.4.229(4.4.229)^bs (~)4.4.230(4.4.230)^bs (~)4.4.231(4.4.231)^bs 4.9.221(4.9.221)^bs 4.9.228(4.9.228)^bs (~)4.9.229(4.9.229)^bs (~)4.9.230(4.9.230)^bs (~)4.9.231(4.9.231)^bs 4.14.178(4.14.178)^bs 4.14.185(4.14.185)^bs (~)4.14.188(4.14.188)^bs (~)4.14.189(4.14.189)^bs (~)4.14.190(4.14.190)^bs 4.19.120(4.19.120)^bs 4.19.129(4.19.129)^bs (~)4.19.133(4.19.133)^bs (~)4.19.134(4.19.134)^bs (~)4.19.135(4.19.135)^bs 5.4.38(5.4.38)^bs 5.4.48(5.4.48)^bs (~)5.4.52(5.4.52)^bs (~)5.4.53(5.4.53)^bs (~)5.4.54(5.4.54)^bs (~)5.7.8(5.7.8)^bs (~)5.7.9(5.7.9)^bs (~)5.7.10(5.7.10)^bs (~)5.7.11(5.7.11)^bs) [1]: Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 5.7 kernel tree [>] == sys-kernel/git-sources ((~)5.8_rc1(5.8_rc1)^bs (~)5.8_rc2(5.8_rc2)^bs (~)5.8_rc3(5.8_rc3)^bs (~)5.8_rc4(5.8_rc4)^bs -> (~)5.8_rc1(5.8_rc1)^bs (~)5.8_rc2(5.8_rc2)^bs (~)5.8_rc3(5.8_rc3)^bs (~)5.8_rc4(5.8_rc4)^bs (~)5.8_rc5(5.8_rc5)^bs (~)5.8_rc6(5.8_rc6)^bs (~)5.8_rc7(5.8_rc7)^bs) [1]: The very latest -git version of the Linux kernel [>] == sys-kernel/linux-firmware (20200619^bsd -> 20200721^bsd) [1]: Linux firmware files [>] == sys-kernel/pf-sources ((~)5.6_p8(5.6_p8)^bs (~)5.7_p1(5.7_p1)^bs (~)5.7_p2(5.7_p2)^bs (~)5.7_p3(5.7_p3)^bs -> (~)5.6_p8(5.6_p8)^bs (~)5.7_p1(5.7_p1)^bs (~)5.7_p2(5.7_p2)^bs (~)5.7_p3(5.7_p3)^bs (~)5.7_p4(5.7_p4)^bs (~)5.7_p5(5.7_p5)^bs) [1]: Linux kernel fork that includes the pf-kernel patchset and Gentoo’s genpatches [>] == sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel ((~)5.4.40(5.4.40)^tu (~)5.4.46(5.4.46)^tu (~)5.4.47(5.4.47)^tu (~)5.4.48(5.4.48)^tu (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^tu (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^tu (~)5.6.18(5.6.18)^tu (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^tu (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^tu (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^tu (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^tu (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^tu -> (~)5.4.40(5.4.40)^tu (~)5.4.46(5.4.46)^tu (~)5.4.47(5.4.47)^tu (~)5.4.48(5.4.48)^tu (~)5.4.49(5.4.49)^tu (~)5.4.50(5.4.50)^tu (~)5.4.51(5.4.51)^tu (~)5.4.52(5.4.52)^tu (~)5.4.53(5.4.53)^tu (~)5.6.18(5.6.18)^tu (~)5.6.19(5.6.19)^tu (~)5.7.4(5.7.4)^tu (~)5.7.5(5.7.5)^tu (~)5.7.6(5.7.6)^tu (~)5.7.7(5.7.7)^tu (~)5.7.8(5.7.8)^tu (~)5.7.9(5.7.9)^tu (~)5.7.10(5.7.10)^tu) [1]: Linux kernel built from vanilla upstream sources [><] == sys-kernel/vanilla-sources ((~)4.4.230(4.4.230)^bs (~)4.9.230(4.9.230)^bs (~)4.14.188(4.14.188)^bs (~)4.19.132(4.19.132)^bs (~)5.4.51(5.4.51)^bs (~)5.7.8(5.7.8)^bs -> (~)4.4.231(4.4.231)^bs (~)4.9.231(4.9.231)^bs (~)4.14.190(4.14.190)^bs (~)4.19.135(4.19.135)^bs (~)5.4.54(5.4.54)^bs (~)5.7.11(5.7.11)^bs) [1]: Full sources for the Linux kernel [>] == sys-libs/compiler-rt (8.0.1(8.0.1)^t 9.0.1(9.0.1)^t 10.0.0(10.0.0)^t -> 8.0.1(8.0.1)^t 9.0.1(9.0.1)^t 10.0.0(10.0.0)^t (~)10.0.1(10.0.1)^t) [1]: Compiler runtime library for clang (built-in part) [>] == sys-libs/compiler-rt-sanitizers (8.0.1(8.0.1)^t 9.0.1(9.0.1)^t 10.0.0(10.0.0)^t -> 8.0.1(8.0.1)^t 9.0.1(9.0.1)^t 10.0.0(10.0.0)^t (~)10.0.1(10.0.1)^t) [1]: Compiler runtime libraries for clang (sanitizers & xray) [U] == sys-libs/libcap (2.38@07/11/2020; (~)2.38^t -> (~)2.41^t): POSIX 1003.1e capabilities [>] == sys-libs/libcxxabi (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [1]: Low level support for a standard C++ library [>] == sys-libs/libomp (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [1]: OpenMP runtime library for LLVM/clang compiler [>] == sys-libs/libosinfo (1.6.0^t -> (~)1.8.0^t) [1]: GObject library for managing information about real and virtual OSes [U] == sys-libs/libseccomp (2.4.3@03/20/2020; 2.4.3 -> (~)2.5.0): high level interface to Linux seccomp filter [>] == sys-libs/liburing (0.6 -> (~)0.7^t): Efficient I/O with io_uring [>] == sys-libs/llvm-libunwind (10.0.0^t -> (~)10.0.1^t) [1]: C++ runtime stack unwinder from LLVM [>] == sys-power/intel-undervolt ((~)1.7 -> (~)1.7-r1) [1]: Intel CPU undervolting and throttling configuration tool [>] == sys-power/thermald ((~)2.1 -> (~)2.2) [1]: Thermal daemon for Intel architectures [>] == sys-process/evisum ((~)0.5.0 -> (~)0.5.1) [1]: System and process monitor written with EFL [>] == sys-process/parallel ((~)20200622 -> (~)20200722) [1]: A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel locally or on remote machines [>] == virtual/perl-Attribute-Handlers (1.10.0-r2 -> 1.10.0-r3) [1]: Virtual for Attribute-Handlers [>] == virtual/perl-AutoLoader (5.740.0-r8 -> 5.740.0-r9) [1]: Virtual for AutoLoader [U] == virtual/perl-Carp (1.500.0-r2@02/14/2020; 1.500.0-r2 -> 1.500.0-r3) [1]: Virtual for Carp [>] == virtual/perl-bignum (0.510.0 -> 0.510.0-r1) [1]: Virtual for bignum [>] == virtual/rust ((~)1.44.1 -> (~)1.45.0) [1]: Virtual for Rust language compiler [>] == www-apache/mod_h2 ((~)1.15.12 -> (~)1.15.13) [1]: HTTP/2 module for Apache [>] == www-apache/passenger ((~)6.0.5^t -> (~)6.0.6^t) [1]: Passenger makes deployment of Ruby on Rails applications a breeze [>] == www-apps/chromedriver-bin ((~)83.0.4103.39-r1^msd -> (~)84.0.4147.30^msd) [1]: WebDriver for Chrome [>] == www-apps/gitea ((~)1.11.6^s -> (~)1.12.1^s) [1]: A painless self-hosted Git service [>] == www-apps/hugo ((~)0.73.0^m -> (~)0.74.3^m) [1]: A static HTML and CSS website generator written in Go [><] == www-apps/moodle ((~)3.5.12(3.5.12) (~)3.6.10(3.6.10) (~)3.7.6(3.7.6) (~)3.8.3(3.8.3) (~)3.9(3.9) -> (~)3.5.13(3.5.13) (~)3.7.7(3.7.7) (~)3.8.4(3.8.4) (~)3.9.1(3.9.1)) [1]: The Moodle Course Management System [>] == www-apps/nextcloud ((~)17.0.5(17.0.5) (~)17.0.6(17.0.6) (~)17.0.7(17.0.7) (~)18.0.3(18.0.3) (~)18.0.4(18.0.4) (~)18.0.6(18.0.6) (~)19.0.0(19.0.0) -> (~)17.0.5(17.0.5) (~)17.0.6(17.0.6) (~)17.0.7(17.0.7) (~)17.0.8(17.0.8) (~)18.0.3(18.0.3) (~)18.0.4(18.0.4) (~)18.0.6(18.0.6) (~)18.0.7(18.0.7) (~)19.0.0(19.0.0) (~)19.0.1(19.0.1)) [1]: Personal cloud that runs on your own server [>] == www-apps/roundup ((~)2.0.0_beta0 -> (~)2.0.0) [1]: Issue-tracking system with command-line, web, and e-mail interfaces [>] == www-client/chromium ((~)83.0.4103.116^d -> 84.0.4147.105^d) [1]: Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser [>] == www-client/epiphany (3.34.4^t -> (~)3.36.3^t) [1]: GNOME webbrowser based on Webkit [>] == www-client/firefox ((~)78.0.2^td -> (~)79.0^td) [1]: Firefox Web Browser [>] == www-client/firefox-bin (78.0.2^ms -> 79.0^ms) [1]: Firefox Web Browser [>] == www-client/google-chrome (83.0.4103.116^msd -> 84.0.4147.105^msd) [1]: The web browser from Google [>] == www-client/google-chrome-beta ((~)84.0.4147.85^msd -> (~)85.0.4183.39^msd) [1]: The web browser from Google [>] == www-client/google-chrome-unstable ((~)85.0.4181.8^msd -> (~)86.0.4209.2^msd) [1]: The web browser from Google [>] == www-client/netsurf ((~)3.10-r1 -> (~)3.10-r2) [1]: a free, open source web browser [>] == www-client/opera (69.0.3686.57 -> (~)70.0.3728.71) [1]: A fast and secure web browser [>] == www-client/opera-beta ((~)70.0.3728.21 -> (~)70.0.3728.59) [1]: A fast and secure web browser [>] == www-client/opera-developer ((~)71.0.3742.0 -> (~)71.0.3763.0) [1]: A fast and secure web browser [>] == www-client/palemoon (28.10.0l -> 28.11.0l) [1]: Pale Moon Web Browser [>] == www-client/vivaldi (3.1.1929.45_p1^md -> 3.1.1929.48_p1^md) [1]: A browser for our friends [>] == www-client/vivaldi-snapshot ((~)3.2.1964.3_p1^md -> (~)3.2.1967.30_p1^md) [1]: A browser for our friends [>] == www-plugins/adobe-flash (^msd ->^msd) [1]: Adobe Flash Player [>] == www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins (83.0.4103.116(stable)^msd (~)84.0.4147.85_beta(beta)^msd -> 84.0.4147.105(stable)^msd (~)85.0.4183.39_beta(beta)^msd) [1]: Binary plugins from Google Chrome for use in Chromium [>] == www-servers/civetweb ((~)1.11 -> (~)1.12) [1]: Embedded C/C++ web server [>] == www-servers/pshs ((~)0.3.3 -> (~)0.3.4) [1]: Pretty small HTTP server — a command-line tool to share files [>] == www-servers/puma ((~)4.3.3(3)^t -> (~)4.3.4-r1(3)^t) [1]: a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack [>] == x11-apps/xev (1.2.3 -> (~)1.2.4) [1]: Print contents of X events [>] == x11-libs/libQGLViewer ((~)2.7.1(0/qt5) -> (~)2.7.2(0/qt5)) [1]: C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers [>] == x11-libs/libva-intel-media-driver ((~)20.1.1 -> (~)20.2.0) [1]: Intel Media Driver for VAAPI (iHD) [>] == x11-libs/xapps ((~)1.8.7 -> (~)1.8.8) [1]: Cross-desktop libraries and common resources [>] == x11-misc/grub2-theme-preview ((~)1.4.2 -> (~)1.5.1) [1]: Preview a GRUB 2.x theme using KVM/QEMU [>] == x11-misc/qt5ct ((~)1.0 -> (~)1.1) [1]: Qt5 configuration tool, similar to qtconfig for Qt4 [>] == x11-misc/virtualgl ((~)2.6.4 -> 2.6.4-r1) [1]: Run OpenGL applications remotely with full 3D hardware acceleration [>] == x11-misc/xdg-utils (1.1.3-r2^t -> (~)1.1.3_p20200220-r1^t) [1]: Portland utils for cross-platform/cross-toolkit/cross-desktop interoperability [>] == x11-misc/xkbd (0.8.16-r1 -> (~)0.8.18) [1]: onscreen soft keyboard for X11 [>] == x11-misc/xlockmore ((~)5.65_alpha0 -> (~)5.65) [1]: Just another screensaver application for X [>] == x11-misc/zim (0.73.1^t -> (~)0.73.2^t) [1]: A desktop wiki [>] == x11-terms/alacritty ((~)0.4.3 -> (~)0.5.0_rc1) [1]: GPU-accelerated terminal emulator [>] == x11-themes/gnome-backgrounds (3.34.0 -> (~)3.36.0) [1]: A set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop [>] == x11-themes/numix-icon-theme-circle ((~)19.12.27 -> (~)20.06.07) [1]: An icon theme for Linux from the Numix project [>] == x11-themes/papirus-icon-theme ((~)20200602 -> (~)20200702) [1]: icon theme for Linux [>] == x11-wm/i3 ((~)4.18.1^t -> (~)4.18.2^t) [1]: An improved dynamic tiling window manager [>] == x11-wm/icewm ((~)1.6.6^t -> (~)1.7.0^t) [1]: Ice Window Manager with Themes [>] == x11-wm/metacity ((~)3.34.1 -> (~)3.36.1) [1]: GNOME Flashback window manager [>] == x11-wm/mutter ((~)3.34.6-r2(0/5)^t -> (~)3.36.4-r1(0/6)^t) [1]: GNOME 3 compositing window manager based on Clutter [>] == xfce-base/libxfce4ui ((~)4.15.3 -> (~)4.15.3-r1) [1]: Unified widget and session management libs for Xfce [>] == xfce-base/libxfce4util ((~)4.15.1(0/7) -> (~)4.15.2(0/7)) [1]: A basic utility library for the Xfce desktop environment [>] == xfce-base/xfconf ((~)4.14.3(0/3) -> (~)4.15.0(0/3)) [1]: A configuration management system for Xfce [>] == xfce-base/xfwm4 ((~)4.14.2 -> (~)4.14.3) [1]: Window manager for the Xfce desktop environment [>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-timer-plugin (1.7.0 -> (~)1.7.1) [1]: A simple timer plug-in for the Xfce desktop environment [>] == xfce-extra/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (2.4.4 -> (~)2.4.6) [1]: Alternate application launcher for Xfce << app-arch/deltarpm ({M}(~)3.6) [1]: tools to create and apply deltarpms << app-backup/holland ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland Core Plugins << app-backup/holland-backup-example ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland Example Plugin << app-backup/holland-backup-pgdump ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland pgdump Plugin << app-backup/holland-backup-random ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland Random Plugin << app-backup/holland-backup-sqlite ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland sqlite Plugin << app-backup/holland-lib-common ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland Core Library << app-backup/holland-lib-lvm ({M}(~)1.0.10) [1]: Holland LVM Library << app-cdr/burn-cd ({M}1.8.1) [1]: Smart console frontend for the cdrkit/cdrtools & dvd+rw-tools << app-crypt/virtualsmartcard ({M}(~)0.7) [1]: Smart card emulator, can be used with Remote Smart Card Reader << app-dicts/duali-data ({M}0.1b-r1) [1]: Dictionary data for the Arab dictionary project duali << app-dicts/opendict ({M}0.6.7-r1) [1]: OpenDict is a free cross-platform dictionary program << app-dicts/sword-abbott ((~)1.1) [1]: Illustrated New Testament << app-dicts/sword-acv ((~)2.0) [1]: A Conservative Version << app-dicts/sword-afr1953 ((~)1.2) [1]: Afrikaans Bybel << app-dicts/sword-akjv ((~)1.4) [1]: American King James Version << app-dicts/sword-alb ((~)1.2) [1]: Albanian Bible << app-dicts/sword-aleppo ((~)1.1) [1]: Aleppo Codex << app-dicts/sword-amtract ((~)1.1) [1]: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary << app-dicts/sword-arasvd ((~)1.1) [1]: Smith and van Dyck’s al-Kitab al-Muqaddas (Arabic Bible) << app-dicts/sword-armeastern ((~)1.1) [1]: Eastern Armenian Bible << app-dicts/sword-armwestern ((~)1.1) [1]: 1853 Western Armenian NT << app-dicts/sword-asv ((~)1.3) [1]: American Standard Version (1901) << app-dicts/sword-barnes ((~)1.1) [1]: Barnes’ New Testament Notes << app-dicts/sword-bashautin ((~)1.5) [1]: 1571 Navarro-Labourdin Basque NT << app-dicts/sword-bbe ((~)1.3) [1]: Bible in Basic English (1949/1964) << app-dicts/sword-bulveren ((~)1.0) [1]: Veren’s Contemporary Bible << app-dicts/sword-burjudson ((~)1.1) [1]: 1835 Judson Burmese Bible << app-dicts/sword-byz ((~)1.10) [1]: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000) << app-dicts/sword-cbc ((~)1.1) [1]: Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia << app-dicts/sword-chamorro ((~)2.7) [1]: Chamorro: Y Santa Biblia << app-dicts/sword-clarke ((~)1.0) [1]: Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible << app-dicts/sword-common ((~)1.3) [1]: The Common Edition: New Testament << app-dicts/sword-cro ((~)1.0) [1]: Croatian Bible << app-dicts/sword-czebkr ((~)1.1) [1]: Czech Bible Kralicka << app-dicts/sword-daily ((~)1.0) [1]: Jonathan Bagster’s Daily Light on the Daily Path << app-dicts/sword-dan ((~)2.1) [1]: Danske Bibel << app-dicts/sword-darby ((~)1.1) [1]: Darby Bible (1889) << app-dicts/sword-diaglott ((~)1.1) [1]: The Emphatic Diaglott << app-dicts/sword-drc ((~)1.1) [1]: Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision << app-dicts/sword-dtn ((~)1.0) [1]: Darby Translation Notes << app-dicts/sword-dutkant ((~)1.1) [1]: Kanttekeningen Statenvertaling << app-dicts/sword-dutsvv ((~)1.5) [1]: Dutch Statenvertaling << app-dicts/sword-easton ((~)1.2) [1]: Easton’s Bible Dictionary << app-dicts/sword-esperanto ((~)1.6) [1]: Esperanto Bible << app-dicts/sword-farsiopv ((~)1.0) [1]: Persian Holy Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem) << app-dicts/sword-finbiblia ((~)1.1) [1]: Finnish Biblia (1776) << app-dicts/sword-finney ((~)1.1) [1]: Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney (1792-1875) << app-dicts/sword-finpr ((~)1.2) [1]: Finnish Pyh, Raamattu (1933/1938) << app-dicts/sword-frebbb ((~)1.1) [1]: French Bible Bovet Bonnet (1900) << app-dicts/sword-frecrampon ((~)1.1) [1]: La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923 << app-dicts/sword-frelsg ((~)1.3) [1]: French Louis Segond (1910) << app-dicts/sword-fremartin ((~)1.2) [1]: French Bible Martin (1744) << app-dicts/sword-fresegond ((~)1.6) [1]: French Traduction de Louis Segond (1910) << app-dicts/sword-geneva ((~)1.1) [1]: Geneva Bible Translation Notes << app-dicts/sword-geneva1599 ((~)1.1) [1]: Geneva Bible (1599) << app-dicts/sword-gerelb1871 ((~)1.1) [1]: German Elberfelder (1871) << app-dicts/sword-gerelb1905 ((~)1.5) [1]: German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder (1905) << app-dicts/sword-gerlut1545 ((~)1.2) [1]: German Unrevidierte Luther Ubersetzung von 1545 << app-dicts/sword-gersch ((~)1.1) [1]: German Schlachter Bibel (1951) << app-dicts/sword-greekhebrew ((~)1.1) [1]: Greek to Hebrew Dictionary of Septuagint Words << app-dicts/sword-hebrewgreek ((~)1.1) [1]: Hebrew to Greek Dictionary of Septuagint Words << app-dicts/sword-heretics ((~)1.1) [1]: Heretics by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936) << app-dicts/sword-hitchcock ((~)1.3) [1]: Hitchcock’s Bible Names << app-dicts/sword-hnv ((~)1.8) [1]: Hebrew Names Version of the World English Bible << app-dicts/sword-hunkar ((~)1.7) [1]: Hungarian Karoli << app-dicts/sword-institutes ((~)1.2) [1]: Calvin’s Institutes << app-dicts/sword-isbe ((~)1.6) [1]: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia << app-dicts/sword-isv ((~)1.5) [1]: International Standard Version << app-dicts/sword-itadio ((~)1.0) [1]: Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649 << app-dicts/sword-itarive ((~)1.0) [1]: Italian Riveduta Bibbia (1927) << app-dicts/sword-jfb ((~)2.2) [1]: Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary << app-dicts/sword-josephus ((~)1.1) [1]: Josephus: The Complete Works << app-dicts/sword-jps ((~)1.2) [1]: Jewish Publication Society Old Testament << app-dicts/sword-jst ((~)1.1) [1]: Joseph Smith Translation << app-dicts/sword-jubilee2000 ((~)1.1) [1]: English Jubilee 2000 Bible << app-dicts/sword-kjv ((~)2.3) [1]: King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology << app-dicts/sword-kjvd ((~)1.1) [1]: King James Dictionary << app-dicts/sword-klv ((~)2.2) [1]: Klingon Language Version of the World English Bible << app-dicts/sword-klven_iklingon ((~)2.1) [1]: Klingon Language Version English to Klingon mapping lexicon << app-dicts/sword-klviklingon_en ((~)2.1) [1]: Klingon Language Version Klingon to English mapping lexicon << app-dicts/sword-lightfoot ((~)1.0) [1]: John Lightfoot Commentary << app-dicts/sword-litv ((~)1.3) [1]: Green’s Literal Translation << app-dicts/sword-luther ((~)1.1) [1]: Luther’s Commentary on Galatians << app-dicts/sword-mak ((~)1.0) [1]: Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar << app-dicts/sword-manxgaelic ((~)1.1) [1]: Manx Gaelic Scripture Portions << app-dicts/sword-mhc ((~)1.6) [1]: Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible << app-dicts/sword-mhcc ((~)1.1) [1]: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible << app-dicts/sword-mkjv ((~)1.3) [1]: Green’s Modern King James Version << app-dicts/sword-montgomery ((~)1.3) [1]: Montgomery New Testament << app-dicts/sword-murdock ((~)1.2) [1]: James Murdock’s Translation of the Syriac Peshitta << app-dicts/sword-nave ((~)1.1) [1]: Nave’s Topical Bible << app-dicts/sword-norsk ((~)1.5) [1]: Den Norske Bibelen << app-dicts/sword-orthodoxy ((~)1.0) [1]: Orthodoxy by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936) << app-dicts/sword-packard ((~)1.2) [1]: Packard’s Morphological Analysis Codes << app-dicts/sword-personal ((~)1.0) [1]: Personal Commentary << app-dicts/sword-peshitta ((~)1.1) [1]: Syriac Peshitta << app-dicts/sword-pilgrim ((~)1.0) [1]: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan (1628-1688) << app-dicts/sword-pnt ((~)1.1) [1]: The People’s New Testament << app-dicts/sword-practice ((~)1.0) [1]: The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of Holy Life << app-dicts/sword-rkjnt ((~)1.0) [1]: Revised King James New Testament << app-dicts/sword-rnkjv ((~)1.5) [1]: Restored Name King James Version << app-dicts/sword-robinson ((~)2.0) [1]: Robinson’s Morphological Analysis Codes << app-dicts/sword-rotherham ((~)1.6) [1]: The Emphasized Bible by J. B. Rotherham << app-dicts/sword-rst ((~)1.6) [1]: Russian Synodal Translation << app-dicts/sword-rusmakarij ((~)1.1) [1]: The Pentateuch of Moses in Russian << app-dicts/sword-rwebster ((~)1.3) [1]: Revised Webster Version (1833) << app-dicts/sword-rwp ((~)1.9) [1]: Robertson’s Word Pictures << app-dicts/sword-saoa ((~)1.0) [1]: Scripture Alphabet Of Animals << app-dicts/sword-scofield ((~)1.0) [1]: Scofield Reference Notes, 1917 Edition << app-dicts/sword-scotsgaelic ((~)1.2) [1]: Scots Gaelic Gospel of Mark << app-dicts/sword-sme ((~)1.7) [1]: C. H. Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening: Daily Readins << app-dicts/sword-smith ((~)1.3) [1]: Smith’s Bible Dictionary << app-dicts/sword-sparv ((~)1.5) [1]: Spanish Reina-Valera << app-dicts/sword-sparvg2004 ((~)1.0) [1]: Spanish Reina Valera Gomez 2004 << app-dicts/sword-spasev ((~)1.1) [1]: Spanish Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua (1569) << app-dicts/sword-spavnt ((~)1.2) [1]: Spanish Valera New Testament (1858) << app-dicts/sword-spurious ((~)1.0) [1]: Tischendorf’s Spurious Passages of the GNT << app-dicts/sword-strongsgreek ((~)1.2) [1]: Strong’s Greek Bible Dictionary << app-dicts/sword-strongshebrew ((~)1.2) [1]: Strong’s Hebrew Bible Dictionary << app-dicts/sword-swahili ((~)1.1) [1]: Swahili New Testament << app-dicts/sword-tagalog ((~)1.1) [1]: Tagalog (John & James) << app-dicts/sword-tcr ((~)1.1) [1]: Thompson Chain Topics << app-dicts/sword-tdavid ((~)1.1) [1]: C. H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David << app-dicts/sword-tfg ((~)1.5) [1]: The Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of Apostles << app-dicts/sword-tisch ((~)1.3) [1]: Tischendorf’s Eighth Edition GNT << app-dicts/sword-torrey ((~)1.3) [1]: R. A. Torrey’s New Topical Textbook << app-dicts/sword-tr ((~)1.2) [1]: Textus Receptus (1550/1894) << app-dicts/sword-tsk ((~)1.4) [1]: Treasury of Scripture Knowledge << app-dicts/sword-twenty ((~)1.1) [1]: Twentieth Century New Testament << app-dicts/sword-tyndale ((~)1.0) [1]: William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530) << app-dicts/sword-ukjv ((~)1.1) [1]: Updated King James Version << app-dicts/sword-ukrainian ((~)1.3) [1]: Ukrainian Bible << app-dicts/sword-uma ((~)1.2) [1]: Uma New Testament << app-dicts/sword-vulgate ((~)1.1) [1]: Latin Vulgate << app-dicts/sword-vulgate_hebps ((~)1.1) [1]: Latin Vulgate Psalms from Hebrew << app-dicts/sword-web ((~)1.8) [1]: World English Bible << app-dicts/sword-webster ((~)1.2) [1]: Webster Bible << app-dicts/sword-webstersdict ((~)1.1) [1]: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language 1913 << app-dicts/sword-wesley ((~)1.1) [1]: John Wesley’s Notes on the Bible << app-dicts/sword-weymouth ((~)1.1) [1]: Weymouth NT (1912) << app-dicts/sword-whnu ((~)1.10) [1]: Westcott-Hort with NA27/UBS4 variants (1881) << app-dicts/sword-wlc ((~)1.4) [1]: Westminster Leningrad Codex << app-dicts/sword-wulfila ((~)1.0) [1]: Bishop Wulfila Gothic Bible << app-dicts/sword-wycliffe ((~)1.0) [1]: John Wycliffe Bible (1395) << app-dicts/sword-ylt ((~)1.1) [1]: Young’s Literal Translation (1898) << app-editors/editra ({M}0.7.20-r2) [1]: Multi-platform text editor supporting over 50 programming languages << app-editors/leo ({M}5.6) [1]: Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines << app-emulation/playonlinux (M4.2.12 M4.3.4-r1) [1]: Set of scripts to easily install and use Windows games and software << app-misc/scope ({M}0.04-r1) [1]: Serial Line Analyser << app-misc/webcomics-collector ({M}0.7.3-r1) [1]: python script for downloading webcomics << app-mobilephone/kannel ({M}(~)1.5.0-r4) [1]: Powerful SMS and WAP gateway << app-mobilephone/kannel-sqlbox ({M}(~)1.5.0-r1) [1]: DB-Based Kannel Box for message queueing << app-office/taskcoach ({M}1.4.6) [1]: Simple personal tasks and todo lists manager << app-text/bibus ({M}1.5.2-r3) [1]: Bibliographic and reference management software, integrates with LO and MS Word << app-text/duali ({M}0.2.0-r1) [1]: Arabic dictionary based on the DICT protocol << app-text/mftrace ({M}(~)1.2.19-r1(1)) [1]: Traces TeX fonts to PFA or PFB fonts (formerly pktrace) << app-text/queequeg ({M}(~)0.91-r2) [1]: A checker for English grammar, for people who are not native English << app-text/referencer ({M}(~)1.2.2-r1) [1]: Application to organise documents or references, and to generate BibTeX files << app-text/xindy ({M}2.4-r1) [1]: A Flexible Indexing System << dev-db/SchemaSync ({M}(~)0.9.5) [1]: MySQL Schema Versioning and Migration Utility << dev-db/telegraf (1.0.0) [1]: A plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB << dev-embedded/gnome-avrdude ({M}(~)0.1) [1]: GNOME GUI for avrdude << dev-go/simple (0.1_pre20161119) [1]: Gosimple is a linter for Go source code that specialises on simplifying code << dev-libs/389-adminutil ({M}(~)1.1.15) [1]: 389 adminutil << dev-libs/libmacaroons ({M}(~)0.3.0) [1]: Hyperdex macaroons support library << dev-libs/svrcore ({M}(~)4.1.2) [1]: Mozilla LDAP C SDK << dev-libs/tut ({M}(~)2016.12.19) [1]: C++ Template Unit Test Framework << dev-python/Numdifftools ({M}(~)0.9.17-r1) [3]: Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems in one or more variables << dev-python/dnslib ({M}(~)0.9.6) [3]: Simple library to encode/decode DNS wire-format packets << dev-python/elib-intl ({M}0_pre20110711) [3]: Enhanced internationalization (I18N) services for your Python modules and applications << dev-python/eunuchs ({M}20050320.1-r1) [3]: Missing manly parts of UNIX API for Python << dev-python/hglib ({M}(~)2.1) [3]: Library for using the Mercurial Command Server from Python << dev-python/medusa ({M}0.5.4-r1) [3]: A framework for writing asynchronous long-running, high-performance network servers in Python << dev-python/pyicu ((~)2.5) [3]: Python bindings for dev-libs/icu << dev-python/pyscaffold ({M}(~)2.4.4) [3]: Tool for easily putting up the scaffold of a Python project << dev-python/python-iwscan ({M}20080402-r1) [3]: A Python extension for iwscan access << dev-python/squaremap ({M}(~)1.0.4) [3]: Hierarchic data-visualisation control for wxPython << dev-ruby/rack-mount ({M}(~)0.8.3-r2(0.8)) [1]: A stackable dynamic tree based Rack router << dev-tex/cdcover ({M}1.3b) [1]: LaTeX package used to create CD case covers << dev-tex/circuit_macros ({M}(~)8.4.1) [1]: M4 Macros for Electric circuit diagrams in TeX or LaTeX << dev-tex/currvita ({M}0.9i-r1) [1]: A LaTeX package for typesetting a curriculum vitae << dev-tex/curve ({M}1.16-r1) [1]: LaTeX style for a CV (curriculum vitae) with flavour option << dev-tex/dot2texi ({M}3.0) [1]: Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool << dev-tex/ellipsis ({M}(~)1.6) [1]: Simple package that fixes the way LaTeX centers ellipses << dev-tex/envlab ({M}1.2-r1) [1]: A LaTeX module to format envelopes << dev-tex/europecv ({M}20060424-r2) [1]: LaTeX class for the standard model for curricula vitae as recommended by the EC << dev-tex/feynmf ({M}1.08-r6) [1]: Combined LaTeX/Metafont package for drawing of Feynman diagrams << dev-tex/flabels ({M}(~)1.0) [1]: Macros for typesetting lables for the back of files or binders << dev-tex/floatflt ({M}(~)1.31a-r1) [1]: LaTeX package used to warp text around figures << dev-tex/g-brief ({M}4.0.2-r1) [1]: LaTeX styles for formless letters in German or English << dev-tex/harvard ({M}2.0.5) [1]: The harvard family of bibliographic styles << dev-tex/lazylist ({M}1.0a-r1) [1]: Lists in TeX’s mouth – lambda-calculus and list-handling macros << dev-tex/leaflet ({M}20041222) [1]: LaTeX package used to create leaflet-type brochures << dev-tex/newlfm ({M}(~)8.3-r1) [1]: Extensive LaTeX class for writing letters << dev-tex/polytable ({M}0.8.2-r1) [1]: tabular-like environments with named columns << dev-tex/rcsinfo ({M}(~)1.11) [1]: A LaTeX module to acces RCS/CVS version info << dev-tex/svninfo ({M}0.7.4) [1]: A LaTeX module to access SVN version info << dev-tex/texpower ({M}0.2) [1]: A bundle of style and class files for creating dynamic online presentations << dev-tex/tipa ({M}1.3) [1]: International Phonetic Alphabet package for LaTeX << dev-tex/translator ({M}1.00) [1]: A package for translating words in TeX << dev-util/cdiff ({M}(~)1.1) [1]: Colored, side-by-side diff terminal viewer << dev-util/confix ({M}(~)2.3.5-r3(2)) [1]: Confix: A Build Tool on Top of GNU Automake << dev-util/qmtest ({M}2.4.1-r1) [1]: CodeSourcery’s test harness system << dev-util/unrpyc ({M}(~)1.1.3) [1]: Ren’Py’s rpyc scripts decompiler << dev-util/wxglade ({M}0.8.2-r1) [1]: Glade-like GUI designer which can generate Python, Perl, C++ or XRC code << media-gfx/fontypython ({M}0.4.4-r3) [1]: Font preview application << media-gfx/fr0st ({M}(~)1.4-r2) [1]: A fractal flame editor << media-libs/pymemphis ({M}(~)0.2.1-r3) [1]: Python bindings for the libmemphis library << media-sound/lilycomp ({M}(~)1.0.2-r2) [1]: graphical note entry program for use with LilyPond << media-sound/rgain ({M}(~)1.2.1-r1) [1]: Set of programmes and Python modules to deal with Replay Gain information << media-video/tovid ({M}0.35.2-r2) [1]: A collection of DVD authoring tools << net-mail/archivemail ({M}0.9.0-r1) [1]: Tool written archiving old email in mailboxes << net-mail/getmail ({M}5.14) [1]: A mail retriever with reliable Maildir and mbox delivery << net-misc/pytvshows ({M}0.2-r4) [1]: downloads torrents for TV shows from RSS feeds provided by ezrss.it << net-nds/389-ds-base ({M}(~) [1]: 389 Directory Server (core librares and daemons ) << net-news/rawdog ({M}2.22-r1) [1]: Rawdog, RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur << net-wireless/airpwn ({M}1.4-r2) [1]: Tool for generic packet injection on 802.11 << sci-chemistry/apbs ({M}1.4.1-r2) [1]: Evaluation of electrostatic properties of nanoscale biomolecular systems << sci-chemistry/bkchem ({M}(~)0.14.0_pre2-r2) [1]: Chemical drawing program << sci-chemistry/eden ({M}5.3-r2) [1]: A crystallographic real-space electron-density refinement & optimization program << sci-chemistry/p3d ({M}(~)0.4.3-r1) [1]: Python module for structural bioinformatics << sci-chemistry/pdb-tools ({M}(~)0.2.1-r2) [1]: Tools for manipulating and calculations on wwPDB macromolecule structure files << sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr ({M}1.9.0-r3) [1]: Automated pipeline for performing Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics calculations << sci-chemistry/prodecomp ({M}(~)3.0-r3) [1]: Decomposition-based analysis of NMR projections << sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-bni-tools ({M}(~)0.27) [1]: Gives Pymol additional functionalities and presets to the PyMOL GUI << sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-caver ({M}(~)2.1.2) [1]: Calculation of pathways of proteins from buried cavities to outside solvent << sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-dssp ({M}(~)110430-r1) [1]: DSSP Plugin for PyMOL << sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-emovie ({M}(~)1.0.4) [1]: PyMOL plugin for convinient movie creation << sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-promol ({M}(~)3.0.2-r1) [1]: Fast and accurate regognition of active sites << sci-chemistry/relax ({M}(~)4.0.0-r4) [1]: Molecular dynamics by NMR data analysis << sci-chemistry/sparky ({M}(~)3.115-r2) [1]: Graphical NMR assignment and integration program for large polymers << sci-chemistry/viewmol ({M}(~)2.4.1-r3) [1]: Open-source graphical front end for computational chemistry programs << sci-libs/chemkit ({M}(~)0.1-r2) [1]: Library for chemistry applications << sys-apps/pacman ({M}(~)5.0.2-r2(0/10)) [1]: Archlinux’s binary package manager << sys-kernel/spl (0.7.13): The Solaris Porting Layer provides many of the Solaris kernel APIs << virtual/libstdc++ ({M}(~)3.3(3.3)): Virtual for the GNU Standard C++ Library for N] >> acct-group/chronograf (0) [1]: System group: chronograf
[N] >> acct-group/cloud-print-connector (0) [1]: group for Cloud Print Connector [N] >> acct-group/docker_auth (0) [1]: System group: docker_auth
[N] >> acct-group/influxdb (0) [1]: System group: influxdb [N] >> acct-group/kapacitor (0) [1]: System group: kapacitor
[N] >> acct-group/nginx-vts-exporter (0) [1]: System group: nginx-vts-exporter [N] >> acct-group/openvpn_exporter (0) [1]: System group: openvpn_exporter
[N] >> acct-group/postfix_exporter (0) [1]: System group: postfix_exporter [N] >> acct-group/privoxy (0) [1]: A privoxy: privacy oriented web proxy group
[N] >> acct-group/ubridge (0) [1]: Group for net-misc/ubridge [N] >> acct-user/chronograf (0) [1]: User for chronograf
[N] >> acct-user/cloud-print-connector (0) [1]: group for Cloud Print Connector [N] >> acct-user/docker_auth (0) [1]: User for docker_auth
[N] >> acct-user/gpsd (0) [1]: user for gpsd [N] >> acct-user/influxdb (0) [1]: User for influxdb
[N] >> acct-user/kapacitor (0) [1]: User for kapacitor [N] >> acct-user/nginx-vts-exporter (0) [1]: user for nginx-vts-exporter
[N] >> acct-user/openvpn_exporter (0) [1]: user for openvpn_exporter [N] >> acct-user/postfix_exporter (0) [1]: user for postfix_exporter
[N] >> acct-user/privoxy (0) [1]: A privoxy: privacy oriented web proxy user [N] >> app-dicts/sword-ACV ((~)2.0) [1]: A Conservative Version
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-AKJV ((~)1.4) [1]: American King James Version [N] >> app-dicts/sword-ASV ((~)1.3) [1]: American Standard Version (1901)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Abbott ((~)1.1) [1]: Illustrated New Testament [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Afr1953 ((~)1.2) [1]: Afrikaans Bybel
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Alb ((~)1.2) [1]: Albanian Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Aleppo ((~)1.1) [1]: Aleppo Codex
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-AmTract ((~)1.1) [1]: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [N] >> app-dicts/sword-AraSVD ((~)1.1) [1]: Smith and van Dyck’s al-Kitab al-Muqaddas (Arabic Bible)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-ArmEastern ((~)1.1) [1]: Eastern Armenian Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-ArmWestern ((~)1.1) [1]: 1853 Western Armenian NT
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-BBE ((~)1.3) [1]: Bible in Basic English (1949/1964) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Barnes ((~)1.1) [1]: Barnes’ New Testament Notes
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-BasHautin ((~)1.5) [1]: 1571 Navarro-Labourdin Basque NT [N] >> app-dicts/sword-BulVeren ((~)1.0) [1]: Veren’s Contemporary Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-BurJudson ((~)1.1) [1]: 1835 Judson Burmese Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Byz ((~)1.10) [1]: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-CBC ((~)1.1) [1]: Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Chamorro ((~)2.7) [1]: Chamorro: Y Santa Biblia
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Clarke ((~)1.0) [1]: Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Common ((~)1.3) [1]: The Common Edition: New Testament
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-CroSaric ((~)2.0) [1]: Croatian Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-CzeBKR ((~)1.1) [1]: Czech Bible Kralicka
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-DRC ((~)1.1) [1]: Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision [N] >> app-dicts/sword-DTN ((~)1.0) [1]: Darby Translation Notes
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-DaOT1931NT1907 ((~)1.01) [1]: Danish OT1931 + NT1907 with original orthography [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Daily ((~)1.0) [1]: Jonathan Bagster’s Daily Light on the Daily Path
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Dan (M2.1) [1]: Danske Bibel
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Darby ((~)1.1) [1]: Darby Bible (1889) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Diaglott ((~)1.1) [1]: The Emphatic Diaglott
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-DutKant ((~)1.1) [1]: Kanttekeningen Statenvertaling [N] >> app-dicts/sword-DutSVV ((~)1.5) [1]: Dutch Statenvertaling
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Easton ((~)1.2) [1]: Easton’s Bible Dictionary [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Esperanto ((~)1.6) [1]: Esperanto Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-FarOPV ((~)1.5.1) [1]: Persian Holy Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-FinBiblia ((~)1.1) [1]: Finnish Biblia (1776)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-FinPR ((~)1.2) [1]: Finnish Pyh, Raamattu (1933/1938) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Finney ((~)1.1) [1]: Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney (1792-1875)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-FreBBB ((~)1.1) [1]: French Bible Bovet Bonnet (1900) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-FreBDM1744 ((~)1.2.1) [1]: French Bible Martin (1744)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-FreCrampon ((~)1.1) [1]: La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923 [N] >> app-dicts/sword-FreLSG (M1.3) [1]: French Louis Segond (1910) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-FreSegond1910 ((~)3.1) [1]: French Bible Louis Segond (1910)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Geneva ((~)1.1) [1]: Geneva Bible Translation Notes [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Geneva1599 ((~)1.1) [1]: Geneva Bible (1599)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-GerElb1871 ((~)1.1) [1]: German Elberfelder (1871) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-GerElb1905 ((~)1.5) [1]: German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder (1905)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-GerLut1545 ((~)1.2) [1]: German Unrevidierte Luther Ubersetzung von 1545 [N] >> app-dicts/sword-GerSch ((~)1.1) [1]: German Schlachter Bibel (1951)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-GreekHebrew ((~)1.1) [1]: Greek to Hebrew Dictionary of Septuagint Words [N] >> app-dicts/sword-HNV (M1.8) [1]: Hebrew Names Version of the World English Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-HebrewGreek ((~)1.1) [1]: Hebrew to Greek Dictionary of Septuagint Words
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Heretics ((~)1.1) [1]: Heretics by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Hitchcock ((~)1.3) [1]: Hitchcock’s Bible Names
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-HunKar ((~)1.7) [1]: Hungarian Karoli [N] >> app-dicts/sword-ISBE ((~)1.6) [1]: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-ISV ((~)1.5) [1]: International Standard Version [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Institutes ((~)1.2) [1]: Calvin’s Institutes
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-ItaDio ((~)1.0) [1]: Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649 [N] >> app-dicts/sword-ItaRive ((~)1.0) [1]: Italian Riveduta Bibbia (1927)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-JFB ((~)2.2) [1]: Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary [N] >> app-dicts/sword-JPS ((~)1.2) [1]: Jewish Publication Society Old Testament
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-JST ((~)1.1) [1]: Joseph Smith Translation [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Josephus ((~)1.1) [1]: Josephus: The Complete Works
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Jubilee2000 ((~)1.1) [1]: English Jubilee 2000 Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-KJV ((~)2.9) [1]: King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-KJVA ((~)3.0.1) [1]: King James Version (1769) incl. Apocrypha, with Strongs Numbers and Morphology [N] >> app-dicts/sword-KJVD (M1.1) [1]: King James Dictionary [N] >> app-dicts/sword-KLV ((~)2.2) [1]: Klingon Language Version of the World English Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-KLVen_iklingon ((~)2.1) [1]: Klingon Language Version English to Klingon mapping lexicon [N] >> app-dicts/sword-KLViklingon_en ((~)2.1) [1]: Klingon Language Version Klingon to English mapping lexicon
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-LITV ((~)1.3) [1]: Green’s Literal Translation [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Lightfoot ((~)1.0) [1]: John Lightfoot Commentary
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Luther ((~)1.1) [1]: Luther’s Commentary on Galatians [N] >> app-dicts/sword-MAK ((~)1.0) [1]: Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-MHC ((~)1.6) [1]: Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-MHCC ((~)1.1) [1]: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-MKJV ((~)1.3) [1]: Green’s Modern King James Version [N] >> app-dicts/sword-ManxGaelic ((~)1.1) [1]: Manx Gaelic Scripture Portions
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Montgomery ((~)1.3) [1]: Montgomery New Testament [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Murdock ((~)1.2) [1]: James Murdock’s Translation of the Syriac Peshitta
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Nave ((~)1.1) [1]: Nave’s Topical Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Norsk ((~)1.5) [1]: Den Norske Bibelen
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Orthodoxy ((~)1.0) [1]: Orthodoxy by Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-PNT ((~)1.1) [1]: The People’s New Testament
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Packard ((~)1.2) [1]: Packard’s Morphological Analysis Codes [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Personal ((~)1.0) [1]: Personal Commentary
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Peshitta ((~)1.1) [1]: Syriac Peshitta [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Pilgrim ((~)1.0) [1]: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan (1628-1688)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Practice ((~)1.0) [1]: The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of Holy Life [N] >> app-dicts/sword-RKJNT ((~)1.0) [1]: Revised King James New Testament
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-RNKJV ((~)1.5) [1]: Restored Name King James Version [N] >> app-dicts/sword-RST (M1.6) [1]: Russian Synodal Translation [N] >> app-dicts/sword-RWP ((~)1.9) [1]: Robertson’s Word Pictures
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-RWebster ((~)1.3) [1]: Revised Webster Version (1833) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Robinson ((~)2.0) [1]: Robinson’s Morphological Analysis Codes
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Rotherham ((~)1.6) [1]: The Emphasized Bible by J. B. Rotherham [N] >> app-dicts/sword-RusMakarij ((~)1.1) [1]: The Pentateuch of Moses in Russian
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-RusSynodal ((~)1.8.1) [1]: 1876 Russian Synodal Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-SAOA ((~)1.0) [1]: Scripture Alphabet Of Animals
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-SME ((~)1.7) [1]: C. H. Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening: Daily Readins [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Scofield ((~)1.0) [1]: Scofield Reference Notes, 1917 Edition
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-ScotsGaelic ((~)1.2) [1]: Scots Gaelic Gospel of Mark [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Smith ((~)1.3) [1]: Smith’s Bible Dictionary
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-SpaRV ((~)1.5) [1]: Spanish Reina-Valera [N] >> app-dicts/sword-SpaRVG ((~)1.3) [1]: Spanish Reina Valera Gomez Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-SpaSEV (M1.1) [1]: Spanish Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua (1569)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-SpaVNT ((~)1.2) [1]: Spanish Valera New Testament (1858) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Spurious ((~)1.0) [1]: Tischendorf’s Spurious Passages of the GNT
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-StrongsGreek ((~)1.2) [1]: Strong’s Greek Bible Dictionary [N] >> app-dicts/sword-StrongsHebrew ((~)1.2) [1]: Strong’s Hebrew Bible Dictionary
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Swahili ((~)1.1) [1]: Swahili New Testament [N] >> app-dicts/sword-TCR ((~)1.1) [1]: Thompson Chain Topics
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-TDavid ((~)1.1) [1]: C. H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David [N] >> app-dicts/sword-TFG ((~)1.5) [1]: The Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of Apostles
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-TR ((~)1.2) [1]: Textus Receptus (1550/1894) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-TSK ((~)1.4) [1]: Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Tisch ((~)1.3) [1]: Tischendorf’s Eighth Edition GNT [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Torrey ((~)1.3) [1]: R. A. Torrey’s New Topical Textbook
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Twenty ((~)1.1) [1]: Twentieth Century New Testament [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Tyndale ((~)1.0) [1]: William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-UKJV ((~)1.1) [1]: Updated King James Version [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Ukrainian ((~)1.3) [1]: Ukrainian Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Uma ((~)1.2) [1]: Uma New Testament [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Vulgate ((~)1.1) [1]: Latin Vulgate
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Vulgate_HebPs ((~)1.1) [1]: Latin Vulgate Psalms from Hebrew [N] >> app-dicts/sword-WEB (M1.8) [1]: World English Bible [N] >> app-dicts/sword-WHNU ((~)1.10) [1]: Westcott-Hort with NA27/UBS4 variants (1881)
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-WLC ((~)1.4) [1]: Westminster Leningrad Codex [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Webster ((~)1.2) [1]: Webster Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Webster1913 ((~)2.0) [1]: Webster’s English Dictionary, 1913 edition [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Wesley ((~)1.1) [1]: John Wesley’s Notes on the Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Weymouth ((~)1.1) [1]: Weymouth NT (1912) [N] >> app-dicts/sword-Wulfila ((~)1.0) [1]: Bishop Wulfila Gothic Bible
[N] >> app-dicts/sword-Wycliffe ((~)1.0) [1]: John Wycliffe Bible (1395) [N] >> app-editors/pyvim ((~)3.0.2) [1]: An implementation of Vim in Python
[N] >> app-misc/OpenRGB ((~)0.3-r1) [1]: Open source RGB lighting control that doesn’t depend on manufacturer software [N] >> app-misc/freewvs ((~)0.1.1) [1]: Scans filesystem for known vulnerable web applications
[N] >> dev-cpp/libodb ((~)2.5.0_beta19) [1]: Common ODB runtime library [N] >> dev-cpp/libodb-sqlite ((~)2.5.0_beta19) [1]: Common ODB runtime library
[N] >> dev-db/phppgadmin ((~)7.12.1(7.12.1)) [1]: Web-based administration for Postgres database in php [N] >> dev-lang/cxprolog ((~)0.98.2) [1]: A WAM based Prolog system
[N] >> dev-libs/cgreen ((~)1.3.0) [1]: Unit test and mocking framework for C and C++ [N] >> dev-libs/clipper ((~)6.4.2) [1]: Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library (C++, C#, Delphi)
[N] >> dev-python/PyICU (2.5) [3]: Python bindings for dev-libs/icu [N] >> dev-python/findimports ((~)1.5.2) [3]: Python module import analysis tool
[N] >> dev-python/jaraco-context ((~)3.0.0) [3]: Context managers by jaraco [N] >> dev-python/pony ((~)0.7.13) [3]: Python ORM with beautiful query syntax
[N] >> dev-python/pylatex ((~)1.3.3) [3]: A Python library for creating LaTeX files and snippets [N] >> dev-python/pyre2 ((~)1.0.7) [3]: Python bindings for dev-libs/re2
[N] >> dev-python/quantities ((~)0.12.4) [3]: Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy [N] >> dev-python/zxcvbn ((~)4.4.28) [3]: A realistic password strength estimator
[N] >> dev-util/build2 ((~)0.13.0) [1]: cross-platform toolchain for building and packaging C++ code [N] >> kde-frameworks/kdav ((~)5.72.0(5)) [1]: DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
[N] >> media-plugins/kodi-imagedecoder-heif ((~)1.3.0) [1]: HEIF image decoder for Kodi [N] >> media-plugins/kodi-imagedecoder-raw ((~)3.0.1) [1]: RAW image decoder for Kodi
[N] >> media-plugins/kodi-screensaver-matrixtrails ((~)2.4.2) [1]: Matrix Trails screensaver for Kodi [N] >> sci-geosciences/GeographicLib ((~)1.50.1(0/19)) [1]: C++ classes for performing conversions between geographic coordinates
[N] >> sys-cluster/nomad ((~)0.12.1) [1]: A simple and flexible workload orchestrator [N] >> sys-process/bashtop ((~)0.9.25) [1]: Resource monitor that shows usage and stats
[N] >> x11-misc/appmenu-gtk-module ((~)0.7.3) [1]: Application menu module for GTK [N] >> x11-misc/xsettingsd ((~)1.0.0) [1]: Provides settings to X11 applications vi